Construction of the warehouse took four days. Even though we need two weeks of deliveries, we know that if we concentrate on making them for about a week, we can secure enough quantities, so that means we can do something else for three days.

And, if it does, I'll have to do the array. Yes, the creation of a bow for a group of hunters, not the blue-born soul "Apoitacara". I've never created a bow yet. So I want to try first to see if building a new weapon will boost your skill.

On top of that, think carefully about what to make with Apoitacara.

But here's one problem. The highest level of cheats I have is only a "blacksmith". I'm not an "arms maker". I also get cheats for things related to comprehensive "production," but they drop many steps over blacksmiths.

Even though I say it falls, I can make something better than a regular craftsman. That's for sure, but how far can it go to make it? I want to combine that experiment.

I talked to everyone at dinner the day I was able to warehouse that.

"Isn't that nice?

"With more bows, I can use them to help you hunt.

"I can help a little more, too.

There seems to be no disagreement with the group (although Liddy often stays) going out hunting for Thermia, Deanna and Liddy.

"This is the first time my parents have ever made a wooden weapon.

"Right. So I might be able to do something weird.

Like doesn't seem to have any particular opinions either, so from the next day on, I made a bow, and everyone else did the usual work. They're going to postpone the hunt until my bow building is done, "because of it". That's a serious responsibility.

The next day, when I finish my morning routine, I go to the newly built warehouse to pick up the lumber. Returned to the workplace with the right size of lumber.

I hauled some material and some other meat I had dried to the workshop to the warehouse, and the workplace where they disappeared kind of looks more refreshing than when I got here. To put it badly, my sense of life is disappearing, but I don't know if I have a sense of life in the workplace, so I guess this is fine.

Next to everyone else making sheet metal, crack the lumber and cut out the relatively supple part as a plate. Divide it into three elongated plates and then just scrape it out. Then. You saw a video in the previous world where you actually made a bow out of it.

At this time, it should be shaped like C, but should it be reversed or reversed? For example, the Japanese bow of the previous world etc. is made to reverse and string the opposite of the whole opposite when it is made (although it is more contrary everywhere to be exact, each of them may be named).

Basically, I use it in the woods, so I thought it would be good with a short bow of a round wood bow (that's actually what Thermia has), but because of this, I'd like to come up with a few ideas.

So, I'm best at blacksmiths, and I decided to try to make short bows in reverse form with Composite Bow, a synthetic bow with a thin iron plate attached.

First, scrape the tree to create a thin plate. Either that or this is just the foundation. With some thickness, you just have to keep it unbreakable supple when you just pull it off or let it go, not even hennya.

Thanks to the performance of the cheats and knives around here I managed to find just the right salt plums. It's just a board at the moment...... Next is the iron plate to stick to this.

If the thickness of the iron plate is as thick as the suspension, it can't be cut by humans at all, and if it is too thin, it doesn't make much sense this time. Assuming what you can do, you're going to need a thickness to match the forces of the three: Thermia, Deanna, and Liddy.

I took the sheet metal and put it in the fire floor. I hope the blacksmith cheats work from here on out.

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