Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 108 Borrow 20 Billion First

With the [Lucheng Urban Planning Plan] in place, the next step is to invest.

Lu Fei has a big head.

This is definitely an astronomical investment.


Bazhou’s investment is still a big hole, and [Lucheng] is another big hole.

Lu Fei lamented: Once people have ideals, life becomes difficult. If not, sell some spiritual fruits and spiritual tea by yourself, so that your life will be as moist and nourishing as possible.

He shook his head, complaining too much to prevent heartbreak, and a good life must go on.

Fortunately, the two biggest costs of building a city, land and manpower, do not cost a penny, which reduces the investment in building [Lucheng] by more than half.

It can be said that just by building infrastructure and repairing roads and houses, [Lucheng] can be put into use.

As for the urban functional supporting facilities, they can be improved step by step.

However, power supply and water supply are synchronized with urban roads and must be solved first.

When building a city, the power supply cannot be like that of [Luwangzhuang], where every household has diesel generators.

However, Tiantangxing is technologically advanced and has a variety of power generation methods, such as coal power, hydropower, wind power, solar power and even nuclear power.

Of course, there is no need to consider nuclear power generation.

It is too high-tech and controlled by the state.

Lu Fei chose the simplest coal power and solar power generation.

Equipment needs to be purchased and relevant techniques need to be learned.


However, this is not the biggest headache. The biggest headache for Lu Fei was that many of the equipment were large and he couldn't fit them into the space-time ring.

Fortunately, it’s not impossible.

Who gave Mo Qianji this living treasure?

Leave all the difficult things to Mo Qianji!

Lu Fei told Mo Qianji of his request to build a power plant and water supply plant, and asked him to buy all the equipment he needed.

Master Ma Xingkong clearly marked the parameters of the equipment on the planning and design drawings.

Lu Fei directly gave it to Mo Qianji, and then asked him to reduce all the large equipment to a smaller size, which not only met the requirements of the equipment parameters, but also required that the maximum weight of the reduced equipment components should not exceed 1,000 kilograms.

Mo Qianji is easy to talk to, and he doesn't ask why. Anyway, he can do whatever you ask him to do, but there is one thing. Get me some [Three Flavors of Zen] as soon as possible.

Lu Fei went to see Chen Jiahao.

Not for [Sanwei Zen], but for funds.

The construction of [Lu City] was completely started from scratch. The overall planning of the city, buildings, facilities, food, drink and food for 200,000 people all required money. The little money he had before was not even enough to crack his teeth.

For this reason, he came to Chen Jiahao specifically to ask for a turnover of 20 billion funds.

Chen Jiahao is quite generous. He decided to invest 150 billion with you, but there is nothing to say about 20 billion. He didn't even ask Lu Fei what he wanted such a large amount of money for, and just transferred 20 billion.

With money in hand, Lu Fei is also tough in doing things.

He threw 5 [Three Flavors of Zen] to Mo Qianji and directly transferred Xiang Yaofei to work beside him, which made Mo Qianji complain several times.

After that, almost all external contacts were handled by Xiang Yaofei.

Xiang Yaofei has great potential as a secretary and handles affairs in an orderly manner.

What things are important and urgent, what things can be put aside, and arranged properly. It is also very clear who needs Lu Fei to answer the phone and who needs to meet.

This was very painful for Jin Wanwan, as she had no choice but to do anything to Xiang Yaofei.

In her words: Xiang Yaofei is the most hateful man in the world, bar none.

Jin Wanwan lost her temper and returned to Jiangcheng angrily.

She finally got a chance to meet Lu Fei, but she wasn't as fussy as before. When they met, Lu Fei was asked to register their marriage with her.

But she didn't give up, and still regarded herself as Lu Fei's fiancée.

She would look for Lu Fei whenever she had time. Even if Lu Fei ignored her, she would stay by his side. She would be hostile to any woman who dared to approach Lu Fei.

Lu Fei couldn't do anything to her.

In Jin Wanwan's words, I love you, what does it have to do with you?

Which law of the Tang Dynasty stipulates that I have no right to pursue happiness?

Lu Fei had no choice but to retreat and disappear frequently, reducing the number of times Jin Wanwan could find him.

Over time, Xiang Yaofei and Jin Wanwan became a pair of happy enemies, fighting against each other's wits and courage at all costs.

Lu Fei was overjoyed and said: Everything is determined, one thing will come down to another.

From then on, he no longer worried about Jin Wanwan causing trouble.

For all the houses in [Lucheng], Lu Fei still chooses to customize the whole wooden house. However, it is obviously not feasible to build all the houses according to the previous Sanhe farmyard.

After all, some urban functions require large buildings.

Based on the house construction drawings provided by Ma Xingkong, Lu Fei directly invited the ten largest whole-house customized wooden house production companies in Tang State and asked them to bring their designer teams to Jiangcheng.

With billions of dollars worth of big orders, every company was fighting tooth and nail, and prices dropped again and again.

However, none of these ten companies could take such a large order alone. In the end, Lu Fei chose [Datang Redwood Whole House Customization Company] and [Tang Guozhenguan Whole House Customization Company] as the main ones. In addition, there are Four companies participated, and six companies worked overtime to produce according to Lu Fei's requirements.

Lu Fei did not treat the four companies that were unsuccessful.

He assigned the outdoor floors, railings and other facilities to four companies, and almost each of them had orders worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

Time passed so quickly, Lu Fei had stayed in Jiangcheng for nearly three months, and everything he wanted was basically ready.

On this day, Lu Fei made an appointment with Chen Jiahao, and the two of them arrived in Bazhou together.

In three months, Jinzi Village east of Bazhou City has undergone earth-shaking changes. A two-way eight-lane straight road leads directly to Bazhou County.

It turns out that everyone in the village has moved.

The relocation conditions are favorable, and each household will be compensated with a commercial house with three bedrooms and two living rooms on a per capita basis, one for each person.

Moreover, farmers who lose their land are guaranteed both cash compensation and employment opportunities.

Jinzi Village has built the largest chef training school in Tang Dynasty [Xingdongfang Chef Training School]. The teacher dormitories provided by the school range from three bedrooms and two living rooms at the lowest to single-family villas at the highest.

As long as your level is high enough, you don't have to worry about your salary.

The student dormitories are built according to the latest first-class university student dormitory standards.

[Xingdongfang Chef Training School] also launched the most awesome advertisement ever: free training, guaranteed employment!

In just two months, although the school has not yet been completed, more than 5,000 chefs have applied for the job, and the number of students who have pre-registered is more than 100,000.

According to Lu Fei's request, there are two large cold storages on each side of the large kitchen. One side is stocked with ingredients, and the other side is stocked with prepared meals.

Of course, only Haiyu knows this purpose.

Even Chen Jiahao and Lu Fei have not leaked it.

With the [Star Oriental Chef School] as the center, there is a 500,000-square-meter food street, two five-star hotels, and ten four-star hotels under construction in the surrounding area.

Lu Fei does not consider other commercial formats at all.

Even a whole house was not built.

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