Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 35 I’M Poaching This Corner Too

"Hello, Uncle Guo, just call me Xiao Lu!"

In the end, Lu Fei did not directly expose Hai Boyong's lies, nor did he admit that he was Lu Long, but used the word "Xiao Lu" to cover up the past.

Not for Hai Boyong, only for Haiyu.

He always remembered what he said that day in front of his brother's grave to protect the fishing industry.

If Hai Boyong's lies are exposed at this time, not only Hai Boyong will be embarrassed, but Hai Yu will be embarrassed as well.

He didn't want Hai Yu to be harmed because of him.

Hai Boyong could naturally see this little trick of his. But as long as Lu Fei didn't expose him on the spot, he had nothing to fear.

Of course, even if Lu Fei exposed it on the spot, he would not be worried at all. He could say, it turns out that you and Lu Long are twins, no wonder they look so similar.

A single word is enough to resolve the embarrassment.

Lu Fei didn't know that Hai Boyong had already thought of everything in such a short period of time. If he knew it, he would definitely curse: Older people are still hotter.

Then I can’t accept it.

Guo Youwei looked at Lu Fei, slightly surprised. This young man was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he had a calmness that was inconsistent with his age.

When most people see him, they will deliberately cater to, fear or worship him, but this young man is neither humble nor arrogant, which is rare.

"Hai Boyong has found a good son-in-law!"

Guo Youwei sighed in his heart, with a look of envy in his eyes. He had a headache thinking about his daughter.

He no longer wanted to disturb the two young people's life here, and said to Hai Boyong: "Let's go, let's talk in private!"

Hai Boyong said: "Okay!"

He also told Hai Yu, "Please stay with Lu Long. Dad will have dinner with you after get off work in the evening."

Haiyu said "hmm".

After Guo Youwei and Hai Boyong left, Hai Yu said: "Lu Fei, I'm sorry, my dad..."

Lu Fei waved his hand to stop Hai Yu from continuing, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, we won't talk about this. Come on, you can eat more."

Haiyu felt a little relieved when he saw that Lu Fei didn't blame Hai Boyong.

She is a smart girl. She understood when Lu Fei said he was Xiao Lu.

After such a small episode, the relationship between the two was not so heavy anymore, and they occasionally exchanged a few words. The atmosphere was much better than at the beginning.

After dinner, Lu Fei sent Hai Yu home.

After Haiyu got off the car, Lu Fei said: "I won't go in. My uncle will come back in the evening. Tell him that I'm going back to Bazhou."

"Are you leaving today?"

Haiyu suddenly felt his heart tightening and he was very reluctant to let go.

Lu Fei said: "It depends on the situation. I'll probably leave tomorrow. I have some things to deal with, so I can't have dinner with you and uncle."

Hai Yu smiled sweetly. She understood what Lu Fei meant, and she was also very happy. Lu Fei always told the truth to her.

She bit her lip gently with her silver teeth and asked, "Will you come see me again in the future?"

Lu Fei smiled and said: "Although we have not become relatives, we can still be friends. I also regard you as my relative."

"So, of course I'll come visit you."

"If you want to see me, you can come to me."

"Also, if anything happens to you, just call me."

Haiyu's beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and he resisted the tears from flowing out. Said: "You go and do your work, I will take care of you, don't worry."

"Really, I'm surprised and happy that you came to see me today."

"In the future, I will not lock myself in the house. I will go out, climb mountains and watch the sea..."

"Really, I'll take care of myself."

"Don't worry!"

Lu Fei said: "If you think so, I feel more relieved, otherwise I would be really worried."

This is what he means.

If today's meeting can cheer up Hai Yu, Lu Fei will be really happy.

He felt that his younger brother definitely didn't want Haiyu to live in pain.

She deserves her new life.

Maybe one day, she will meet someone she likes again. My brother’s spirit in heaven will also bless her!

After parting ways with Hai Yu, Lu Fei went directly to Warehouse No. 1786 of Jiangcheng Logistics Park.

He thought the wall would take two days to build. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, the partition wall had been built, the door to the pickup channel had been installed, and workers were cleaning, and it was almost completed.

It has to be said that Jiangcheng's work efficiency is far higher than that of Bazhou.

After more than twenty minutes, all the workers left. Lu Fei was the only one left in the warehouse divided into two areas.

He looked at the time. It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and the shrimp delivery person would not arrive for another hour or so.

Lu Fei closed the warehouse door, then took out the fruits from the space-time ring and stacked them in different areas according to different varieties.

He found that as he stayed in the spirit world longer, not only did his body become stronger, but his hearing, vision, smell, taste and touch also became more sensitive.

This is an improvement in mental strength.

After testing, he found that his mental power had almost tripled.

Now, he can put one hundred, sixty-seven kilograms of items into the space-time ring at a time.

This made him very happy.

Of course, every time he uses his mental power to transfer items, the weight of the items transported should be controlled within one hundred kilograms.

He didn't want to use too much force. The headache caused by excessive mental energy consumption was really uncomfortable.

It only took one breath at a time to move items with mental power. More than half an hour later, Lu Fei had taken out about 200,000 kilograms of various fruits.

Such intense transportation made Lu Fei feel dizzy from exhaustion.

He took out a bottle of spiritual water and drank it, and ate some fruits. After resting for ten or twenty minutes, he felt a little better.

Seeing that it was almost four o'clock, Lu Fei opened the warehouse door.

A few minutes later, Dajiang Lobster Restaurant delivered 1,600 portions of the best prawns.

The person who came with the car to deliver the goods was the waiter who paid the bill last night.

When he saw the various fruits stacked in the warehouse, his eyes showed wonder and he said, "Sir, it turns out you are in the fruit business!"

Lu Fei said: "Yes, you can try some when you go back."

The employee waved his hand and said: "No, sir, I don't know why you bought so many top-quality prawns? But they can't be stored in this warehouse. We won't be able to eat them again tomorrow at most."

Lu Fei said: "It's okay. I'm just stopping here for a while. We'll send them all away later."

"That puts me at ease!" the waiter said.

Lu Fei heard what he said sincerely, and then remembered that even the manager was confused when paying last night, but the waiter handled it cleverly, and couldn't help but ask: "What's your name?"

"Xiang Yaofei!"

Lu Fei smiled, "I want to fly, I have a good name and I have ambition."

Xiang Yaofei said: "My parents are both uneducated farmers, and my name was chosen by them casually, earth!"

Lu Fei said: "My name is Lu Fei, and your name is Xiang Yaofei. Both of our names have the word "fly" in them. How about you resign and join me, and I will take you to fly with me!"

Xiang Yaofei said: "So you are Mr. Lu."

Lu Fei said: "How about it? Do you want to come to my place?"

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