Is this murder?

Lu Fei was surprised that his first reaction was murder.

What about the target of murder?


Or a taxi driver?


If it were him, he would have just arrived in Tianjing, and even his cousin Su Lin would not know that he had arrived in Tianjing.

Who is going to murder me if I am an unfamiliar person?

Not too possible.

Could it be the murder of a taxi driver?

It seems impossible.

"Sauri... Saori!"

A big man smelling of alcohol walked out of the cab of the off-road vehicle and walked staggeringly towards Lu Fei and the taxi driver.

Drunk driving?

Still a gringo!

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched fiercely.

What the hell, a foreign devil dared to act tyrannically at the feet of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Didn't you know that someone almost died?

Soon, another person stepped out from the passenger seat and the back seat of the off-road vehicle.

One is a young man from the Tang Dynasty, and the other is also a foreign devil.

Both of them also smelled of alcohol.



"How did you park the car?"

The young man from Tang Dynasty came up and cursed.

"Master Huo, you deserve our misfortune!"

said the foreigner who got off the car later.

"It's really unlucky. Let's go private. I'll pay for the damage to your taxi. How much will it cost?"

The foreign driver said with a smile, his attitude was extremely good.

"What compensation should I pay?"

"When have I, Huo Yuanjia, ever compensated anyone?"

The young man smelled of alcohol and was very arrogant.

Lu Fei's face was very ugly and he almost took out 95.

Ma De, a young man, is more arrogant than the bastards in Wang's hometown in the Emperor's Imperial City.

Didn’t you see that both foreign devils turned their tails between their legs and behaved like men?


"Master Huo, forget it, give up your money and avoid disaster!"

"Yes, Mr. Huo, let's go to the heaven and earth to have a drink. Brother Hao has arranged all the young models."

The two foreign devils tried their best to persuade Huo Yuanjia.

"No, it's not fun for young models to bully others!"

"I just won't pay compensation, let's see what they can do?"

The foreign devil who drove the car looked miserable, and you didn't drive, so they couldn't do anything to you, but I was in trouble!

Another foreigner winked at the foreigner driving the car and asked him to take Huo Yuanjia away first.

He walked up to Lu Fei and the taxi driver and said, "My friend drank too much and hit your car. I will pay you 2 million Tang coins. Can we go private?"

Lu Fei was stunned, 2 million Tang coins is a lot!

Are foreign devils so generous?

Lu Fei looked back at the taxi driver, wondering if he would agree to the compensation.

Even if he bought a new car of the same type, it would only cost more than 200,000 Tang coins, and he felt that the taxi driver might agree to it.

After all, nothing happened to the man, he was just frightened.


"I don't agree to keep it private!"

The taxi driver covered his still sore arm, limped two steps, and said firmly.

"It's private, isn't it good to be private?"

"Can you get more money?"

When the foreign devil heard that the taxi driver did not agree to the secret, he became a little anxious.

"Just follow the procedure, I don't need the extra money!" the taxi driver said.

After finishing speaking, he said to Lu Fei: "Sir, please call the police for me!"

Lu Fei was slightly surprised, nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.


When he saw that the other party called the police, the foreign devil immediately turned his face.

The speed of falling out is faster than flipping through a book.

 ̄へ ̄

Huo Yuanjia broke away from the foreign devil, walked over, and said loudly: "Ai Jihua, look, look, do you want to give him face?"

Ai Jihua was the foreign devil who didn't drive, and the foreign devil who drove drunk was named Wu Desang.

Ai Jihua said: "Stupid Tang people, as stupid as bears!"

Huo Yuanjia said: "To deal with the people of the Tang Dynasty, I have to take action from the Tang Dynasty. You can't do it with your foreigners!"

After he finished speaking, he walked up to the taxi driver, pointed at his nose and cursed: "Old guy, if I give you three points of color, you will open a dyeing shop. Who the hell do you think you are!"

"Believe it or not, the police will arrest you first!"

The taxi driver was very angry, but he didn't even look afraid.

"You are not driving drunk, you are committing murder!"

Ai Jihua and Wu Desang were both shocked, and Lu Fei also opened his mouth.

Only Huo Yuanjia laughed loudly, "You are a taxi driver. I drank too much or took the wrong medicine. Do I want to murder you?"

At this time, the streets were already crowded with spectators. (#`O′)

"Who is this person? He is so arrogant!"

"What's wrong with taxi drivers? They also rely on their hands to earn money to support their families. Working people are glorious."

"This young man is so useless. He is collaborating with foreign devils to bully us Tang people!"

"Keep your voice down, haven't you seen someone driving drunk and still being so arrogant?"

"It must be someone with a background!"

"It doesn't matter whether he has any background, brother driver, I support you!"

Huo Yuanjia was furious when he heard what the onlookers said, "Why are you all making such a fuss? If you have nothing to do, I'll invite you to drink tea at Jinwu Gate!"



"Golden Meridian Gate?"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry to eat..."

"I'm leaving too!"

Many people immediately shut up after hearing the Jinwu Gate, found an excuse and left quickly, not even daring to watch the excitement.

Lu Fei frowned.

The Jinwu Sect seems to be quite powerful, so many people have changed their expressions after hearing about it.

No wonder Huo Yuanjia is so arrogant!

"It seems to be a car driven by foreign devils. Why are you making noise here?"

Faced with Huo Yuanjia's arrogance, the taxi driver was not afraid, but instead criticized him.


Lu Fei suddenly felt that he couldn't understand the taxi driver.

Huo Yuanjia said loudly: "My car, do you think I can speak?"

The taxi driver said: "Then you are an accomplice!"

Huo Yuanjia was still about to argue, but Ai Jihua and Wu Desang came to pull him away, "Quickly leave, or the police will come soon!"

Compared to Huo Yuanjia, the two of them seemed to be more afraid of making things worse.

"Don't leave until the police come!"

The taxi driver held up his thin body to block the three of them.

Wu Desang stretched out his big futon-like hand and pushed the taxi driver.

Lu Fei stepped forward diagonally, raised his hand, and Wu Desang's arm was knocked away, and he took a few steps back.

ε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Lu Fei's eyes narrowed.

This foreign devil is wrong!

Most people would fall down if they were attacked by him. But the foreign devil only took a few steps back.

Obviously the other party is very skilled.

Was it really murder?

Lu Fei felt alarmed and shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"I am Huo Yuanjia of Jinwumen!"

The two foreign devils said nothing, and Huo Yuanjia said carelessly.

Silly 13! (⊙x⊙;)

Lu Fei was too lazy to pay attention to Huo Yuanjia and approached the two foreign devils step by step.


Wu Desang suddenly shouted loudly, turned around and rushed into the crowd of Guijie Street, no longer paying attention to Huo Yuanjia.

Ai Jihua also ran away.

Lu Fei was about to give chase, "Wow~Wow~Wow~" the police siren sounded, and a police car quickly arrived at the scene.

Three tall policemen got out of the car and quickly glanced at the scene. The leading policeman asked in a deep voice: "Who called the police?"


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