Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 120 The Han Army Is Coming

Lu Fei stayed in Jiangcheng for 3 days.

After a shopping spree and more than a dozen watch samples made by Mo Qianji, he returned to Bazhou again.

Met with Hai Yu and told her to contact Mo Qianji to build a special electronic watch factory in Bazhou.

After several months, the urban layout and land use plan for the future development of Bazhou has been released.

The east and west sides are planned for commercial areas and supporting residential buildings.

The industrial park is planned in the north, and the south side of Longshou Mountain is reserved by Lu Fei. He plans to build the largest urban park.

The urban park connects the prosperous areas in the east and west directions of Bazhou in the future, and high-end residential buildings can also be built on the southern periphery.

This is Lu Fei's idea.

Since the industrial park already had a planned area, Haiyu had nothing to say. After asking Lu Fei about his request, he contacted Mo Qianji to implement it.

Lu Fei, on the other hand, has entered the spiritual world.

After Lu Fei arrived at [Lucheng], he first met with Yue Fei.

He took out the electronic watch and gave six to Yue Fei, asking him to give one to cadres above the platoon and keep the other one in the confidential room.

In addition, Lu Fei equipped each soldier with a wireless walkie-talkie with a 7-watt transmission power and a 700MHz frequency band.

This kind of walkie-talkie can communicate clearly within a range of 10 kilometers in open areas.

Yue Feile's mouth almost burst into tears.

With these two pieces of equipment, he will be much more convenient as a commander.

Well, walkie-talkies are much more practical than cell phones. The mobile phone can only take photos, videos and so on.

How could a walkie-talkie be so advanced!

You can still shout from a distance of 10 kilometers.

After Lu Fei taught Yue Fei how to use it, he assigned Yue Fei a task.

The training of the special agent company changed from field training to actual combat exercises.

"Hunting plan!"

The exercise had an odd name and objective.

Lu Fei asked Yue Fei to lead the spy company across the "Liangjiegou" to Wangwu Mountain and hunt in Wangwu Mountain.

It is not a simple hunt, but the goal is to capture live beasts.

Whether they were flying in the sky or running on the ground, as long as they were birds and beasts, Lu Fei wanted to catch them all alive.

This is very painful for Yue Fei.

However, Yue Fei lived up to the essence of a professional soldier. After receiving the mission, he did not shirk and ensured that the mission was completed.

In order to prevent accidents, Lu Fei allowed the agents to be equipped together and distributed 100 cold steel large white leg sabers to the soldiers.

In addition, Lu Fei also gave his previous amphibious vehicle [Thousand Machine 100] to the special agent company, and it became the special vehicle for Yue Fei and Wang Ping. Lu Fei drove a new [Thousand Machine 200] himself.

But Wang Ping was very happy.

I also have a private car.

Yue Fei and Wang Ping rode in the car, while the three platoon leaders Zhang Bao, Wang Heng and Yang Zaixing led their soldiers on foot, heading west from the [Tanikou Expressway].

[Taniguchi Expressway] was built from [Dalukou] to the east. At this time, the section from [Dalukou] to [Lucheng] has been completed.

Wang Heng looked at the slowly driving off-road vehicle in front of him, feeling envious and angry at the same time.

Isn't it just one level higher?

If you are one level higher, you can sit on a comfortable off-road vehicle, but you have to work hard behind it.

He swore that the next time the army expanded, he would become a company commander no matter what.

There were only two people on the off-road vehicle, Yue Fei and Wang Ping. Wang Ping was driving, and Yue Fei was sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed and meditating.

“The feeling of driving is so exciting!”

Wang Ping said proudly.

"Does it feel good?" Yue Fei asked calmly.


"If you don't believe me, I'll teach you when I have time!"

"When you know how to do it, you'll know when you open it!"

Wang Ping said with joy.

Yue Fei opened his eyes and watched Wang Ping operate. After a while, he said, "This is a good suggestion."

"After this exercise mission is completed, all members of the secret service company will learn to drive."

"You will be responsible for teaching then!"

Wang Ping was stunned, "Why?"

Yue Fei said calmly: "This is an order."


Wang Ping slapped the steering wheel hard, wasn't I looking for trouble?

Yue Fei smiled slightly, leaned back on the seat and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

The SUV stopped at [Mainland Port], and Yue Fei and Wang Ping got off. Yue Fei looked at Liangjiegou and asked for the remote control of Qianji Bridge from Wang Ping.

"Wang Hui!"


Yue Fei handed the remote control of [Qianji Bridge] to Wang Hui and ordered: "From now on, the security squad will be stationed at [Qianji Bridge]. If there is an emergency, the Qianji Bridge will be closed immediately to cut off the connection between the east and west sides."


Wang Hui stood at attention with a snap.

He was now the squad leader of the security squad. He immediately took the order and sent two soldiers to stand guard at the bridge.

In addition to Wang Hui, there are seven soldiers in the guard squad.

Wang Hui arranged for the soldiers to stand guard in shifts, with two soldiers in each shift, standing for 2 hours, during which the other five soldiers rested.

Wang Ping frowned and said: "Lao Yue, Mr. Lu asked us to go hunting in Wangwu Mountain. What's going on with you leaving the security team here?"

Yue Fei said: "The secret agent company is short of manpower. The prey must be transported back to [Lucheng] in time."

"[Qianji Bridge] needs to be used for a long time. It is inconvenient to start it every time and consumes too much diesel."

"In order to prevent accidents, it is necessary to send people to guard the bridge."

Wang Ping curled his lips and said, "You are too careful. Who will come to this place?"

"Beware of the long-lasting ship!"

After Yue Fei said something, he turned to Wang Hui and asked Wang Hui to open the [Qianji Bridge], and asked Wang Ping to leave the off-road vehicle behind and order the team to cross the bridge.

"Yue Manzi!"

Wang Ping looked unhappy, glanced at the off-road vehicle reluctantly, and walked towards the bridge.

Three days after Yue Fei led the special agent company to Wangwu Mountain, an army of about a hundred people came from the west of [Dalukou].

The leading general is Huang Tianhu, the captain of the Tiannan County Army and a celebrity in the four realms.

Huang Tianhu rode a tall white horse, and a soldier behind him held a big flag with the word "yellow".

Deputy Captain Du Xiaofeng rode his horse and came from behind the team, "Captain Huang, we followed the traces to this point, and we are almost at the ravine."

Huang Tianhu frowned and said, "This is strange. More than 200,000 people in Wang's hometown disappeared. Did they really cross the ravine?"

Du Xiaofeng said: "The general doesn't believe that those mud-legged people have the ability to cross the natural chasm and ravine!"

"Even with the help of the Han Dynasty, they couldn't get through it, let alone those mud-legged people?"

Huang Tianhu nodded, "Yes or no, we will know soon."

While the two were talking, they were not far from the [Thousand Machines Bridge].

"Captain Huang, look..."

Du Xiaofeng suddenly saw the [Qianji Bridge] in the distance, pointed at it from a distance, and said in a trembling voice.

Huang Tianhu looked over in response and couldn't help but change his expression.


When did a bridge be built over the natural chasm and ravine?


Huang Tianhu and Du Xiaofeng both shouted loudly and urged their horses to run towards [Qianji Bridge].

The soldiers behind also started to trot.

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