Da Sima Lu went out on patrol and saluted and said: "Since Prime Minister Zhang said that he wants to investigate, I also think it is feasible, so I second the proposal."

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

For a moment, the ministers seemed to have reached a consensus, and they all agreed to go to Hailan City to investigate Zhenxiang.

I don't care much about whether Zhou Yu lied about military information.

The ministers all said this, and Emperor Sun Quan had no choice but to agree.

"Where is Zhang Zhao?"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"I order you to go to Hailan City quickly to investigate the truth of the matter. I will give you the sword above, you can cut it first and then gather it together!"

"I accept your order!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

After Zhang Zhao finished speaking, he was suddenly startled.


Kill first and play later?

That's the Grand Governor Zhou Yu!

"Your Majesty, the Grand Governor is an important minister of the country, a pillar in the south of the sky!"

Zhang Zhao hurriedly knelt down.


Sun Quan said angrily: "I gave you Shangfang Sword so that you can do what you want."

"If there is an extreme crisis, the Nanda Camp troops can be mobilized!"

Zhang Zhaocheng was frightened and said in his heart: If we mobilize the troops of Nan Daying, Shang Fang's sword won't work. We need tiger talisman!

Alas, Your Majesty is still too young!

However, he did not dare to say this, so he could only kowtow and thank him.

The ministers had the same thoughts as Zhang Zhao, but even the prime minister, a veteran of the three dynasties, did not dare to speak, and they did not dare to speak.

"Any thing else?"

Emperor Sun Quan looked around at the ministers and asked loudly.

All the officials shook their heads and said nothing.

"If there is a starting point, I will withdraw from the court if nothing happens!"

Sun Quan said, left the dragon chair and went directly.

The ministers retreated, Zhang Zhao led the guards, and a team of more than a thousand people came out from the south gate and marched towards Hailan City.

Chang'an City, the thousand-year-old ancient capital, is shrouded in wind and rain, and restaurants and tea shops are bustling with activity.

"Have you heard? A demon appears in Hailan City!"

"I've heard about it a long time ago. They said they were green-faced, fanged, invulnerable, and had eaten 30,000 elite soldiers of the Governor of Zhou Dynasty!"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's just the rebels who rebelled!"

"It seems your news is out of date!"

"what's the situation?"

Rumors began to spread in the imperial capital of Chang'an, saying that demons were causing trouble in the Han Dynasty, and news of the defeat of the governor spread like wildfire.

The spies and agents from the Six Nations operating in Chang'an City all spread the news back to their home countries.

Suddenly, the six countries were in shock, and everyone was spreading rumors about Zhou Yu's defeat. The craftsmen from many countries started to go to Hailan City for various reasons and under various banners.

This is probably something Lu Fei didn't expect.

At this time, Lu Fei had already returned to Lucheng with his special agent company.

Originally, he had a lot of things to deal with after returning to Lucheng, such as the resettlement of dozens of newly relocated people, etc., which were all top priorities.

But Lu Fei left those matters to Wang Cheng and Wang Zhi to handle.

Lu Fei first personally selected a beautiful place in Nanshan outside [Lucheng] and mobilized 3,000 young men to build the Martyrs Cemetery.

Moreover, Lu Fei set a rule: from now on, only martyrs who died in battle will be buried in the Martyrs Cemetery.

The construction of the Martyrs Cemetery was extremely fast, and the first to be buried were the 18 soldiers who died in the Fish Gut Blockade.

Lu Fei called them the "Eighteen Heroes of the Fish Gut".

The funeral of the "Eighteen Warriors" was of extremely high standard and was regarded as the highest honorary funeral in mainland China. It was held in a special military style.

[Lucheng] Government officials came to pay homage, and people from all over the city came to see him off.

Lu Fei delivered a eulogy at the memorial service, commending them for their sacrifices for the development of [Mainland], issuing "Martyr Certificates" and "Glorious Family Medals" to the families of each martyr, solving life and work problems, and providing medical care to the families of the martyrs. Insurance is all available.

Lu Fei allows the families of the martyrs to enjoy noble treatment in Lucheng, and the conditions are better than those in modern society.

After all, these are the first martyrs on the mainland.

Turn grief into strength.

After taking care of the martyr's funeral, Lu Fei came to Yue Fei and said, "Now the secret agent company is resting and reorganizing. I want to expand the army again!"

Yue Fei supported military expansion.

After all, the secret service company only has 120 people, which is still too small. A group of soldiers have been recruited to form the second company.

But the strength of the two companies was still too small.

Yue Fei said: "Mr. Lu, it was previously expected to expand the strength of a regiment, about 1,000 people."

Lu Fei said: "Judging from the current situation, the strength of a regiment is obviously not enough. We need to establish an independent army of our own, with at least a team of 10,000 people."

If there are 10,000 people, it will be a division.

Yue Fei did not expect that Mr. Lu would form a division all of a sudden.

This was beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that Mr. Lu would form a full team first.

Yue Fei said: "Mr. Lu, [Lucheng] now has a population of about 600,000. If we form a division, there will be no problem with the number of soldiers."

"But we don't have enough equipment!"

Now, in addition to the equipment of the special agent company, even the newly formed second company has not been issued weapons.

Lu Fei said: "I know!"

"Don't worry, we have plenty of equipment!"

Yue Fei was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "As long as I have the equipment, I can form an army or two armies, let alone a division."

Well, it would be better to form three armies.

Create an army, air force and navy.

Of course, this is what Yue Fei thinks.

He didn't dare to open his mouth to Mr. Lu.

After watching so many military TV dramas, Yue Fei also knew that weapons cost money, and they were ridiculously expensive.

Now [Lucheng] has almost no output, and all expenses are paid by Mr. Lu.

[Lucheng] The people have received too many blessings from Mr. Lu.

You can’t just ask for it.

Lu Fei looked at Yue Fei's eager eyes. How could Yue Fei's little thoughts be hidden from him?

He gritted his teeth and said, "I know you want to organize the army, navy and air force."

"I want, too!"

"But now that I have three armies, I do feel pressure."

"Let's do this. The Army will first form a division, the Navy will form a fleet first, and the Air Force will form a flying group."

"Both the Navy and the Air Force are staffed to the same regiment."

Yue Fei was shocked when he heard this and said, "Mr. Lu, do you really want to recruit so many troops at once?"

He was both happy and worried.

I am happy that my dream is within reach, but I am worried that Mr. Lu is under too much pressure.

Lu Fei said firmly: "We suffered too much loss this time!"

"A rich country will have a strong military. Without a strong military, the country will not be rich."

“Although [Lucheng] is not a country, we still need to develop.”

"Well, the newly formed army division will be organized according to the standards of an A-type division, with an additional independent brigade added."

Yue Fei was shocked, knowing that Mr. Lu had always cared about the sacrifices of those 18 soldiers.


Yue Fei stood at attention and saluted with a military salute.

There was respect in his eyes.

Use your own attitude to meet future expectations.

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