Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 121 A Brief Firefight

"Report to the squad leader that Han troops have arrived on the other side of [Qianji Bridge]!"

Wang Hui was taking a nap with his eyes closed next to the off-road vehicle, when a soldier ran over to report.

Wang Hui stood up suddenly and ducked to the end of the [Qianji Bridge].

At this time, the two soldiers standing guard were already on alert, and several other soldiers also arrived.


Yue Manzi really expected it, what a surprise!

Well, the soldiers of the special agent company privately call Yue Fei's new nickname "Yue Manzi!"

When he received the order to garrison [Qianji Bridge], Wang Hui originally didn't take it seriously like Wang Ping, but he didn't dare to say anything like Wang Ping, so he could only obey the order honestly.

But at this time, Wang Hui couldn't help but admire Yue Fei's admiration.

No wonder someone can be a company commander, but I am just a squad leader.

[Qianji Bridge] On the opposite side, Huang Tianhu has led a hundred Han soldiers to the bridge passage, and the situation on the other side of the bridge can be clearly seen.

Several people in strange clothes looked wary at the bridge opposite.

Huang Tianhu waved his hand.

Du Xiaofeng immediately rode forward and shouted to the other side: "Who are you?"

Wang Hui looked at the Han army, feeling quite stressed. He asked without answering, "Who are you?"

Du Xiaofeng said: "I am Du Xiaofeng, the deputy captain of Tiannan County of Han Dynasty!"

Pointing at Huang Tianhu, he said, "This is Captain Huang Tianhu!"

Wang Hui said: "It turns out to be Captain Huang and Deputy Captain Du. What are you doing here?"

Du Xiaofeng said: "On the order of Mr. Yang, I came here to find out the truth about the disappearance of the villagers in Wangjia Village. Do you know where the villagers in Wangjiatown have gone?"

Wang Hui said: "The people from Wang's hometown have left their hometown. Now they are well, so I don't need you two adults to worry about them."

Du Xiaofeng was furious: "Leaving one's hometown without authorization is a serious crime. How is it different from rebellion?"

Huang Tianhu frowned, glared at Du Xiaofeng, reined in the reins and shouted in person: "When was the bridge built here?"

Du Xiaofeng immediately agreed and said loudly: "Also, who built this bridge?"

Wang Hui said: "You two adults don't need to worry about any of this. As long as we don't cross the bridge, we will be fine!"

Huang Tianhu and Du Xiaofeng both had bad expressions after being repeatedly criticized by Wang Hui.

"The army is here, are you still going to fight stubbornly?" Du Xiaofeng shouted in a deep voice.

Wang Hui didn't answer.

He tilted his head and ordered softly: "Get ready for battle."


The seven soldiers responded softly.

A soldier said: "Squad leader, the two captains must be celebrities in the four realms, and they have hundreds of people. Can we defeat them?"

Wang Hui actually didn't know what he was thinking, so he said, "Company Commander Yue has told us that if there are any invading enemies, we will attack them halfway."

The soldier asked: "What is a half-attack?"

Wang Hui said: "When they are halfway to the bridge, open fire immediately."

Another soldier said: "I have long wanted to test the power of the Type 95 rifle. See if I can kill a celebrity from the Four Realms with one shot?"

"I also want to try the power of the JS9 submachine gun!" said a soldier.

Seeing that his soldiers were not timid to fight, Wang Hui felt more confident and stared intently.

It would be best if Huang Tianhu and others left, but if they insisted on crossing the bridge, they could only start a war.

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, Du Xiaofeng said to Huang Tianhu: "Sir, look..."

Huang Tianhu said: "I think most of the eight people on the other side are second-level warriors, and there are two first-level warriors. They are not strong."

"It's just that this bridge seems weird. I've never seen an iron bridge like this!"

"Take 50 people over and capture them all!"

"Got the order!"

Du Xiaofeng clasped his fists and accepted the order, jumped off his horse, and called two groups of soldiers to rush towards [Qianji Bridge].

"I'm really here!"

A soldier tightened the Type 95 rifle in his hand and said.

"Prepare for battle!"

Wang Hui pulled the safety of the Type 95 rifle and shouted an order.


The other seven soldiers in the guard squad responded and quickly deployed into a coordinated combat arrangement. Two soldiers squatted on the bridge and raised their guns, while the two soldiers behind them stood in a standing position and raised their guns to aim.

The other four soldiers worked in pairs and quickly moved to the edge of the deep trench on the left and right sides of the bridge to form a crossfire arrangement.

[Qianji Bridge] The bridge deck is about 120 meters long. The Han army was so fast that they rushed to the middle of the bridge in just a few breaths.


Close combat was not the advantage of the soldiers in the guard squad. Wang Hui did not dare to wait for the Han soldiers to get too close and gave the order decisively.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

"Thud, tug, tug... tug, tug..."

The Type 95 rifle and the JS9 submachine gun opened fire at the same time.


[Qianji Bridge] Screams came from the bridge in the middle. Bing Yong who rushed in front had no idea what was going on and fell into a pool of blood.

Bing Yong, who rushed up from behind, saw his colleagues in front fall down, and before they had time to react, they were all shot to death.

In less than 5 seconds, the 50 soldiers who rushed to the [Qianji Bridge], including Du Xiaofeng, a celebrity from the four realms, were all killed.

"Haha...I knocked down celebrities from all four realms with one shot!"

A soldier shouted excitedly.

He is just a warrior from the second realm. If he were to fight with a celebrity from the fourth realm at close range, he would not be able to take even one move.

But with the Type 95 rifle, he killed celebrities from all over the world with one bullet. How could he be dissatisfied?

Opposite Huang Tianhu's face was the color of pig liver, and his mouth was wide enough to fit a duck egg in. The 50 soldiers behind him were also stunned.


What kind of magic is this horse riding? After hearing unknown noises, Deputy Captain Du and 50 of his colleagues fell to the ground bleeding.

"Sir, what should I do?"

A soldier asked Huang Tianhu tremblingly.

Huang Tianhu pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, and said in a deep voice: "Retreat!"

He didn't dare to stay in this damn place for a moment.

The remaining 50 soldiers were all overjoyed. They thought the captain was wise and immediately turned around and ran for their lives.

"Squad leader, they want to run!"

A soldier said.

"Kill them, or we'll be in trouble later!"

Wang Hui gritted his teeth and ordered again.

After giving the order, Wang Hui raised the Type 95 rifle in his hand and locked the sight on Huang Tianhu on the white horse.

"Bang bang bang!"

Wang Hui fired three shots in a row, and Huang Tianhu, who had just ran about 200 meters away, fell from his horse.

The squad leader opened fire first, and the other four soldiers holding Type 95 rifles also opened fire decisively.

The Type 95 rifle has a maximum range of 600 meters and an effective range of 400 meters. Although Huang Tianhu ran fast on horseback, he was still within the effective range. Wang Hui fired three shots in a row, hitting the back.

The effective range of the JS9 submachine gun is only 150 meters, and the [Thousand Machine Bridge] itself is about 120 meters. The soldiers on the opposite side were brave and fled very fast. The four soldiers equipped with the JS9 submachine gun could only stare at them, looking at them with envy. A comrade held a Type 95 rifle to wipe out the enemy.

In less than 30 seconds, all 50 soldiers on the opposite side were wiped out.

"Clean the battlefield quickly!"

"Pay attention to safety, refill the gun first and then clean up the body!"

Wang Hui left two soldiers standing guard and personally led people to clean the battlefield.

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