There was even one person, the proud son of the sky in Kongming City, Kongri.

"You can die!" Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's low voice sounded, revealing endless killing intent.

"What! She still wants to kill Kongri!"

In the distance, someone in the direction of Kongming City heard this and snorted coldly, "Demon girl, Hugh is mad, now you have won, Hugh hurt my son's life, otherwise, you must die here!"

Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor's icy gaze swept across the crowd. How dare these people be so arrogant?I really don't know how to live or die!

With a flash of her figure, she landed in front of Kongri, and the dragon claws shot out directly. Such a decisive blow made countless people feel excited!

Is the Holy Spirit City going to declare war on Kongming City like this?

"No...don't..." Kong Ri's roar came, and the next moment, he was directly submerged by the dragon's claws. He was seriously injured, and it was impossible to escape the power of the dragon's claws.

"Demon girl, how dare you!" The strong man in Kongmingcheng stood up directly, and a terrifying aura shook out.

However, this still couldn't stop the claws of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and with a puff, he directly buried Kong Ri in his hands.

"Demon girl, you are so ruthless, you will not be allowed to leave alive today, I will personally do it for the sky!" In the direction of Kongming City, several figures rushed out.

Turned into a streamer, stabbed straight in the direction of Zi Yan.

Chapter 1052 The two emperors hold each other, the emperor is mighty

Several powerful auras of the god emperor stepped out at the same time, forming a supreme killing formation, containing a terrifying killing aura, and endless killing intent surged in, wanting to bury the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Several powerful gods and emperors shot at the same time, and terrifying divine weapons and weapons came to kill, only to see several sharp claws smashed out of the air, set to kill forward.

In the direction of the Holy Spirit City, a cold snort sounded, and a violent gravity rolled down, and the endless sword light burst out of the air, instantly shattering the sharp claws.

The sword light slashed down, smashing the earth, and the endless airflow swept up, and even the space was filled with sharp energy, cutting the void.

"Is there really no one in my Holy Spirit City?" The figure of the ruthless man stood between the heavens and the earth, his eyes were indifferent, and the eternal sword in his hand shot out a fierce sword energy.

With only one sword, break the attack of the gods and emperors!

"This..." Everyone was speechless, such a terrifying sword qi, which contained endless power, and was extremely sharp, capable of breaking through everything.

Holy Spirit City, it is enough to have such monstrous geniuses as the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and there are such terrifying swordsmen in charge.

It seems that they are determined to compete with the other three major cities.

With this sword alone, everyone saw the ruthless man's unparalleled demeanor.

"This demon girl is too heavy to kill and must be eliminated, otherwise it will be a disaster for the world in the future, so don't get out of the way quickly!" The Emperor Kongming City said angrily.

"My third sister is from the Holy Spirit City. When you need someone else to tell you what to do, get out!" The ruthless man said indifferently without retreating.

She shot the eternal sword between the sky and the earth, and wisps of sharp energy shot out, ravaging the space, the entire space was like a sword, which could tear everything apart.

As long as Kong Mingcheng dares to act again, she doesn't mind killing these people directly.

The powerhouses of Longwencheng and Haipocheng watched this scene quietly. They wished that the battle between Kongming City and Holy Spirit City would be broken. Only in this way could they fish in troubled waters.

"The Holy Spirit City, dare to be presumptuous in front of this seat!" In the direction of Kongming City, a stalwart figure stepped out, standing like a god between the heavens and the earth.

This figure contains endless majesty and is extremely terrifying. A wisp of emperor's prestige is released from it, and it is a powerful emperor!

There is a strong emperor in Kongming City, and he personally leads the people under his sect to participate in the battle of the void arena. What kind of courage is this!

"Do you really think that you can suppress everything?" In the direction of the Holy Spirit City, Yu Xin took a step forward, and with a gentle wave of the snow-white bowl, the same mighty emperor's might erupted, wiping out the oppression of the Emperor Kongmingcheng.

The two great emperors confronted each other in the air, and they all released a terrifying aura. Even so, there were still many people below who couldn't bear the pressure and wanted to kneel on the ground, not daring to look up.

The hearts of everyone were beating violently, and this peerless woman in Holy Spirit City was actually a strong emperor.

No wonder Holy Spirit City is not afraid of Kongming City at all. They not only have powerful emperors, but also powerful emperors.

"My son died at the hands of the demon girl, this matter is absolutely impossible to pass!" Emperor Kongmingcheng snorted coldly, the pain of losing his son made him extremely angry.

If it weren't for the fact that this is the Void Arena, I'm afraid he would have personally shot and killed the people of Holy Spirit City.

"In the battle of the arena, life and death have fate. In ancient times, countless people died in it. Your son's life is life, but others' life is not life?" Yu Xin's cold voice sounded, "If anyone arbitrarily beats my third sister today, I will If you want her to die without a place to be buried, even if it is the Great Emperor, the same is true!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of countless people all turned to Yuxin. She threatened that even the Great Emperor would be killed without error.

This... It's really crazy. The two emperors held each other and expressed their firm stance. Emperor Kongmingcheng didn't want to let Zi Yan go, and was extremely strong.

However, Yuxin is also extremely strong, if anyone dares to touch Zi Yan, she will kill anyone!

The emperor is angry, who dares to despise it, this is the end of the blood.

In the presence of the Emperor, who can resist the slaughter of the Emperor.

"Do you really think that Kongmingcheng would be afraid of you?" The Emperor of Kongmingcheng snorted coldly, his breath was violent, and there was a faint storm raging around his body. The reason why Kongmingcheng is so powerful is that it is one of the four major cities. It is because there are many top 7 powerhouses, and it is simply not comparable to the Holy Spirit City.

There are more than one strong Emperor Kongmingcheng. In his opinion, Yuxin's daring to block his will is an act of courting death.

"If you don't agree, you can stand up and see how I will kill you here!" Yu Xin said indifferently, the might of the emperor erupted, and the might of the emperor was not weaker than the Emperor Kongmingcheng.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to see, how long can you be mad? When the battle of the Void Arena is over, it will be the end of the Holy Spirit City!" Emperor Kongmingcheng laughed in anger, and he really couldn't help Yuxin alone. , but there are other great emperors in Kongming City.

At that time, when the great emperors join forces, no matter how strong Yuxin is, she will surely die!

"Then shut up now!" Yu Xin snorted coldly, not giving any face at all.

The ruthless man stepped onto the ring, stood with his sword, looked at Zi Yan, "Sanmei, come down first, and leave the next battle to me."

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