Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 36 Pay 10 Million First

Xiang Yaofei said: "Mr. Lu, I'm just an ordinary waiter. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do anything important that will delay you."

Lu Fei said: "Don't belittle yourself, you have your advantages. If you work with me, you will have more training opportunities and more room for growth than if you were a waiter. Think about it!"

Xiang Yaofei thought for a moment and said, "Sure! I'm willing to work with Mr. Lu!"

"However, I have to wait a few days. I have to resign from the store first, and then I can't leave until my replacement arrives."

"But Mr. Lu, don't worry. The waiters at Dajiang Lobster are very well paid. It will be easy to recruit someone to replace me. I can report here in three or four days at most."

Lu Fei was more satisfied, but he didn't say whether it would work or not. Instead, he said: "You were unwilling before, so why are you willing all of a sudden?"

Xiang Yaofei said: "Mr. Lu asked me to follow you to give me a chance. What you said is very right. I need more training now. Besides, I believe in you!"

Lu Fei said: "You have already said that the salary of Dajiang Lobster is very high, but you didn't ask about the salary before you decided to come and work with me."

Xiang Yaofei said: "I believe Mr. Lu!"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Okay, now that you have decided to have sex with me, don't call me Mr. Lu. Well, you can call me Brother Fei, and I will call you Xiao Fei."

Xiang Yaofei said: "Then I will call you sir, you will always be my husband!"

Lu Fei was happy, this kid is quite stubborn, he didn't bother to argue with him, just let him go.

Xiang Yaofei happily left his phone number and said goodbye.

Lu Fei closed the door again and put all the 1,600 portions of the best prawns into the space-time ring, so he no longer had to worry about the best prawns spoiling.

No one knows why he bought so many of the best prawns.

If you eat it by yourself, even if you eat the best prawns for three meals a day for 365 days a year, you probably won't be able to finish it all.

Of course, he would not take it back to Bazhou to sell.

As for what exactly I bought?

Lu Fei had his own plan in mind.

Okay, now that it's over, Lu Fei called Chen Jiahao and the two made an appointment to meet at the Jiahao Hotel.

"Brother Hao, thank you for what happened last night!"

Chen Jiahao smiled and said: "What can I say? I'd like to thank you too. If you hadn't made that call to me, I wouldn't have known there was such a rat droppings in the hotel."

Chen Yiqun took over the matter and neither of them mentioned it again.

Lu Fei handed Chen Jiahao the door keys to the delivery port and pickup channel of warehouse No. 1786 in Jiangcheng Logistics Park, leaving only the entrance channel key for himself. Said: "I have put about 200,000 kilograms into the warehouse. Brother Hao can send someone to count it tomorrow morning, then weigh it and transfer it to the shipping warehouse."

Chen Jiahao was startled, "So fast!"

Then he said: "That's great. Online shopping and live streaming can start tomorrow. The flagship store will still take a few days."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Brother Hao, worry about it. You can do things much faster than me."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling that they were very happy to cooperate.

Chen Jiahao glanced at Lu Fei and said, "My brother did something amazing last night!"

Lu Fei asked curiously: "What amazing things can I do?"

Chen Jiahao said: "Spend 800,000 yuan to buy 1,600 portions of the best prawns. Not to mention Jiangcheng, I'm afraid no one has done it in the entire Tang Dynasty. Haha, isn't this an amazing move?"

Lu Fei was a little embarrassed and said, "I didn't expect Brother Hao to know about this. It's ridiculous!"

Chen Jiahao waved his hand and said: "I am not investigating you, but the people below heard it when they were investigating Chen Yiqun. Your feat has been spread throughout the Dajiang Lobster Shop today."

"Of course, Li Mingxia didn't say it was you. Those diners only knew that it was a young man who did it."

Lu Fei really didn't expect that he would cause a fuss just by buying a few more top-quality prawns. I couldn't help but feel lucky that no one present except my cousin Luo Ru knew my name.

Otherwise, Lu Fei's name would be labeled as "local tycoon", "country bumpkin", etc.

Chen Jiahao added: "I have notified the finance department of Datang Fruit Industry and will transfer 10 million to you tomorrow morning."

Lu Fei was startled and said, "Brother Hao, this is inappropriate. We agreed to split the accounts after the sale, but the sale hasn't started yet. Why did you ask Finance to transfer 10 million to me?"

Chen Jiahao said: "You are buying a car and eating gluttonous prawns again. The expenses are huge!"

Lu Fei's face couldn't help but blush.

Chen Jiahao smiled and said: "You have put 200,000 kilograms of fruit into the warehouse. I'm still afraid that I won't make 10 million?"

"Do not worry!"

Lu Fei only had 32,000 Tang coins in his account, and including cash, he had less than 40,000 Tang coins in total.

He thought he would live a poor life for a few more days, but he didn't expect Chen Jiahao to transfer another 10 million to himself.

This is really better than timely rain!

"Thank you, Brother Hao!"

Lu Fei thanked him sincerely.

Not only did he thank Chen Jiahao for trusting him, but he also thanked Chen Jiahao for giving him a hand before he rose to prominence.

He knew very well that without Chen Jiahao, even if he had the space-time ring and could bring out those fruits, tea leaves, and even more resources from the spiritual world, it would still have to take a while to get ahead.

It was Chen Jiahao who shortened the time of his rise by half a year, or even a year.

So, he was sincerely grateful.

However, Chen Jiahao never expected that it was his generosity and trust in Lu Fei that after many years, his original net worth of only 600 billion increased tens of thousands of times, making him one of the top richest people in the world.

Of course, this is all for later.

Life is like this, no one knows who is the noble person in his life.

Some people missed it, and some people caught it.

That’s all!

After parting with Chen Jiahao, Lu Fei returned to the room. First, he called his mother and asked about their situation in Tianjing, and then specifically reported to his father, Lu Dayou, that he had met Hai Yu.

Lu Dayou said, I already knew, otherwise I would have called you.

Lu Fei was speechless for a while, secretly glad that he didn't do it perfunctorily.

Finally, he called Luo Ru again and asked her if her resignation went smoothly.

Luo Ru told him that everything went smoothly and the resignation procedures could be completed in two days at most, so that he could rest assured.

Basically, all the things that should be dealt with were dealt with. Lu Fei took a shower and planned to go to bed, but he couldn't fall asleep while lying on the bed. He kept thinking of a person over and over in his mind.

Lu Fei simply got up and brewed a cup of Linglong Qingxin.

Light another cigarette.

There were cigarettes and tea. Lu Fei felt very comfortable and relaxed on the soft sofa.

"Is that guy reliable?"

"Can he really develop an amphibious vehicle?"

"I don't know if he remembers my phone number?"

"Will he call tomorrow?"

Lu Fei has never been so unsure.

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