Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 54 Do You Want To Eat And Drink Well Every Day?

Lu Fei pondered for a moment and said, "Brother Wang, you're welcome. What I brought are the specialties from our place. If you treat me to a meal, I will also treat you to try the specialties from my hometown, right?"


Lu Fei said so, Wang Ping couldn't refuse.

Lu Fei said again: "It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Brother Wang, please call Mrs. Sister-in-law. Let's try the specialties of my hometown together!"

Wang Ping said hurriedly: "No... no, Mr. Lu is an honored guest, there is no reason to sit at the same table with women and children."

Lu Fei knew that the ancients said that men were superior to women, and women had to obey the three virtues and the four virtues. In short, there were a lot of rules.

But he doesn't pay so much attention to it. He pays attention to equality between men and women.

He said: "There are rules in our hometown. Specialties from our hometown must be shared with the whole family, otherwise it will be unlucky!"

When Wang Ping heard that it was unlucky, he stopped caring about etiquette and said, "Then you should follow the rules of Mr. Lu's hometown. I will call my wife to come and share the specialties of Mr. Lu's hometown."

With that said, she really went to the backyard to call her wife Lu Jing.

Lu Fei smiled. If it doesn't make sense to reason, then talk about good or bad luck and scare him, which is more effective than fists.

Not long after, the three of them gathered at the table.

On the table are not only braised prawns, roast duck, braised beef, braised donkey meat, fried peanuts, chopped cucumbers, tomatoes mixed with sugar, but also a pound of 56-degree "Er Uncle" brand liquor, and a can of " "Lele" brand carbonated drinks.

When he was more desperate, Lu Fei directly took two stands and placed two battery flashlights on the stands.

The dark room suddenly became as bright as day.

Wang Ping and Lu Jing were stunned.

It turns out that the night can be so bright!

What are those two glowing things? Is it a moving little sun?

Also, why are the local products on the wooden table so fragrant!

Lu Fei gave Lu Jing the "Lele" brand carbonated drink, poured a bowl of wine for Wang Ping, and said, "Brother Wang, please drink the wine from my hometown!"

"Thank you Mr. Lu!"

Wang Ping picked up the bowl and took a big sip.


Wang Ping's face suddenly turned red, and the rich aroma of the wine hit his nostrils. When it entered his throat, it was burning, but it didn't irritate his throat. He felt indescribably soothing.

Lu Jing asked nervously: "Husband, what's wrong?"

Wang Ping waved his hand and took a few breaths.

Then he laughed and said: "Good wine! Good wine!"

"Mr. Lu, could the wine in your hometown be divine wine?"

Lu Fei smiled, "Second Uncle" liquor was only twelve yuan a bottle in the Tang Dynasty. Apart from having a higher alcohol content, it had no advantages. Unexpectedly, Wang Ping hailed him as "the divine wine!"

However, he really admired Wang Ping. He drank about three ounces of 56-degree liquor in one gulp and nothing happened.

The physique of people in the spirit world is indeed extraordinary.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables!"

Lu Fei enthusiastically invited the two of them to eat food. Wang Ping and Lu Jing had already been seduced by the aroma of the food on the table, and they started to eat one after another.

The braised prawns were undoubtedly the most fragrant and tasted best. They both took one each.

Wang Ping took one bite and chewed half of the shrimp tail and shell in his mouth. It was so delicious that his eyes lit up. He kept giving Lu Jing signals, urging her to eat quickly.

Lu Fei wanted to laugh when he saw it, and said hurriedly: "Brother Wang, this is braised prawns, not the way you eat it!"

As he spoke, he took a prawn and demonstrated the eating action, emphasizing how to suck in the juice.

Lu Jing ate according to the law and praised every bite.

Wang Ping also ate it, and it was indeed a thousand times more delicious than the shrimp with shells. He even added all the oil on his hands.

Fried Shrimps……

Roast Duck……

Stewed beef……

After eating one dish after another, both Wang Ping and Lu Jing felt that this taste could only be found in heaven and never in the world.

If I could eat this kind of food and drink this kind of wine every day, I wouldn’t change it even if I gave it to a god.

After finishing the meal, not a single bit of the food and wine that Lu Fei brought out was left.

Wang Ping finally got drunk. He drank nine taels of a pound of 56-degree "Second Uncle" liquor.

Even though he had practiced internal martial arts and had a strong physique, he had never drunk such a high level of liquor before.

Lu Fei also returned to the guest room and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was still night. Lu Fei was bored and began to practice the internal skills recorded in the "Ming Dao Heart Sutra".

As the technique continued to work, Lu Fei felt as if there was a little mouse moving around in his Dantian.

He had read martial arts novels and knew that this was a sign of gradual success in internal skills, so he immediately ignored it and just continued to practice according to the skills.

This practice lasted until dawn.

Walking out of the guest room and taking a breath of fresh air from the spiritual world, he felt that his whole body was full of strength.

"There are indeed benefits to practicing internal strength!"

Lu Fei praised secretly.

Originally, he didn't want to practice internal strength, but after trying it, he found that it was necessary to practice internal strength.

Lu Fei decided that he would study hard and practice hard in the future to become a master.

As for Wu Dan, Lu Fei is not worried.

The worst case scenario is to exchange it for something.

Only after he tasted food from the spiritual world did he know what it meant to be unpalatable.

Maybe you can get a portion of braised prawns in oil and get a Wu Dan back.

Of course, if you really can’t exchange it, you can only grab it.

If a person is not ruthless, he cannot stand firm.

Especially in ancient times where martial arts were respected.

Therefore, Lu Fei had a new idea.

He did it as soon as he thought of it, and immediately went to find Wang Ping.

Wang Ping was practicing boxing outside the house. When he saw Lu Fei coming, he immediately stopped practicing and came over to say hello: "Good morning, Mr. Lu!"

Lu Fei said hello and said directly: "Brother Wang, what do you think of the food and wine in my hometown?"

Wang Ping licked his mouth and smiled sheepishly: "Of course it's great!"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Brother Wang, do you want to eat that kind of food and drink that kind of wine for every meal?"

"I think about it..." Wang Ping touched his head, "But that's impossible!"

Lu Fei said: "Nothing is impossible. If Brother Wang believes in me, I will definitely let you eat and drink spicy food every day!"



"Not only can I make Brother Wang eat hot and spicy food every day, but I can also make the entire Wangjia Village eat hot and spicy food!"

"Mr. Lu, if you have any conditions, just put them forward!"

Wang Ping is not a fool. There is no free meal in the world.

He didn't know this statement, but he understood the truth.

Lu Fei said: "It's not easy for people in Wangjia Village to live here. Why don't you follow me to the other side of the ravine to avoid being exploited by the master's family? Brother Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Ping said: "If we could have passed, we would have passed long ago..."

Suddenly it occurred to me that Mr. Lu said that he came from there. Since he could come here, it would definitely not be a problem to go there again.

He couldn't help but said with joy: "Mr. Lu, can you bring the whole village to the other side?"

Lu Fei nodded and said: "Yes!"

"That's great. When my father comes back, I will discuss the relocation with him!" Wang Ping said.

Lu Fei waved his hand, "Don't worry, I can't bring so many people there at once!"

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