Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 4 Beautiful Landlady

Hai Boyong finally took Hai Yu and Zhang Zhao back to Jiangcheng.

Instead of going to Bazhou City for dinner, he went directly back to Jiangcheng.

He has finally learned Lu Fei's soft skills. In recent years, few people have been able to make him live in such an embarrassing situation. That young man may not be as educated and educated as Lu Long, but he is definitely not a good person.

Hai Boyong couldn't help but glance at Lu Feigao.

Lu Fei refused to follow him back to Jiangcheng, and Hai Yu was heartbroken. Hai Boyong could only comfort him, saying that he would take his time in the future and there would always be a way to make the kid change his mind.

Zhang Zhao was thinking while driving the car and said: "Boss, that guy doesn't know how to praise, and it's just a small farmer's idea. He is currently doing a small business in Bazhou, and he can't make progress, so he doesn't want to make progress. In this case, It's better to cause him some trouble, his business can't continue, naturally..."

Hai Yu's mood improved a lot under Hai Boyong's comfort. Reason told her that Aaron was dead, but when she saw Lu Fei, she felt that Aaron was still alive. After hearing Zhang Zhao's words, she couldn't help but stare fiercely. He glanced at Zhang Zhao and said angrily: "Don't embarrass him, after all, he is Aaron's brother!"

Zhang Zhao didn't dare to offend Hai Yu, so he quickly said to please: "Miss, aren't I helping you with advice?"

Hai Yu was even more angry: "Screw your bad idea!"

Zhang Zhao flattered the horse and did not dare to say anything else, so he quickly concentrated on driving.

Hai Boyong remained silent, thinking silently.

Not only did Lu Fei not follow Hai Boyong to Jiangcheng, he also made Hai Boyong leave in anger. Lu Dayou was so angry that he grabbed a broom and chased Lu Fei to beat him.

Lu Fei naturally refused to stand and be beaten, so he drove the pickup truck towards Bazhou City as if he was running away.

Lu Dayou followed the car and ate ashes. When he got home, he was still cursing: "You unworthy prodigal son, you don't want the wealth and wealth. You don't want the good wife. If you dare to come back, I'll interrupt you." leg……"

But Luo Hui advised: "There is nothing wrong with Xiao Fei, after all, he is not Xiao Long!"

Lu Dayou said stubbornly: "They are twins. Who can tell who is who? Isn't it just the same name? What's the big deal? They must be as stubborn as a cow!"

Luo Hui said: "Children have their own ideas."

Lu Dayou sighed and said, "What can he think? If he is like that, what can he do if he stays in a small county all his life!"

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed, looking like he hated iron.

Luo Hui persuaded him for a while, but Lu Dayou was sulking.

After Lu Fei entered Bazhou City, he first went to Uncle Wang to return the car. He gave Uncle Wang a red envelope of 1,200 yuan in Tang coins. Uncle Wang said nothing and comforted him: "If something like that happened to your family, I couldn't help you. What's wrong with lending you the car for two days? Give it back." Money, isn’t that too outrageous?”

Lu Fei said: "Uncle Wang, you are doing me a big favor by lending me your car."

Uncle Wang's name is Wang Santong, and his hometown is also from Longshou Mountain, not far from Lu Fei's home. Although he bought a house in the city two years ago, he is still a serious fellow and takes good care of Lu Fei on weekdays.

Wang Santong refused to accept Lu Fei's red envelope, so Lu Fei had no choice but to secretly put the red envelope under the seat.

It’s not easy for everyone. Wang Santong relies on his skills to drive goods and make money. Lu Fei would never take advantage of others if they were polite.

After leaving Uncle Wang's place, Lu Fei returned to his small shop on Ba Road, intending to catch up on his nap. Not sleeping for two days and two nights in a row is unbearable even for a hard-core person.

His shop is called "Feilong Trading Company".

The name is very vulgar, taken from the names of him and his younger brother Lu Long. It mainly sells local specialties such as tea, gastrodia elata, etc., and also sells some seasonal fruits.

The shop has two rooms, the front is the facade and the back is the warehouse. The warehouse was filled with goods and a single bed was placed there, making it look very crowded.

The original owner usually lives in the warehouse and only returns to his hometown every three to five days.

After his rebirth, Lu Fei went to his shop for the first time. The door has not been opened for two days, and there is a little dust on the floor, tea table and counter. Lu Fei is a clean person. Although he was very sleepy, he still started cleaning first.

It was busy for a while, and the windows in the small shop were bright and clean again.

Lu Fei smiled happily, "I have abandoned politics and gone into business. From now on, I will have to live in this small shop!" He sighed for a while, and was about to close the door to catch up on his nap, when a beautiful woman with luxurious clothes and graceful figure The woman walked into the store.

"Xiao Lu, where have you been these two days? Why didn't the door open?" the beautiful woman asked casually.

The beautiful woman's name is Huang Dong, and she is Lu Fei's landlord.

Huang Dong usually takes good care of Lu Fei, but he is a bit chatty and can never stop talking. Lu Fei couldn't help but have a headache, and it seemed that he wouldn't be able to catch up on his drowsiness for a while. He had no choice but to gather his energy, invite Huang Dong to sit down, boil water to make tea, and said, "I have something going on at home these two days, so I didn't open the door."

Huang Dong said "Oh", glanced at Lu Fei's face casually, and said in surprise: "Oh! Why does your face look so bad, Xiao Lu?"

Lu Fei cursed, he hadn't slept for two days and two nights, how could he not look bad?

However, he didn't have to talk to Huang Dong about these things, so he changed the topic and asked: "Aunt Huang, why do you have time to come to my shop today?"

Huang Dong waved his green-white hand, bringing up a gust of fragrance: "Go, go... why are you calling me aunt? You just called me old for nothing. I have told you several times, call me sister, call me sister!" "

Lu Fei was embarrassed for a while.

Just as the water was boiling, Lu Fei made tea and handed it to Huang Dong, saying, "Sister Huang, drink tea!"

Huang Dong smiled, his eyes sparkling, "Xiao Lu's mouth is so sweet!"

Lu Fei smiled and did not answer.

Seeing Lu Fei's indifference, Huang Dong smiled and moved his beautiful red lips: "Xiao Lu, you don't know, my sister's mouth is also sweet!"

Even though Lu Fei was not thin-skinned, he couldn't help but blush slightly.

Huang Dong giggled. She liked to tease young men like Lu Fei. After laughing for a while, he seemed to have opened the conversation, chatting with Lu Fei about daily life. When he was happy, he would pat Lu Fei on the shoulder from time to time, looking very affectionate.

Lu Fei was miserable. His upper eyelids and lower eyelids were fighting for a long time, and he still had to hold back from yawning.

The two chatted for almost an hour before Huang Dong got up and left. As soon as he reached the door, he suddenly stopped, turned around and said, "I was just chatting, and I almost forgot about the real thing!"

Lu Fei wanted her to leave quickly and said, "I'm sorry for delaying your business. You have something to do beforehand!"

Huang Dong smiled and said: "My main business is to find you!"


Lu Fei was stunned.

Huang Dong said: "Xiao Lu, your rent is due at the end of the month. Please renew it in the next two days." He smiled and said: "My other store rents increase by 5% every year, but yours will not increase." Well, it’s still 120,000 a year!”

After saying that, Huang Dong left with cheerful steps.

Lu Fei's head is getting bigger again. He has to pay 120,000 yuan in rent soon, but the money in his hand is only a little more than 40,000 yuan.

Still a long way to go!

Where can I get 80,000 yuan in such a short time?

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