Place sheet metal in the fire floor and heat to the appropriate temperature. Place the heated sheet metal on the gold floor and beat it with hammers, caging the magic to form a shape. It's an arc-painted shape while stretching it not to get too thick.

Eventually we can have an elongated, curved trapezoidal plate. Heat it up again and cook it. It's not so much suspension, but it's mechanically a plate spring itself, so it combines hardness and softness.

An iron plate in the water makes a noise with Joo. When the temperature dropped was right, I pulled it out of the water and put it over the fire on the fire floor, then raised the temperature a little again and cooked it back.

This work was carried out three times in total by changing the thickness of the iron plate. Adjusting the thickness is entirely in the hands of the cheats, but what serves as the yardstick is observing the forces that each of us can produce in our daily lives.

If not, I would have had to hold the appropriate luggage and measure it.

Return to the wooden plate with three iron plates. Wood plates are processed to fit the shape of the iron plates. A blacksmith's cheat would probably be closer to the correct answer as a form.

Fix the two while aligning the wooden plate with the bending of the iron plate. Wood and iron, in a way that reinforces each other. Iron can also be supple, but not as thin as wood. Trees are supple but not necessarily compared to iron in terms of hardness.

I did the same work two more times and completed three bow bodies. But some of it was unfamiliar work, and by this time the sun is completely going down.

"Don't strain this guy's strings tomorrow.

When I say that, Thermia, who was helping Rike clean up after him, answers.

"Oh, then let the Atashi do it.

"That's good. It's your bow, and I'm not used to it.

I have an image of the bow string somewhat like it stays tense, but when I don't actually use it, I remove it and tension it every time before I need it. Thermia strapped her strings before she went hunting, and when she came back, she took them off.

Speaking of bows, I've never worked with Thermia since it's the only one I've ever used. I'm an expert at finishing touches.

"Yay. Then tomorrow, string it up and try it, and then hunt.

Thermia says with a wiggle.

"Right. I asked for it.


Thermia replied with a hell of a good smile, and everyone else smiled at nothing.

The next morning, I finish my morning prayer and give each bow to the three of you who are going out hunting.

"I'm going to go with each of them for once, but if there's something wrong with you, tell me.

Each of the three people I receive strings up their own bows. The string is a deer tendon processed string.

Tie the end of the string to the end of the bow, lower that side, so that the opposite of the bow is reversed, and also on the other end.

Thermia uses the strings she normally uses as they are, so it would be over if they were fixed to both ends, but the other two had the extra strings cut with a knife.

But Liddy thought she had experience because the inside was in the woods, but even though she was practicing shooting with a bow, she was a little surprised that she was straining easily as far as Deanna.

They've done quite a few things at home if you ask. I wonder what's going on with the Amur family education...... Marius will get married and have children sooner or later, but can the boys work out the girls to this level anyway, or is Deanna special like this?

If all can work out just as well, then there are likely to be people who leave anecdotes of the previous world in front of the bars and in front of the boards.

Towards the tree that stands in the corner of the garden (which is what we usually use to practice), Thermia bows and squeezes the arrows.

It's not like I have a modus operandi like a bow. I've been polished to get food to live, the best way to be her. Still, beauty did exist in its appearance.

An arrow is released from the squeezed bow. The unleashed arrows were running through the air as if they had wrapped around the wind, poking at the center of the target without blinking.

"Nice one!

Thermia screamed. Apparently, you liked it.

"Does it look okay?

"Everything's fine, I've never seen an arrow fly like this before! Thanks!"

With his bow, Thermia embraced me with all her strength, and I was going to be worried whether I should be happy or hurt.

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