Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 436: Rejuvenation with a wonderful hand

"Take out all these needles and tubes." Seeing the doctor looking at him in a daze, Xia Yunjie ordered him.

"But..." When Xia Yunjie said that he would remove all the intravenous needles and breathing tubes that were keeping Wu Bingxiong alive, the doctor couldn't help but be shocked.

"But what? The potions you gave him couldn't kill the viruses in his body at all. Instead, they killed the good cells, and the hormones were simply overdrawing his life. They were all removed." Xia Yunjie said.

Xia Yunjie's words made the doctor smile bitterly, but in the current situation, what other good methods can Western medicine have to treat the situation like this?

However, after all, the doctor had witnessed Xia Yunjie's miraculous methods with his own eyes. Although he had a little doubt in his heart, he still did not dare to resist Xia Yunjie's instructions. Moreover, by now, the doctor actually knew that if a miracle did not occur, Wu Bingxiong would basically be dead.

In this case, it is better to see how this "living god" in front of him uses his magical rejuvenation skills, and maybe he can really save the dying patient.

So the doctor panicked and pulled out all the needles, breathing tubes, etc. inserted into Wu Bingxiong's body. After pulling out, the doctor was sweating profusely.

If it were not for the presence of a "living god", what he did would be nothing short of murder.

When the doctor removed the unnecessary needles and tubes from Wu Bingxiong's body, Xia Yunjie had already pressed his hand on Wu Bingxiong's chest.

Divine thoughts had already sneaked into the old man's body along with a trace of witchcraft, and suddenly the situation inside the old man's body was clearly displayed in Xia Yunjie's mind.

The weak and failing organs had been filled with the virus that represented the aura of death, and the vitality was flowing away rapidly. If Xia Yunjie had not arrived in time, the old man would have lost hope of survival within a few moments.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise he would have broken his promise. Xia Yunjie sighed secretly, and his inner power was circulating. Three rays of spiritual power suddenly came out of his palm. One ray represented the power of Jin Geng for killing, and the other represented nourishment. The power of sunflower water that nourishes fertility, and a wisp of the power of green wood that represents vitality.

Wherever Jin Geng's power passed, it killed all the viruses that were eroding the old man's body like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Then the power of sunflower water and green wood nourished the old man's failing organs like spring rain. , in the blink of an eye, the exhausted organ bloomed with the breath of life again, just like a dead tree blooming with spring.

The heart begins to beat vigorously, and the bright red blood is transported to all parts of the body as the heart beats.

The doctor responsible for the rescue looked at the old man's withered and gray face gradually showing a rosy luster. His eyes couldn't help but open wider and wider, with a look of disbelief on his face.

But the facts were before us. The dying old man, who had secretly been sentenced to death by him, was recovering at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye under the hands of the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Okay, you'll be fine." After a few minutes, Xia Yunjie withdrew his hand and said to Wu Bingxiong.

The body was his own. Of course Wu Bingxiong knew that he was fine. Hearing this, he hurriedly got up to say thanks, but Xia Yunjie pushed him back onto the hospital bed and said calmly: "It's best to lie down first. I don't want to cause an uproar."

After saying that, Xia Yunjie turned to the doctor and said, "Doctor, these people will wake up immediately after I leave, but please remember that the things here have nothing to do with me."

"I understand, I understand." The doctor nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "But Mrs. Wu

"After you handle these things here, discuss them with Wu Changyu, and then arrange the ward, and I will go to treat you." Xia Yunjie replied. This kind of intrusion once was enough, Xia Yunjie didn't want to do it every time. Of course, the main reason is that Wu Changyu's mother's condition is not as serious as Wu Bingxiong's.

"Okay, I understand, Great Immortal." The doctor replied respectfully.

"My name is Xia Yunjie, you can call me Doctor Xia." Xia Yunjie couldn't help but laugh or cry when the doctor called him the Great Immortal.

"Yes, Da... Doctor Xia, my name is Zhao Donghua, you can just call me Xiao Zhao." The doctor, Zhao Donghua, said hurriedly.

"Okay, Doctor Zhao, please remember my words." Xia Yunjie nodded, then turned around and left the emergency room.

The people outside the rescue room were already waiting impatiently. When they saw the door opened, they immediately gathered around and asked, "How is my dad?"

"It's okay. Let's wait until Dr. Zhao comes out to discuss the details." Seeing everyone surrounding him, Xia Yunjie frowned and replied, and then said to Wu Changyu and his wife: "Changyu, you can discuss this with Dr. Zhao later, Yijie, Now take me to a quieter place. Also, remember not to talk nonsense."

"Everyone spread out, what kind of mess is this around Teacher Xia?" Wu Changyu was shocked when he saw Xia Yunjie frowning and shouted to his family in a hurry.

Although Wu Xiuyun and others were dissatisfied with Xia Yunjie's answer and "arrogance", seeing that their elder brother respected him so much, they had no choice but to disperse. At this time, Feng Yijie had already stepped forward and respectfully took Xia Yunjie away.

Not long after Feng Yijie left with Xia Yunjie, the door of the emergency room opened again, and Dr. Zhao Donghua walked out with a smile on his face.

"Dr. Zhao, how is my dad?" People from the Wu family gathered around him again.

"He is completely out of danger. You all go to the ward and wait for him." After that, Dr. Zhao Donghua pulled Wu Changyu and whispered: "Mr. Wu, your mother's condition is not optimistic. I will arrange a quiet ward immediately. "

"Okay, after you make the arrangements, I will invite Teacher Xia to come over." Wu Changyu naturally understood what Zhao Donghua meant and replied immediately after hearing this.

Fifteen minutes later, Xia Yunjie appeared in the emergency room again. There were no extra medical staff in the emergency room this time, but apart from Zhao Donghua, there was a man who looked very elegant and was probably in his fifties.

“Dr. Xia Yunjie was angry. Before Xia Yunjie could speak, he explained carefully.

Xia Yunjie knew that it would be difficult not to attract the attention of the hospital's leaders this time. In this case, letting the dean know now could control the impact of this matter to a minimum. After all, the dean has great power. There are many things that Dr. Zhao Donghua does that would be laborious and would attract others' attention, but if done by the dean, they will appear natural and normal.

So Xia Yunjie nodded noncommittally and said: "I understand, saving people is the most important thing now, let's talk about other things later."

"What Dr. Xia said makes sense, please." Wang Renjun was worthy of being the dean. He immediately said with grace after hearing this, but his eyes flashed with surprise as he looked at Xia Yunjie.

If he hadn't gone to the ward just now to see that Wu Bingxiong's face was rosy and he could get out of bed and walk around, he couldn't believe that the young man in front of him had cured him.

Xia Yunjie nodded and was not polite to Dean Wang.

Soon Wu Changyu's mother was out of danger thanks to Xia Yunjie's miraculous medical skills.

When everything was over, Dean Wang's eyes were completely dull.

Although he had already heard some information from Zhao Donghua, seeing it with his own eyes was another matter. He had never thought that one person's medical skills could be so miraculous.

After a while, Dean Wang woke up from the shock and hurriedly invited Xia Yunjie to his office.

"Dean Wang, are there other people in the hospital infected with this virus?" Xia Yunjie asked while sitting in the dean's office.

"Exactly, this time the virus came suddenly. Not only Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu were infected with the mysterious virus this time, but also three children were also infected with the virus recently. They are all in the intensive care unit now. The situation is It's also very critical. The worst thing is that we haven't found a suitable drug so far. I'm worried that if the virus spreads this time..." Dean Wang said with a solemn look on his face.

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