Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 127 People From The Ministry Of National Security

"I called the police!"

Now that the police are here, Lu Fei doesn't chase the two foreign devils.

Solving crimes and protecting citizens' lives and property are all the job of the police, and he is just a businessman.

It is your duty to act bravely and save people.

But chasing two escapees, especially involving foreigners, might get you into trouble.

"what happened?"

The tall police officer asked with an expressionless expression, as if he was interrogating a prisoner.

The police are all like this, cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Lu Fei didn't mind, so he called the taxi driver over and told him what happened.

At this time, one of the other two police officers was taking photos to collect evidence, and the other was questioning Huo Yuanjia.

Huo Yuanjia was very arrogant, "I drank too much. You can ask again when I sober up."

The police couldn't do anything to Huo Yuanjia, and he didn't drive. The drunk driver was a foreign devil who had already escaped.

But the taxi driver said: "This is not a drunk driving collision, this is murder!"

The corner of the policeman's mouth that took the photo was twitching fiercely. From the scene, it looked like he was driving under the influence. If you said it was murder, would it count as murder?

You are a taxi driver and foreigners will murder you?

When handling a case, you have to talk about evidence.

"Okay, you go back first. We will notify you when we catch the escaping driver."

After the process was completed, the tall policeman said to the taxi driver.

It can only be the.

There are countless surveillance cameras in the streets and alleys of Tianjing. The police can easily catch two escaping foreign Japanese.

Lu Fei thought so, nodded and prepared to leave.

The taxi driver disagreed, "You handled the case too hastily. I already told you it was murder!"

"Forget it, I don't count on you anymore!"

"I'll handle it myself!"

As he said that, the taxi driver went to look for his mobile phone in the taxi that was overturned on the side.

Lu Fei couldn't help but wonder, did the taxi driver handle it himself?

He didn't leave for the time being, wanting to see what the taxi driver would do.

It took a lot of effort for the taxi driver to find his mobile phone in the car.

Seeing that the phone was not broken, the taxi driver was very happy. He praised the quality of domestic products and made a call.

"Huahua, I suspect someone murdered your father!"


Lu Fei listened to a few words and twitched his mouth.

What do you think the taxi driver is going to do? It turned out to be a phone call to my daughter!

Still Huahua?

I'm laughing so hard, it sounds like the name of a pet dog!

Lu Fei had no interest and continued reading. Momo, who had made an appointment, was still waiting for him.

However, before he could leave, he saw an incredible scene, and he was restricted and not allowed to leave.



"Please rest assured, chief, we will cordon off the scene immediately!"


"Yes, make sure no one leaves!"

The tall policeman who asked the question before answered a phone call and immediately mobilized police officers from the department. Then,

Two other police officers then cordoned off the scene.

The tall policeman walked up to Lu Fei and said, "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, you can't leave the scene for the time being!"

? ? ?

Lu Fei was confused.

But he didn't ask any more questions.

It was obvious that the policeman had received orders from his superiors.

It's no use asking.

Well, asking the police might as well ask the taxi driver.

Lu Fei couldn't help but look at the taxi driver. He is thin, tall and in his forties or fifties. He is dressed in ordinary clothes and looks like an ordinary person.

Alas, it is indeed the same as the internet slang circulated in previous lives.

In the capital, you don't even want to mess with the cleaning woman who sweeps the floors. She might just call the leader of a company.

The taxi driver is obviously that kind of person.

"Master, what's going on?"

"You know, my friend is still waiting for me!"

Lu Fei walked to the taxi driver and asked unhappily.

"Oh, it's okay, I just called my daughter Huahua."

"You are my savior, it's okay!"

the taxi driver said.

Lu Fei said: "Then let me leave first?"

"Okay, I'll talk to the police."

The taxi driver agreed and went to find the tall policeman.

"No, the order I received is that no one can leave!"

The police refused the taxi driver outright.

The taxi driver looked helpless and apologized profusely to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei had a grimace on his face and asked the police officer: "Where's the order?"

"Department of Homeland Security!"

The policeman said calmly and went about his business.

Lu Fei was stunned for a long time.

"Sir, is your daughter from the Ministry of National Security?"

The taxi driver smiled coquettishly, "Oh, I guess so!"

"I don't know either!"

"It's quite mysterious anyway!"

"Well, my daughter is still very beautiful. You can see her soon."

Lu Fei pouted, "What does it have to do with me whether your daughter is beautiful or not?"

Are you proud or promoting?

I shouldn't be riding in your car!

Not long after, a large number of police cars arrived at the scene, including a non-police jeep, and a tall beauty stepped out of the car.

White shirt, jeans, white shoes.

Very casual outfit, with a white shirt tied in a knot at the hem, giving the whole look the look of a little girl.


The taxi driver saw the beautiful woman and greeted her with a smile.

Huahua glanced at the scene with a solemn expression.

"Dad, you're fine!"

"Tell me the process again, in as much detail as possible."

The taxi driver immediately told what happened, pointing at Lu Fei from time to time.

After hearing this, Huahua walked up to Lu Fei, took out her ID from her jeans pocket, flashed it in front of Lu Fei's eyes, and then took it back.

"Hello Mr. Lu, I am Fan Lihua from the Third Division of the Ministry of National Security!"

"Hello!" Lu Fei replied nonchalantly.

Fan Lihua said: "Thank you for saving my father!"

"But I'm curious, what does Mr. Lu do?"

Lu Fei smiled and started interrogating now?

"I'm just a businessman, doing some small business!"

"Really? Can a businessman kick open the car door?"

Fan Lihua's beautiful eyes glanced at Lu Fei's face, with a smile on her beautiful face, as if you can't fool me.

"Oh, I've been practicing for a few days!" Lu Fei said.

Fan Lihua smiled, her beautiful face was like a pear blossom in full bloom, her ponytail trembled slightly, and a breath of youthful vitality hit her face.

Lu Fei quickly looked away.

Fan Lihua was different from all the beauties he had seen. She gave him a feeling of vitality and freshness, not just a visual enjoyment of beauty.

"Mr. Lu, you can leave!"

"But when the suspect is caught, your testimony may be needed."

Lu Fei was stunned. After such a big battle, he could leave now?

It seems that the thunder is louder than the raindrops!

However, he had already delayed a lot of time, and it was already past the time agreed with Momo, so being able to leave early was what he wished for.

"Okay, just let me know when the time comes."

Lu Fei said something and immediately walked towards Guijie.

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