Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 53: Bored Enough To Practice Internal Skills

Wudan is a necessary elixir for those who practice martial arts to break through the realm.

This elixir is different from other elixirs in that it is not refined by a medicinal alchemist, but by a martial alchemist.

The two great empires and the four great dynasties all had Wudansi. Once you entered the Wudansi, you would never leave the house.

Of course, this does not mean that Master Wu is restricted from freedom of life.

On the contrary, martial arts master is a noble profession in any country.

The royal family, the military, the court, the aristocratic family, the rich, the famous, and the distinguished families all treated Master Wu with courtesy.

The so-called never leaving home for life, in other words: you are born as Wudansi's person, and you die as Wudansi's ghost.

All the martial arts refined by the martial arts master are controlled by the state and are managed at five levels according to the military, state, county (prefecture), county and township.

Among them, everyone in the country of Xiaohuandan can go to the township government office to receive it.

The second-turn Dahuan Dan can be exchanged at the County Yamen Dan Office.

The three-turn silver elixir can be exchanged at the Wudan Division of the county (prefecture).

The four-turn golden elixir can be exchanged at the state-owned Wudan Division.

The fifth-turn true elixir and the sixth-turn mystical elixir are controlled by the military. The military has a military-affiliated Wudan Department, which can only be redeemed based on military merit.

The seven-turn spiritual elixir and the eight-turn holy elixir are under the personal control of the emperor.

The highest level of the nine-turn divine elixir alchemy material is produced only once every three years, and the six countries need to fight for it by force.

After understanding this, Lu Fei realized that practicing martial arts in the spiritual world was not an easy path.

If you want to become the most powerful person in the spiritual world, you must either be a member of the royal family or a minister of the imperial court.

Or you have the ability to destroy a country and become the emperor yourself.

"Forget it, I'm not a martial artist!"

Lu Fei basically gave up the idea of ​​practicing internal skills, it was too complicated.

He likes it simple.

However, he suddenly found himself bored.

It seemed like there was nothing to do all of a sudden.

Move on and go somewhere else?

Lu Fei's head shook like a rattle, he felt so insecure.

In this world of warriors, I have no self-defense weapons except the electric baton.

When you go to a crowded city, you will find not only martial arts masters from the third realm, but also strong men from the fourth and fifth realms.

If you don’t have any confidence, you go out and have fun, and you don’t know where you will be buried in the end!

Safety first!

Wangjiacun is temporarily safe now, but Wangjiacun is only one kilometer in radius, and he has already walked from east to west.

Just a shabby, backward, poor mountain village with nothing to see or even do.


Is boring!

He took out another pack of cigarettes, lit one for himself, and gave one to Wang Ping.

After taking a sip, Lu Fei asked: "What do you do every day?"

Wang Ping said: "Farm, hunt, and practice martial arts during the day, and meditate and practice internal strength and sleep at night!"

"Sleep until dawn?" Lu Fei asked.

This question has troubled him for a long time. He wants to know whether people in the spirit world can sleep better than pigs, sleeping for two hundred hours at a time.

Wang Ping chuckled: "If you don't sleep until dawn, why do you have to get up to work so late at night?"

All right!

Lu Fei felt sad, thinking that he might be an insomniac in the spiritual world.

"Sleep during the day?" Lu Fei asked reluctantly.

Wang Ping said: "If you don't work and sleep in broad daylight, others will scold you behind your back."

Lu Fei was completely speechless.

Forget it, maybe it’s because of different habits.

He could only comfort himself in this way.

After the two of them finished smoking, Wang Ping said: "With so many people dead in the village, we can't have a barbecue at night. Come to my house and have a rest!"

Lu Fei said hello, opened the car door, and invited Wang Ping to get in the car.

Wang Ping waved his hands repeatedly and stared at the off-road vehicle with a horrified expression. He did not dare to touch it.

Finally, with Lu Fei's insistence, Wang Ping got into the car fearfully.

Sitting down on the leather seat, Wang Ping's eyes widened. It was so comfortable and soft. Touching it with his hands made him even more excited than touching his own mother-in-law.

Mr. Lu is really a god!

The off-road vehicle roared away without a breath of wind in its ears, and the mile was reached in less than a minute.

Until he got off the car, Wang Ping still turned his head three times with each step, and was amazed.

When they arrived at Wang Ping's house, the two chatted for a while, but there was nothing to talk about.

Wang Ping said: "It's still early, I'm going to practice internal martial arts, Mr. Lu can also start practicing."

Lu Fei was really bored, so he followed Wang Ping's arrangement and went to a simple house to rest.

It's a break, not a break.

Lu Fei's rest is very simple, just sleep.

When he woke up, it was still bright, but he could no longer fall asleep.


"I'm not from the spirit world. I really can't get used to the life in the spirit world."

Feeling bored, Lu Fei took out the "Ming Dao Heart Sutra" and started reading it.

"Just pass the time!"

Lu Fei comforted himself like this.

The "Ming Dao Heart Sutra" introduces the practice of internal skills in great detail. Lu Fei understood it at a glance and meditated according to the exercises, breathing in and out, and entered the state unknowingly.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Fei felt that his lower abdominal dantian became warm, and his whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

Time passed unconsciously, and it was already night when Lu Fei woke up from meditation.

"Damn, I sat there for seventy hours!"

Lu Fei was a little shocked. It would only take three days on Tiantang Star.

After three days of not eating or sleeping, I didn’t feel hungry, thirsty or tired!

"Is it because of practicing internal strength?"

Lu Fei was thoughtful as he held the "Ming Dao Heart Sutra" in his hand.

"Mr. Lu, you're awake!"

While he was deep in thought, Wang Ping opened the door and came in.

Lu Fei said: "I'm sorry, I was learning to practice internal skills, but I forgot the time."

Wang Ping said: "I came in earlier and saw Mr. Lu breathing deeply and not letting go. He was obviously in a good state, so I didn't disturb him and just lit an oil lamp in the room."

Only then did Lu Fei notice that the dim light in the room was due to the oil lamp being lit.

"Thank you!" Lu Fei said.

Wang Ping said: "Mr. Lu, you don't have to be polite. Since you're awake, please come out for dinner!"

"Okay, then I'll disturb Brother Wang for a meal!"

Lu Fei agreed and followed Wang Ping to the outhouse. He saw two oil lamps lit in the room. There were two large basins on the table in the middle, one containing meat, one containing vegetables, as well as bowls, chopsticks and wine bowls.

Wang Ping poured wine for Lu Fei and said, "People in the mountains don't have much good food or wine, so Mr. Lu will just make do with some."

Lu Fei said a few polite words and drank with Wang Ping.

The wine was still the light wine I had drunk before, tasteless and tasteless, just like drinking water.

The meat is game, very rich in aura, and is no worse than the fruits Lu Fei picked before.

But I won’t talk about the taste.

Except for the oil of the meat itself, only a small amount of salt is added, and there are no other condiments.

If it weren't for the fact that meat is rich in spiritual energy, it would taste just like eating white meat and would be difficult to swallow.

The green vegetables are even worse. There is not even a drop of oil in them, they are just boiled in water.

Lu Fei felt like chewing grass in his mouth.

This meal tastes like chewing wax.

Lu Fei found it hard to swallow and said, "Brother Wang, sit down for a moment. I have some delicious food in the car. I'll get it and eat it together."

Wang Ping said: "Mr. Lu came to my house as a guest, so there is no reason to eat the food that Mr. Lu brought. Just keep the food that Mr. Lu has brought. Although there is no good food at home, I still asked my mother-in-law to prepare enough portions. Mr. Lu can eat that is."

The owner was so enthusiastic that Lu Fei couldn't refuse, but he really didn't want to eat those unpalatable things.


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