Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 109 Lu Fei Wants To Build The Airport

Chen Jiahao has long been accustomed to Lu Fei's magical operations.

But he couldn't help but said: "Brother, I have been in real estate for many years. I really can't understand your operation!"

Lu Fei smiled and said: "The entire land in Bazhou County is in our hands, so we naturally have to distinguish the functions."

"I've already thought about where and what I want to do, brother, don't worry."

"When the food street business is booming and they want to settle in Bazhou, we will launch office buildings and housing at that time."

Chen Jiahao smiled and said: "Are you so sure that the food court can be popular?"

You must know that 500,000 square meters is not a building area, but a floor area. Even if the floor area ratio is 2.5, it is millions of square meters.

Lu Fei is full of confidence.

He did not answer Chen Jiahao directly, but asked: "Brother Hao, did you find any difference after eating those spiritual rice, spiritual meat and spiritual vegetables?"

Chen Jiahao thought for a while and said, "Aside from the delicious taste and improved physical condition, the biggest difference is that it can handle hunger better."

"Now, even if I don't eat for three days, I still have lots of energy!"

Lu Fei laughed loudly. With such good results, are you still worried about business failure?

Chen Jiahao smiled.

In fact, Chen Jiahao knows better than Lu Fei how popular food made from spiritual rice, spiritual meat and spiritual vegetables is.

In the past two months, Lu Fei was only busy with his own affairs and never even went to [Sizhi Teahouse], which made Gao Weiwei very angry.

The business of [Sizhi Tea House] is so good.

There are only six tables for dining every day, so it's almost impossible to book a seat. But the tea room was overcrowded, and the reservations had already been made a year later.

What all tea drinkers are most concerned about is where to buy [spiritual tea]?

But Lufei only sold 200 kilograms of [Linglong Qingxin] tea to Chen Jiahao, and the other 100 kilograms were bought by the Bazhou County Government.

Apart from these two transactions, except for some sent by Lu Fei, [Linglong Qingxin] tea has never appeared in the market.

After drinking tea at Sizhi Teahouse, the tea drinker who spent a lot of money wanted to buy some to take away. Gao Weiwei generously limited the purchase to half a catty per table, which is 30,000 yuan.

Buy it or not!

All in all, the [Linglong Qingxin] tea has sold for 60,000 yuan per pound.

It is 12 times more expensive than the 5,000 yuan a pound that Chen Jiahao bought at the time.

In fact, some people will privately increase the price in order to buy [Linglong Qingxin] tea. It is common for a pound of tea to be sold for 100,000 yuan.

Jin Ri Shengle couldn't smile from ear to ear. He originally invested 1 billion and took 20% of the shares of [Sizhi Teahouse]. It was definitely a good deal!

And Gao Weiwei showed her business talent. In more than three months, she took full advantage of the six tables of "Four Knowledges Like a Dream Rice" that day, and the value of the resources in exchange exceeded 10 billion Tang coins.

Of course, it's value, not cash.

No wonder Gao Weiwei complained about Lu Fei not going to [Sizhi Teahouse]!

Chen Jiahao knows very well that [Sizhi Tea House] is just a sketch of Bazhou’s future.

With a silhouette like this, he couldn't imagine what Bazhou would look like in the future.

County Magistrate Tang Zhiguo, who studied economic management, said he couldn't understand Lu Fei's magic operation. He could only say privately that capital was the original sin and that capital was destructively exploiting the market.

"Let's go and meet our boss Lu!"

Hearing that Lu Fei and Chen Jiahao had arrived in Jinzi Village, Tang Zhiguo put down the documents in his hands and said to the executive deputy county magistrate Li Yongpeng.

Li Yongpeng smiled and said: "It's time to have a good chat with Boss Li!"

The two shook their heads.

After all, they are both princes from the same side, but they actually want to put down their dignity and take the initiative to meet a businessman.

Half an hour later, Tang Zhiguo and Li Yongpeng arrived at Jinzi Village.

"Boss Lu, you are really a dragon that sees the beginning but never the end!"

Tang Zhiguo said teasingly.

Lu Fei smiled, "I'm not here, and the construction in Bazhou is in full swing. Isn't it great?"

"Haha... I won't cause trouble to the county magistrate here!"

Tang Zhiguo said: "What's the trouble? I just hope that Boss Lu can always be here!"

"Besides, I am meant to serve the people!"

Lu Fei said: "Haha, County Magistrate Tang is very upright and upright. If you don't mind it being troublesome, I really have something to discuss with the County Magistrate."

Tang Zhiguo's heart thumped, and he suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling.

But he still said: "Boss Lu, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

Lu Fei said: "There is a saying: if you want to get rich, build roads first. I would like to discuss building roads with County Magistrate Tang."

Tang Zhiguo frowned and looked at Lu Fei in surprise, "Boss Lu, which road are you planning to build?"

Lu Fei said nothing and pointed to the sky.

Tang Zhiguo, Li Yongpeng and Chen Jiahao were all baffled.

Lu Fei laughed, "When I met County Magistrate Tang for the first time, Magistrate Tang said that the Jiangba Expressway would be opened to traffic by the end of the year, right?"

Tang Zhiguo nodded, it was true.

Lu Fei said: "This is what I think. If Bazhou wants to develop, highways alone are not enough."

Tang Zhiguo said: "Bazhou is just a remote small county. The opening of a highway is already a benefit for the country's western development."

"Being able to access the expressway is already a great blessing to the country, thank God!"

Lu Fei seemed unconcerned and said, "I want to build an airport in Bazhou!"


"Build an airport?"

"Boss Lu, are you kidding me?"

Tang Zhiguo and Li Yongpeng were both shocked and opened their mouths. Building an airport is not a trivial matter.

Lu Fei nodded seriously.

"The construction project of Jinzi Village is progressing very quickly, and the effects of [Xingdongfang Chef Training School] will be effective soon."

"It won't be long before the flow of people in Bazhou will increase as never before."

"Now it takes more than ten or twenty hours to get from Jiangcheng to Bazhou by national highway. After the Jiangba Expressway is normalized, it will only take about five hours."

“But it’s still too slow and cannot meet the needs of those high-end customers.”

"Therefore, the construction of Bazhou Airport is imperative."

Tang Zhiguo nodded.

If the effect of [Xingdongfang Chef Training School] comes out, Bazhou will usher in development opportunities, and Bazhou really needs to build an airport.

However, Tang Zhiguo knew that building an airport was a huge project. With the fiscal revenue of Bazhou County, even with national financial support, Bazhou County would not be able to afford it.

Lu Fei said: "I know that building an airport is not a trivial matter. There are many complicated processes."

"But the more this happens, the more you need to prepare in advance."

"Otherwise, when we really need the airport, we won't even know the procedures."

Tang Zhiguo had no objection to this.

As the head of a county, he has a far-sighted vision and a broad mind. Although the airport cannot be built now, it is okay to prepare in advance.

Tang Zhiguo said: "Mr. Lu's idea is very good. I will consider building the airport."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "It's not about thinking about it, but about making a declaration plan."

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