Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 103 There Is A Question

how so?

Lu Fei looked surprised.

He was actually able to see inside, and he could clearly see the flesh, blood and bones in his body, and even the inner breath in his Dantian.

Moreover, it seems that his connection with the space-time ring is even closer.

Previously, I could wrap items into the space-time ring with my mind, but the maximum amount of items I could put in at one time was two hundred kilograms.

But after breaking through a realm and becoming a warrior, the situation changed somewhat.

Now it seems that I don't need to wrap the items with my consciousness. I can put the items into the space-time ring as long as I sweep the items with my mind.

Not only is it more relaxed and natural, but the weight of items placed into the space-time ring at a time increases from two hundred kilograms to about one thousand kilograms.

Also, with your eyes closed, you can see everything within ten meters around you, including some very tiny microorganisms.

Could it be the legendary divine consciousness?

Did you give birth to your own spiritual consciousness?

Lu Fei was so surprised that he could only think of the plots of fantasy novels he had read in his previous life.

Otherwise everything cannot be explained clearly.

After carefully experiencing the wonderful use of his spiritual consciousness, Lu Fei calmed down again and practiced his internal strength according to the techniques of the "Ming Dao Heart Sutra".

When Lu Fei woke up again, it was already bright.

Wang Ping, Wang Heng and Zhang Bao were busy all night, and more than 20,000 people came to Xiaobazi to register.

There was no room in the small dam, and a long queue stretched from the street to outside the street.

At this time, Wang Heng and Zhang Bao came into play.

They originally had more than 300 village warriors under their command, but they were appointed as captains by the two men, with each team responsible for one hundred villagers.

Lu Fei was so happy that he rewarded the two with braised prawns and roast duck for breakfast.

Wang Heng and Zhang Bao laughed so hard that Wang Ping drooled with envy.

Mr. Lu has many delicious things, but the best thing is the braised prawns!

However, Lu Fei doesn't have many braised prawns. There are now more than 20,000 people. If everyone sends it, it will definitely not be enough.

Therefore, Lu Fei waved his hand and from now on the braised prawns will only be awarded to those who have merit.

Wang Ping had no choice but to work obediently and strive to achieve success as soon as possible.

More than 20,000 people finished the various breakfasts distributed by Lu Fei. Led by Zhang Bao and escorted by Wang Heng, they set off for the [Mainland Port] in a mighty manner.

Lu Fei took Wang Ping back to Wangjiacun first.

There are also spiritual rice, spiritual meat, spiritual vegetables, etc. left by the villagers in Wangjia Village, and they all need to be collected into the space-time ring.

Half a day later, more than 20,000 villagers arrived at [Dalukou].

When the villagers saw the bridge built over the ravine, they were all dumbfounded. They respected Lu Fei like a god and fell to their knees on the ground.

It took Lu Fei a lot of effort to wake up these villagers.

Later, more than 20,000 people crossed the Qianji Bridge. Lu Fei took out the remote control and the more than 100-meter-long bridge shrank back to the east bank of [Mainland Port].

Many villagers were shocked. The bridge was gone. How could they go back in the future?

Lu Fei didn't say much, and pressed the remote control again, and the Qianji Bridge extended to the other side.

After a demonstration to dispel the concerns of the villagers, Lu Fei once again severed the connection between the two sides of the mainland.

Next, Wang Ping took the people from Wangjia Village to [Luwang Village], while Lu Fei organized more than 300 team captains under Wang Heng and Zhang Bao to conduct several days of training. The main purpose is to teach them to use some modern tools and materials to build roads.

Lu Fei's goal is simple, which is to build a "highway" from [Dalukou] to [Lujiagu] via [Luwangzhuang].

Of course, it is not the kind of closed toll highway in modern society.

Not that demanding.

The expressway Lu Fei wants to build is roughly equivalent to the level of a national highway. The road width is about ten meters, with drainage ditches on both sides, and the road cement is hardened.

Lu Fei went back and forth from [Lujiagu] to [Dalukou] twice. When he and Wang Ping returned to [Dalukou] last time, there were signs set up about a hundred miles away.

Along the way, the terrain did not have many ups and downs, and there was no harsh geographical environment. It was not difficult to build the road.

Lu Fei personally built a ten-kilometer road with more than 300 captains, and these captains basically knew how to do it.

Afterwards, Lu Fei led more than 20,000 people along the way, leaving behind a team of 100 people every hundred miles or so, as well as a large amount of steel, concrete, tools and food.

Wang Heng and Zhang Bao were appointed as dispatching officers by Lu Fei, traveling along the planned road and coordinating the progress of various road sections.

These 20,000 people are at least first-level warriors. They are all strong and capable of doing their jobs. Not only are they fast, but their quality is also above the standard.

After ten days, the construction of the "highway" was progressing smoothly, and Lu Fei was very satisfied.

On this day, Wang Heng came to see Lu Fei and said, "Mr. Lu, I have a question now. I don't know whether I should talk about it?"

Lu Fei said: "If you have any questions, please tell me immediately. If there is anything you should or shouldn't do!"

Wang Heng's face was slightly red, and he said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Lu, the delicacies you gave us are so delicious, everyone likes them very much."

"But...but I just don't feel hungry!"

Not hungry?

Lu Fei was stunned, what does it mean to not be hungry?

Wang Heng said distressedly: "We used to eat three meals a day, and we feel strong after eating!"

"But now, we have to eat fifteen or six times a day, and we have to eat every once in a while, otherwise we won't have the energy to work!"

Lu Fei was stunned. This question was so unexpected.

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