Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 5 Before Heading To The Spirit World

After closing the shop door, Lu Fei lay on the single bed fully clothed.

Looking back on what happened after his rebirth, the first thing was to take care of the funeral arrangements for his younger brother Lu Long, the second thing was that Hai Boyong wanted to go to Jiangcheng as Lu Long, and the third thing was to be charged for rent.

Almost nothing goes smoothly.

Lu Fei shook his head and stopped thinking so much.

No matter what happens in life, there are five things you must do as long as you live. That is eating, drinking, defecating, peeing, and sleeping.

Lu Fei thought so and fell asleep unconsciously.

This sleep lasted a whole day, and it was already noon the next day when Lu Fei woke up.

After going to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, Lu Fei didn't open the door. Instead, he sat down in front of the tea table, lit a cigarette and started boiling water to make tea.

Lu Fei's expression was extremely focused. He was scalding the pot, preparing the tea, pouring the tea, washing the tea, washing the cups, pouring the water, and making the soup. Every movement was smooth and smooth, with an artistic beauty, as if he were performing a solemn ceremony.

Sipping the freshly brewed black tea, Lu Fei's heart became unprecedentedly peaceful.

Immediately, he opened the memory of how to use the space-time ring and examined it carefully. After about ten minutes, Lu Fei understood how to use the space-time ring.

It's actually simple to say, the use of the space-time ring requires mental power.

Lu Fei was born in two lives and merged the memories of two people. His mental power was far stronger than that of ordinary people, barely meeting the standards for using a space-time ring, which made him very happy.

He first immersed his mental power into the space-time ring according to the method, and suddenly saw a huge space.

The internal space of ten feet in diameter is about 1110 square meters in terms of construction area, which is as high as a dozen floors. In terms of volume, it can hold nearly 37,000 cubic meters.

With such a large space, even a warehouse is considered a giant warehouse.

What's more, putting items in the space-time ring is much more convenient than stacking items in the warehouse. There is no gravity inside the space-time ring and it is not limited by space. As long as Lu Fei makes a thought, he can place it anywhere he wants.

It's a bit like levitation.

It is also very simple to put items into or take out items from the space-time ring. You only need to use your mental power to wrap the required items, and you can put them in or out at will with just a thought.

Lu Fei was very happy and tested his mental strength. It was about half the weight of the object he held with both hands.

Lu Fei's body is quite strong, and he can now lift about a hundred kilograms with both hands. In other words, he can now put items weighing about fifty kilograms into the space-time ring at a time.

Of course, whether you put in or take out items, you will consume mental energy.

Therefore, smaller and lighter items are easier to operate, whereas larger and heavier items are more difficult to operate.

This is similar to the fact that it takes a lot of energy for people to move things.

You need to rest when your physical strength is exhausted, and you can continue when your physical strength is restored.

The same is true for the use of mental power. When the mental power is exhausted, you need to rest.

After understanding the first function of the space-time ring, Lu Fei tried to put a bag of tea leaves into the inner space of the space-time ring, and it went in easily.

The same goes for taking it out, very easy.

He then tried several items in succession, and found that if the item weighed more than thirty kilograms, it would be very difficult, and it would give him a headache to put it in and take it out even once.

Despite this, Lu Fei was still very satisfied.

Regarding the second function of the time and space ring, which opened the door to time and space, Lu Fei was not in a hurry to try it after learning about it.

The main reason is that there are only eight connection points of the Gate of Time and Space.

Lu Fei can freely determine the location of these eight connection points, but once determined, they cannot be changed. Therefore, the determination of each time-space gate connection point needs to be careful. Not only must it be concealed and safe, but it must also be stable over the long term.

This made Lu Fei a little embarrassed.

He didn't buy a house in Bazhou City, and he only rented this small shop, so he didn't have a stable place.

"It seems that we have to go back to our hometown in Longshou Mountain!"

After thinking for a moment, Lu Fei said to himself.

After all, no matter how successful a person is in life, no matter how far he goes, his hometown is the deepest bond in everyone's heart. Because hometown is everyone’s root.

What's more, from Lu Fei's point of view, Longshou Mountain is also very good.

In terms of geographical location, it is only a few kilometers away from Bazhou County. Longshou Mountain itself has beautiful scenery and not many residents.

Lu Fei decided to return to his hometown to determine the first connection point of the gate of time and space.

But he did not go home immediately, but began to make preparations. After all, he didn't know what the spiritual world was like, so he regarded his first trip to the spiritual world as an adventure trip.

Lu Fei turned on the computer and first searched for adventure information on the Internet to systematically understand the knowledge of wild adventure.

There are specializations in the arts, and each branch of knowledge contains a vast amount of knowledge. Lu Fei browsed carefully for more than an hour, focusing on safety and survival skills.

After closing the computer, Lu Fei went out, got on his beloved motorcycle and started shopping.

Medicines, food, clothing, daily necessities, protective equipment, various tools, etc. A crazy purchase cost him more than 10,000 Tang coins, making the already insufficient rent money fall short by a big margin.

But Lu Fei doesn't care, there's not much difference between a difference of 80,000 and a difference of 90,000.

He decided to explore the spiritual world first, and then find a way to collect rent when he came back.

After putting all the purchased items into the space-time ring, Lu Fei was so tired that he had a splitting headache.

He knew that this was a condition caused by excessive consumption of mental power, and he couldn't help lamenting that his mental power was still not strong enough, but he didn't know how to improve his mental power, so he could only use the stupidest method to rest first.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, Lu Fei's stomach growled, and he remembered that he had not eaten anything after a busy day.

In the past, I could only go out for late-night snacks.

But it is no longer used.

He bought a lot of food during the day and put it in the space-time ring, and he immediately took some out. There were roast duck, braised beef, braised pig ears, braised dried beans, peanuts, and two cans of beer, which one person ate happily.

After eating and drinking, Lu Fei seemed to be resurrected with full blood. He said "It's great!" and then turned on the computer again and continued to enrich his knowledge on outdoor adventure.

At dawn, Lu Fei replenished some items he thought were necessary and then rode his motorcycle back to his hometown in Longshou Mountain.

Lu Dayou was still angry and refused to talk to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei didn't feel uncomfortable, put down a cigarette and went to talk to his mother for a while.

There was nothing important. He was mainly worried about his mother's mood, so he talked to her and enlightened her.

He knows that the best love is companionship. This is true of love, and so is family affection.

Sure enough, after the two chatted for a while, Luo Hui's mood improved significantly, and she in turn persuaded Lu Fei to pay attention to his health and get more rest.

Lu Fei smiled and agreed, saying he would go back to the house and take a nap.

Even though Luo Hui is his mother, Lu Fei will not reveal the matter of the Gate of Time and Space. It is a knowledge that transcends this world and is too shocking. Lu Fei regards it as his biggest secret.

Lu Fei couldn't wait to return to his room.

He set the first connection point of the Gate of Time and Space in his room.

Just do it when you think about it. Lu Fei used the time and space ring to set his position, and then opened the door of time and space in accordance with the law. Following Lu Fei's actions, there was a slight spatial fluctuation in the room, and a light door appeared in his room.

"This is the gate of time and space that connects the spiritual world!"

Lu Fei was surprised and stepped in.

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