Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 362: Traditional Chinese Medicine, NO!

Xia Yunjie's thoughts returned to reality from the world of meditation, and he saw that the fat foreigner sitting diagonally across the aisle from him was holding his chest, sweating profusely on his forehead, and short of breath. .

The condition of the fat foreigner caused great panic among the staff, bodyguards and female celebrities on the plane.

"Mario, Mario, dear, what's wrong with you?" the female star called in English.

"Boss, boss" the bodyguard shouted anxiously.

But no matter how they screamed, the fat foreigner known as Mario just held his chest, sweat rolled down his forehead, and his lips trembled, but he couldn't even make a sound.

"I am a doctor. He is suffering from myocardial infarction. If he is not treated in time..." The doctor's parents thought. Although Xia Yunjie and this fat foreigner were strangers to each other, when he saw his sudden illness, he stood up without hesitation and said to the flight attendant.

"Are you a Western medicine doctor or a Chinese medicine doctor?" Before Xia Yunjie could finish speaking, the female star interrupted and asked.

"Traditional Chinese medicine." Xia Yunjie replied with a slight frown. He could hear the arrogance in the female star's tone and the prejudice against Chinese medicine revealed.

"Mr. Mario is the most distinguished person in the upper class of Italy. Traditional Chinese medicine is not recognized internationally. If something goes wrong with the first aid, can you take the responsibility?" The female star couldn't help but say with dissatisfaction after hearing this, obviously in her heart I thought that Xia Yunjie, a young man who was just a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, dared to interfere in such a big matter regardless of the seriousness of the situation.

"Traditional Chinese medicine," the female flight attendant said. Although she is a blonde beauty and Italian, she has been flying routes to Hong Kong and Rome for many years, so she obviously knows something about it. She waved her hands after hearing this.

One of the bodyguards immediately said in a deep voice: "Thank you sir for your kindness, but we don't think Mr. Mario needs Chinese medicine."

"In that case, let me meddle. But as a reminder, Mr. Mario has high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. This attack is very urgent. If emergency rescue cannot be carried out within an hour, a large area will be affected. Myocardial infarction, I'm afraid there will be no way to save it." After saying that, Xia Yunjie sat back down.

The words of Xia Yunjie, a young Chinese medicine doctor, obviously did not attract enough attention from the aircraft staff and Mario's bodyguards. They continued to repeat the announcement while giving Mr. Mario oxygen.

Soon a middle-aged man hurriedly came from the economy class. As soon as the man came in, he said: "I am Andre, a cardiologist at San Giovanni Hospital in Rome. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Hearing that the other party was a cardiologist at the San Giovanni Hospital in Rome, one of the top hospitals in Rome, the stewardess, bodyguard and star all breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly asked him to come in for help.

When Dr. Andre came to help, Mario could hardly breathe and even went into shock for a time.

When Andre saw this, his expression was very serious. He put his ear against Mario's chest and listened for a while, and his expression became more and more serious.

"Doctor Andre, how's the boss doing?" one of the bodyguards asked anxiously.

"Due to the limited conditions on the plane, I was unable to conduct a comprehensive examination of Mr. Mario, but judging from his current symptoms, he should be suffering from acute myocardial infarction, and the situation is very bad. If he is not rescued in time, there will be serious consequences. Life is in danger." Dr. Andre said with a serious expression.

Seeing that Dr. Andre's diagnosis, which he had been working on for a long time, was the same as Xia Yunjie's, and not as detailed as his, everyone was slightly stunned when they heard this, and subconsciously glanced in Xia Yunjie's direction. At this time, Xia Yunjie had closed his eyes again and entered his own world of meditation. But this time, he focused part of his mind, and any changes in the outside world were all within his perception.

When everyone turned their attention away from Xia Yunjie, Mario went into shock again. One of the bodyguards couldn't help but roared at the flight attendant: "Tell the captain to land immediately."

"We are now over the Indian Ocean, and the nearest airport will take an hour and a half. But don't worry, we have urgently contacted the nearest airport." Faced with the roar of the bodyguard, the flight attendant calmly reassured.

"Mr. Mario's current situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to last for an hour and a half, but now there is no other way but to pray for God's blessing." Andre heard this and made a sign of a cross on his chest.

"I don't care what method you use, you must find a place to land immediately." I heard that the plane would take at least an hour and a half to find a place to land. I also heard Dr. Andre say that Mr. Mario couldn't hold on for that long. The flight attendant who once rushed The roaring bodyguard suddenly stretched out his hand to strangle the steward's neck, then picked up a dining knife from the dining table in front of the seat and pointed it at the steward's neck, threatening with a fierce look on his face.

Seeing that the bodyguard suddenly went berserk and hijacked the flight attendant, the passengers in the first-class cabin couldn't help but panic. The crew members also hurriedly and carefully advised him: "Sir, please relax a little, relax a little. We promise to get back to you as quickly as possible." Find a place to land.”

"Yes, yes, sir, the situation is not that bad yet. Mr. Mario should be fine. Look, look, Mr. Mario has woken up." Dr. Andre then carefully reassured and advised. .

However, the bodyguard did not let go because of this. Instead, he tightened his grip on the steward's neck and shouted with red eyes: "Tell the captain to land immediately."

Xia Yunjie originally closed his eyes and meditated and didn't want to deal with this matter, but when he saw that things suddenly turned into such a mess, he had no choice but to stand up. Besides, he didn't want the plane to make an emergency landing midway.

"Put down the knife and I'll save Mr. Mario." Xia Yunjie said to the bodyguard in English.

"You, a Chinese medicine practitioner, can't do it." Seeing the young man who had mentioned his boss's illness stand up again, the bodyguard couldn't help being slightly startled, but he quickly shook his head and said.

Obviously some deep-rooted thoughts cannot be reversed.

"It's okay if I say it. Since you don't want to put the knife down, then just hold it against your own neck and play with it." Xia Yunjie said and walked towards Mario.

Just when everyone was surprised by Xia Yunjie's words and deeds, and even secretly felt that the young man had a mental problem, they suddenly saw a strange scene. The bodyguard who was holding the steward with a knife actually let go of the steward's neck. , Not only that, he slowly raised the knife and finally put it on his neck, as if he was about to commit suicide.

When he raised the knife, the bodyguard's hands were trembling, and a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead. There was a look of fear in his eyes. Obviously this was not something he was willing to do, but it seemed that it was not under his control at all.

The strange scene made the first-class cabin completely silent, and everyone felt a chill rushing from the soles of their feet to the top of their foreheads.

Mario, who woke up, also saw the scene in front of him, his eyes flashing with a complex mixture of fear and surprise.

"Don't stand in the way." Xia Yunjie walked to Mario and saw that the international star was still there, frowning slightly and said.

"Yes, yes." The big star who was acting very arrogant just now immediately stood up with a pale face and moved away.

Although Xia Yunjie didn't like this arrogant, foreign-loving female star, he had to admit that her figure was indeed very hot and sexy.

Xia Yunjie sat next to Mario, stretched out his hand and patted his chest a few times, and then hit him repeatedly on the top of his head. The people on the plane were shocked and thought, this Mario has already done this. You look so good, can you still withstand such a beating from him?

However, seeing that the bodyguard who was hysterical just now and with a fierce look on his face was holding a knife to his neck with trembling hands, no one in the first class cabin dared to express his doubts, not even Mario's other The bodyguard didn't dare to make a sound.

But soon, the doubts in the eyes of the people in the first-class cabin turned into shock, because after Xia Yunjie's seemingly irregular slaps, Mario's breathing gradually became steady and long, and his complexion gradually improved.

"Okay, given your physique, you should do less exercise in bed in the future." Seeing that Mario's symptoms were temporarily relieved, Xia Yunjie finally stopped beating his head, patted his shoulder and stood up.

As for what to cure, since they didn't believe in traditional Chinese medicine before, Xia Yunjie didn't bother to help him completely cure it.

Seeing Xia Yunjie mention bed exercises, the female star's pretty face blushed slightly, flashing a hint of embarrassment, while Mario exclaimed exaggeratedly: "If you want to do less bed exercises, you might as well let me I'd rather die"

"Then you go die," Xia Yunjie replied lightly and sat back in his seat, while the bodyguard still held a knife to his neck, looking unyielding until death.

Seeing Xia Yunjie sitting back in his seat, everyone looked at him with fear and admiration.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's okay now. You can go wherever you want. As for this gentleman, because what he just did threatened the lives of all our passengers, just let him stand for a while. I think he will I am more willing to accept this punishment than to be imprisoned." Xia Yunjie saw that after he sat back down, everyone in the first class cabin was still too scared to move around, so he couldn't help but look around at everyone and said calmly

When Xia Yunjie said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and everyone was about to do something. Before leaving, Dr. Andre specially left a business card for Xia Yunjie, inviting him to come to them when he was free. Check out the hospital.

"Sir, thank you very much for saving my life. My name is Mario, and this is my business card." After Andre left, the fat Mario deliberately sat in the empty seat next to Xia Yunjie with a trembling fat face and respectfully said He respectfully held a business card in both hands and said to Xia Yunjie.

Xia Yunjie casually took the business card and saw a series of Italian words written on it, but he only recognized the phone number.

Xia Yunjie glanced at the business card and put it away without any intention of continuing to communicate with Mario.

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