On the big screen, a valley and a creek appeared.

By the creek, two Chinese-style farmhouses look unique and quiet.


Isn't this Luwangzhuang?

The other villagers were watching the pictures on the big screen with great interest, but Wang Ping was the only one who looked at Lu Fei.

That's right, it was the footage taken by Lu Fei himself.

Well, I shot a lot of videos accidentally just for fun, and then when Wang Ping was handing out snacks during the day, he started editing.

The editing technique is not great, but it is enough to express clearly what you want to express.

The screen jumps and enters the house.

Wang Wei, Wang Zhi, and Wang Hui appeared one by one, including their surprised expressions when they first entered the house, their life scenes after they got used to it, and the scene when they asked Wang Ping to deliver a message to their family...

"Isn't that Wang Wei from Wangjiacun?"

"From Wangjiacun?"

"Yes, Wang Wei, it's Wang Wei, I've seen him!"

"And Wang Hui, I know Wang Hui!"

Villagers who had seen Wang Wei, Wang Hui and Wang Zhi began to yell.

The screen then rotated, and Wang Ping appeared in the video.


"Wang Ping! It's Wang Ping!"

"Isn't Wang Ping right here?"

"Why did he get into the movie again?"

"Does he also know how to clone himself?"

"Didn't Mr. Lu say that the movie is fake?"

"But, it's obviously true!"

Wang Ping's appearance in the video once again aroused heated discussion among villagers. The villagers looked at Wang Ping in the video and Wang Ping standing behind Lu Fei. They all felt incredible.

Wang Ping was stared at by so many people, and his whole body seemed to have goosebumps.

The video edited by Lu Fei was not long, only about ten minutes. When the video was played, everyone was still unfinished.

Lu Fei said loudly: "Yes, someone has recognized it. Wang Ping in the video is next to me!"

"There are also Wang Wei, Wang Zhi and Wang Hui, all from Wangjia Village."

"The house you see is where they live."

"They enjoy life in the house every day, eating the most delicious food, drinking the strongest wine, and watching the best movies..."

"Do you want to live that kind of life?"

"Do you want to be like them?"

When Lu Fei finished speaking, an earth-shattering reply erupted from Xiaobazi:


"Think! Think!"

"We all want to..."

The loudest shouters were Wang Heng and Zhang Bao.

The two of them were full of internal energy, and they were not far from Lu Fei. The shouts of "Think, think, think..." made Lu Fei's ears roar.

Wang Ping was dumbfounded. Is this the speech Mr. Wang was talking about?

It seems to work well.

The shaking "thinking" sound lasted for a while, until Lu Fei kept signaling to stop, and then gradually calmed down.

"A better life is something you can create by yourself!"

"You want to be like Wang Ping and Wang Wei, live in the best house, eat the most delicious food, drink the strongest wine, and watch the best movies..."

"Then, just follow me!"

"Now, if you are willing to follow me, raise your hands!"

The small dam was boiling.

"I'll do it!"

"I do!"

"Mr. Lu, take me with you!"

There was a lot of noise and responses, but no one raised their hand.

"Mr. Lu, what's the point of raising your hand?"

Wang Heng asked in a low voice with a blushing face.

Lu Fei was speechless. The Han Dynasty was so backward that he didn't even know how to raise his hand.

No wonder there were so many people but no one raised their hands.

Okay, I didn't think it through well.

Lu Fei quickly adjusted his strategy, no longer needing to raise his hand, and announced loudly that those who wanted to follow him would register with Wang Ping, Wang Heng and Zhang Bao, and then gather together tomorrow morning.

The villagers don’t know what raising their hands means, but they still know what it means to register.

As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone rushed towards Wang Ping, Wang Heng and Zhang Bao, scrambling to be the first to register.

Lu Fei suddenly felt relaxed.

Seeing Wang Ping and the other three being surrounded by villagers, Lu Fei burst into laughter.

Tonight, Wangjiajia Town is destined to have sleepless nights.

Not only the villagers in the market town were registering, but also from various villages outside the market town. Countless people were carrying torches and heading towards the market town of Wangjia Town.

With Wang Ping and the others working, Lu Feile was lazy.

He found a deserted place, took a small Huan Dan, and used the exercises in the "Ming Dao Heart Sutra" to activate his internal energy.

The Xiao Huan Dan turned into energy in the body, and a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth entered the body. With a "click" sound, an invisible shackles seemed to be broken in the body.

Lu Fei's Dantian suddenly felt like a rising tide in the sea, and the strong internal energy surged through his meridians throughout his body.

The internal force circulates through the meridians over and over again, flushing the meridians and strengthening the flesh and bones.

More than ten hours later, Lu Fei stood up.

Finally entered a realm and became a warrior.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Lu Fei showed a satisfied smile.

A first-level warrior is the lowest warrior in the spiritual world, but he feels that no one on Tiantang Star can be his opponent.

The nights in the spirit world are extremely long, lasting more than two hundred hours. It has not yet reached midnight, and Wang Ping and the others are still busy registering villagers. The situation will be busy for some time.

Lu Fei stopped asking and continued to meditate to cultivate his inner strength and consolidate his realm.


After meditating again, he suddenly found that his body seemed different.

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