Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 363 Mario [Sorry for the blurry text]

When Mario saw that Xia Yunjie was ignoring him, if it were a different time, a different place, and of course the most important thing was if it were a different person, he would definitely point a gun at the other person's head. Because no one in Italy dared to respond to his initiative and politeness with such an arrogant and rude attitude, but today Mario was not angry at all, and he never even thought about pointing a gun at the other person's head.

On the one hand, it was because Xia Yunjie had just saved his life, and this life-saving grace was a huge kindness in any country; on the other hand, Xia Yunjie's magic made Mario not dare to be disrespectful to him at all, you know His bodyguard is still holding a knife to his neck obediently.

The name of this bodyguard is Joseph. Others may only think that Joseph is just one of the many rich personal bodyguards, but Mario knows deeply that Joseph is the best and most ferocious commander in their Ferro family legion. He is well known in the family. It is called a "beast", but now this "beast" is as docile as a little sheep.

"I don't know what to call you, sir?" Although Mario did not dare to be dissatisfied with Xia Yunjie, he was not willing to give up the opportunity to make friends with Xia Yunjie, and for the first time in his life, he continued to pester shamelessly.

"My surname is Xia, please call me Mr. Xia." Although Xia Yunjie didn't really want to talk to Mario, he finally replied out of politeness.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xia. I'm very lucky and honored to be on the same plane as you." Mario couldn't help but said happily when Xia Yunjie finally replied.

"I don't think so. Your man almost hijacked the plane just now." Xia Yunjie said unceremoniously.

"Actually, Joseph has always been a good and law-abiding man. The main reason he lost his temper this time was because he saw that my life was in danger, and he couldn't control his emotions." Mario heard this and glanced at Joseph, hesitated and said.

"Joseph is a good man who abides by the law? Mr. Mario, you really like to joke. If I read it correctly, Joseph has at least sixty lives in his hands." Xia Yunjie said with a touch of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth after hearing this, but when he spoke, he looked Mario's eyes became a little friendlier.

Because Mario did not cater to his words against his will in order to please him, but instead spoke for his loyal subordinates. This made Xia Yunjie look at Mario differently.

Xia Yunjie said it casually, but in the ears of Mario and Joseph, who was still holding the knife at his neck, it was like a thunder, which shocked them so much that their eyes almost dropped. Looking at Xia Yunjie's There was a look of indescribable horror in his eyes, as if he had suddenly seen a ghost.

Each Italian Mafia family has a boss, who appoints the family's advisors. In addition to the boss and consultants, the family also has the second boss. The second boss is the boss’s most trusted family relative and the commander-in-chief of all the family’s legion commanders. The second boss only obeys orders from the boss. If the boss is imprisoned or seeks medical treatment, the second boss will You must act as the boss’s agent. The so-called family legion is actually the family's thugs and killers. Each family generally has several legions. A legion is generally composed of twenty or thirty "soldiers" and a commander.

There are 14 families in the Italian Mafia, including one big family, and the families are connected through a committee.

In Italy, every province with a mafia has a committee, and the committee can kill people within the sphere of influence of any family without notifying the family members. When the committee decides to kill, it organizes a firing squad, and the execution captain has the right to select the members. Their actions are unknown to all but those who carry them out.

There is also a committee composed of 1 people above the committee, called the 1 People Committee, located in Palermo. It is above all Mafia families and is also the highest authority of the Mafia. There is a pope or godfather in the Council of Men, which is the highest position within the mafia.

In addition to being the boss of the Ferro family, Mario is also one of the members of the ll-person committee. Joseph is a commander carefully trained by the Ferro family. He once worked as a mercenary in the Middle East, and the lives he touched on his hands, as Xia Yunjie said Yes, there are at least sixty of them

Of course, Joseph's specific identity, including how many people he killed, is a secret, especially the latter, which even most people within the Ferro family don't know, but Xia Yunjie has revealed it with one word. How can this not make Mario and Joseph Astonished as if you saw a ghost?

"Isn't Mr. Xia a god from the East?" After a long time, Mario struggled to move his throat and said in a low and respectful voice.

"Mr. Mario, don't you think you've asked too many questions?" Xia Yunjie glanced at Mario and said.

"I'm sorry, I'm rude." Seeing that Xia Yunjie didn't deny it, Mario became more and more frightened.

Although he is a member of the Mafia ll committee and has great influence in Italy, and he has personally killed people when he was young, he can't control the fear in his heart when facing a mysterious young man like Xia Yunjie.

"Dear Mr. Xia, you see, I am only forty-three years old this year. I am still very young. I still want to enjoy this wonderful world and of course beautiful women. But my body is already in trouble. Can you help me again?" Me?" After Mario apologized, he hesitated for a while before begging cautiously again.

"Mr. Mario, there is a saying in China that a man's heart is worthless and a snake swallows an elephant. I have saved your life today. Isn't that enough? Besides, your hands are stained with a lot of blood. If you didn't want to delay my trip, I would I won't save you." Xia Yunjie said calmly.

"There is a saying in your country that people can't help themselves in the world. I come from such a family, and I have no choice. But I promise God that I have never shed the blood of innocent people." Mario vowed upon hearing this. Honestly, I hope it can dispel Xia Yunjie's prejudice against him.

"Really? But I saw from your eyes that you once made a pair of twins lose their father. Does this father also have a grudge against you?" Xia Yunjie stared at Mario, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Xia Yunjie's words made Mario break out into a little cold sweat uncontrollably on his forehead, and he kept wiping the sweat with his fat hands. As one of the eleven giants of the Italian Mafia, Mario controls huge financial and human resources. He even has people in the parliament. It can be said that Mario is secretly a king in Italy, and countless people have to rely on him. His breath lives on, and he looks down on his "subjects" like a king. But today, facing Xia Yunjie's seemingly indifferent gaze, Mario felt as if he were naked, with no secret at all. It was as if everything in his mind, even the thoughts in his brain, was nowhere to be found when Xia Yunjie's gaze swept away him. escape.

"No, it was an accident, a misunderstanding," Mario replied tremblingly, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Upon hearing this, Xia Yunjie just glanced at Mario lightly, then turned his head and looked out the window.

"Dear Mr. Xia, will you stay in Rome this time? I have a very good hotel in Rome, and my staff will be happy to provide you with the best service." Mario saw Xia Yunjie turning to look out the window, She didn't dare to continue begging him to cure his illness, but brought up the matter of the hotel, obviously trying to please Xia Yunjie in this way.

"Mario, we Chinese value fate, and saving your life on the plane today is fate. As for your illness, it depends on fate in the future. I don't want anyone to disturb me now, and the same will be true when I get off the plane, so you You can go." Although Xia Yunjie will definitely find a place to stay when he goes to Rome, but the itinerary this time is uncertain, he still hopes to be able to travel alone and does not want to get entangled with Mario. Even when he came to Italy this time, he even attended the Xuanmen Conference The Italian overseas Chinese Li Weizhen and his grandson were not informed, so they politely refused and issued an expulsion order.

"I'm sorry to bother you. If Mr. Xia needs help with anything in Italy, please feel free to call me. My family and I will be very happy and honored to do something for Mr. Xia." Mario said. Xia Yunjie gave the order to expel the guest, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he did not dare to pester him any longer. He stood up and bowed politely, and then returned to his seat.

After Mario returned to his seat, Xia Yunjie turned to look at Joseph and said calmly: "Put down the knife too."

As soon as Xia Yunjie finished speaking, Joseph felt relieved and put down the knife. However, the look he looked at Xia Yunjie was full of awe and fear.

The plane continued to fly in the air. Although Xia Yunjie said nothing and just closed his eyes to rest, a very strange aura seemed to be formed around him. The guests in the first class cabin were afraid to look in his direction but could not bear to look at him. She couldn't help but glance at him secretly, and every time the stewardess in the first class cabin walked up to Xia Yunjie, she always acted extra cautiously and her smile was extraordinarily charming and gentle.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when the plane arrived at Rome Fiumicino Airport. Because of what Xia Yunjie said before, Mario did not dare to disturb Xia Yunjie when he got off the plane and just bowed to him goodbye. However, the hot-looking Italian beauty flight attendant specially left a personal phone number for Xia Yunjie and used a suggestive and provocative tone. Tell him that she has two days off and is in Rome.

Xia Yunjie was not a young girl now, so of course he knew what the blonde beauty stewardess meant. He couldn't help but secretly sigh that this foreign girl was more bold and open-minded than the Chinese when it came to surnames, so he took the initiative to invite her after meeting her once.

But it was a sigh of relief, and of course he was a little tempted, but Xia Yunjie didn't want to mess around with women just for the pleasure of sex. What he valued more was emotional communication.

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