[Mainland] In this expansion of the army, one Army A Division, one independent brigade, plus the Air Force Flying Group and the Navy Fleet are all organized according to regiments. This recruitment will become 20,000 people.

Yue Fei said: "Soldiers are not the problem now, the problem is the lack of military cadres!"

One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in a nest.

Lu Fei also knows this truth.

He said: "There is no rush. Military cadres can be generated from the grassroots. You can select soldiers with excellent military qualities to form the [Mainland Army Officer School] to specialize in training military cadres."

"Soldiers can serve as company and platoon-level cadres after graduating from the [Mainland Army Officer School]."


"Promise to complete the mission!"

Yue Fei was overjoyed. Mr. Lu's suggestion to establish the [Continental Army Officer School] really solved his problem.

Lu Fei said: "I'm going to be away for a while. According to this standard, you first recruit troops and then start military training."


Yue Fei stood at attention and gave a military salute!

At this point, the militarization construction of [Mainland] is on the right track.

Yue Fei began to recruit troops and at the same time selected a site to establish the [Continental Army Officer School].

After the announcement of the military conscription was released in [Lucheng], young people in [Lucheng] enthusiastically signed up. Within one day, the number of people who signed up reached as many as 50,000.

But Yue Fei only needed to recruit 20,000 people.

Therefore, the recruitment and selection process was also very strict. Yue Fei set up three assessments, which took five days to finally complete.

All the officers and soldiers of the secret service company are busy. They have to attend complex recruit training in the morning and attend classes at the [Continental Army Officer School] in the afternoon and evening.

There is no way, the first batch of trainees at the [Continental Army Officer School] are all soldiers from the special agent company.

The soldiers of the special agent company cherish this benefit very much.

[Mainland] City construction and military training are in full swing here, and Lu Fei left the mainland and returned to Bazhou.

At this time, Bazhou [Star Oriental Chef Training School] has started school.

The research and development and production of [Seasoning Packs] was officially launched, and a large number of dishes made with [Spiritual Meat] and [Spiritual Vegetables] were sent to the cold storage every day.

Since there are few varieties of "Spiritual Vegetables", Liu Yiwei, the principal of "Star Oriental Chef Training School" proposed using "Spiritual Meat" and "Spiritual Vegetables" as the main ingredients, and cooking dishes with Tang Dynasty's seasonal vegetables was well received, which greatly enriched the dishes. category.

And when it comes to the production of [Seasoning Packs], Liu Yiwei also suggested using [Spiritual Meat] and [Spiritual Vegetables] as the basic sauces to enhance the flavor of the [Seasoning Packs].

Haiyu strongly supports Liu Yiwei's plan.

With the opening of the [Star Oriental Chef Training School], the Bazhou Food Street has also been completed.

Chen Jiahao, Hai Yu, Guo Xiang, Luo Ru, Mo Qianji, Xiang Yaofei and others gathered together to discuss the opening of the business.

Even Gao Weiwei came from Jiangcheng.

Lu Fei said: "High-end customers are based on Gao Weiwei's customer base and implement a membership system, which is based on the level model of [Gengshang Club]."

"Of course, our membership starts with a recharge of 100,000 yuan."

"You can discuss the specific policies."

"We will open five high-end restaurants first to meet the needs of this group of customers, and then we will open them one after another based on customer reserves and reservations."

Haiyu nodded in agreement.

Anyway, there is no need to recruit employees when something goes wrong. When you open a new business, you can just transfer people directly from [Xingdongfang Chef Training School].

[Star Oriental Chef Training School] does not charge tuition fees and room and board fees, but one of the registration conditions is that each student must work in a restaurant under [Star Oriental Chef Training School] for three months.

Now [Star Oriental Chef Training School] has tens of thousands of students and a surplus of labor force. Even if all the shops in the food court are open, they can fully meet the labor demand.

Lu Fei continued: "In addition, open ten more affordable restaurants."

Chen Jiahao said in surprise: "What do you mean about affordable restaurants?"

Lu Fei said: "The affordable restaurant is only for Bazhou people, and you can dine with your Bazhou County resident ID card."

“Order dishes per head, eliminate packaging and waste!”

"Make the price as affordable as possible, keep the dishes simple, and keep the dishes fixed."

"Well, each of the ten restaurants has its own style."

Chen Jiahao suddenly realized that this was Lu Fei's first step to attract more people to Bazhou!

There are sky-high-priced dishes on one side, and affordable dishes that are close to the people on the other. I don’t know how many people will be vying to register in Bazhou in the future.

To become a Bazhou native, you must first buy a house, find a job, etc.

The next step of real estate development is a natural one.

Haiyu and Guo Xiang were both extremely smart people, and they understood Lu Fei's intention in a blink of an eye.

Lu Fei smiled and didn't explain much.

He is only responsible for the general direction and putting forward principles. As for how the specific things are reasonable, that is all the business of Hai Yu and Guo Xiang.

"Okay, that's it!"

"Hai Yu, you guys continue to discuss it. Brother Hao, let's go out for a walk and find something to do with you!"

Lu Fei said.

Chen Jiahao followed Lu Fei out the door, and the two of them strolled through the newly built food street.

Although it is a few kilometers away from the center of the county and has not yet opened, the magnificent buildings and clean streets still attract many Bazhou people.

Young people come to take photos, and many even take wedding photos here.

Elderly people come for a walk and enjoy the beautiful view of the city.

Maybe when the food court opens, there will be so many people that they won't have anything to worry about.

Chen Jiahao smiled and said, "Just tell me, there must be nothing good going on!"

Lu Fei smiled and said: "It is indeed not a good thing. I still need a lot of arms from the mainland!"

Chen Jiahao was stunned. He knew that Lu Fei had already obtained a large number of arms from Jin Risheng, and now he asked for them again. He didn't even know what Lu Fei was doing, but he seemed to have never left.


Chen Jiahao sighed. Anyway, he and Lu Fei were now grasshoppers on the same rope, so he didn't bother to think about it. He said: "If the number of miles is too large, then the only choice is to go abroad."

Lu Fei said: "That's what I mean, do you have any channels?"

Chen Jiahao shook his head and said: "I don't have channels, but you can find Lao Jin, he should have channels."


"You should keep an eye on things in Bazhou."

"I'm going to Jiangcheng to find Lao Jin!"

Lu Fei said.

Chen Jiahao nodded and said: "So far, everything is going well, and all plans have been basically completed."

"The next step is to follow the steps and launch one project after another. There will be no trouble."

Lu Fei is still very relieved when dealing with Chen Jiahao.

Lu Fei said: "The amount of [Spiritual Meat], [Spiritual Rice] and [Spiritual Vegetables] I put into the cold storage of [Star Oriental Chef Training School] is huge. It can last for a long time, and the funds will slowly be withdrawn." .”

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