In the next few days, Lu Fei finally became clean.

He didn't know what Guo Xiang did, but Jin Wanwan didn't bother him.

For five consecutive days, Lu Fei practiced with Jin Baobao in the shooting training room of the Golden Shield Security Company. From shooting theory, firearm structure, gun type characteristics, ammunition power, shooting action specifications, gun disassembly, assembly, etc., to live ammunition shooting, Lu Fei Feidu studied hard.

Lu Fei has made great progress, and can basically achieve results above eight rings, with nine rings accounting for the majority, and tenth rings being relatively rare.

During this period, the whole-house custom-made wooden house purchased has also arrived, and even the electric telescopic corridor has been completed by Mo Qianji.

Lu Fei was busy practicing shooting and had no time to take care of it, so he asked Luo Ru to handle it and put it into warehouse No. 1786 of Jiangcheng Logistics Park.

On this day, after Lu Fei finished his shooting practice, Jin Baobao said: "Uncle Lu, I have everything you asked for, what should I do with it?"

Lu Fei was overjoyed. He was waiting for this batch of guns and ammunition, and immediately said: "Send them to warehouse No. 1786 in Jiangcheng Logistics Park."

Jin Baobao hesitated and said, "This is too unsafe!"

Lu Fei said: "It's okay. Send it to you at night. I'll move it away overnight!"

Jin Baobao asked doubtfully: "Why not just transfer it away?"

Lu Fei smiled, "Secret way!"

Since Lu Fei said it was a secret way, Jin Baobao couldn't say much, so he called two of his confidants and together with Lu Fei, sent the goods to warehouse No. 1786 in Jiangcheng Logistics Park.

After putting the things away, Jin Baobao and his two confidants left. Lu Fei couldn't wait to put all the guns and ammunition into the space-time ring.

He wasn't completely relieved until everything was collected.

After he put all the custom-made wooden houses and electric retractable corridor integrated panels into the space-time ring, Lu Fei was so tired that he went home and had a good sleep.

The next day, Lu Fei bought a lot of things, including diesel generators, a large amount of diesel, gasoline, cement, etc.

After the order was completed, Lu Fei came to Jiahao Building and had tea with Chen Jiahao on the top floor.

Gao Weiwei is not here, and "Sizhi Teahouse" has been opened.

It is located on a small island of less than 400 square meters in Nanhu Lake. Under the shadow of ancient trees, there is an antique Chinese-style building courtyard with only twelve houses together, like a paradise.

Chen Jiahao and Jin Risheng each invested one billion Tang coins to buy the property rights.

The small restaurant and teahouse are combined into one, run by Gao Weiwei, with Liu Yishou as the chef and three waiters.

The name of Sizhi Teahouse was given by Gao Weiwei.

Taken from the Four Knowledge Hall, that is, heaven knows, earth knows, you know, and I know, together they are the four knowing.

What you know is the taste, what you know is the matter!

Lu Fei was very satisfied, and his evaluation of Gao Weiwei became even higher.

After Chen Jiahao introduced the situation of Sizhi Tea House, he said: "Brother, I can explain to you what I said last time today!"

Lu Fei perked up and said, "Brother Hao, tell me."

Chen Jiahao's face turned solemn and he said, "This time, I'm risking my life and fortune by following you!"

Lu Fei also became serious, sat upright, and waited for Chen Jiahao to continue.

Chen Jiahao took out a black bank card, slowly placed it on the tea table, and said: "There are 100 billion Tang coins in it, which can be withdrawn at any time!"

Lu Fei was shocked, 100 billion in cash?

Even with the strength of Jiahao Group, withdrawing 100 billion in cash will affect the development of Jiahao Group.

Chen Jiahao seemed to see what Lu Fei was thinking and said, "Don't worry, it won't affect the Jiahao Group."

Lu Fei didn't believe it. There was a difference between Jiahao Group's 600 billion assets and 100 billion in cash. Moreover, this 100 billion was not a working capital, but a permanent withdrawal. He still understood the most basic financial common sense.

Chen Jiahao smiled, "I transferred 20% of the equity and cashed out!"

Chen Jiahao originally held 63% of the shares in Jiahao Group, but used 20% of the shares to cash out NT$120 billion. His equity in Jiahao Group became 43%.

After the equity change, Chen Jiahao is still the largest shareholder of Jiahao Group, but his control over Jiahao Group has changed from absolute control to less than 50%.

Cashing out this time is undoubtedly a major decision for Chen Jiahao.

Lu Fei stared at Chen Jiahao closely and said, "Brother Hao, thank you!"

Chen Jiahao smiled, "If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't follow you crazy even if it's 10 billion, let alone 100 billion."

"How does it work next?"

Chen Jiahao looked at Lu Fei and asked solemnly.

Lu Fei said: "Now it is a cooperation between the two of us and has nothing to do with Jiahao Group. I am afraid that the Bazhou government's trust in us will be reduced."

Chen Jiahao said: "It doesn't matter. No matter how high the trust level is, there is no real money that can be trusted."

"I believe that the Bazhou County Government does not care who invests the money, but cares whether the money can be invested in Bazhou?"

Lu Fei nodded, the truth is this.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Brother Hao still needs to come forward in this matter."

Chen Jiahao said: "It's okay for me to come forward. The key is the idea."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "I have an idea, but I don't know if the Bazhou County Government will accept the move?"

"Oh?" Chen Jiahao became interested.

Since cooperating with Lu Fei, he has been in charge of basically all operations. Lu Fei has always been the hands-off shopkeeper and has never expressed an opinion. He really wants to know how much knowledge this brother has.

Lu Fei said: "The officials of Liushui in Bazhou are iron-clad. If I want to realize my idea, the biggest problem is the chief executive."

"The officials of the Tang Dynasty basically have a cycle of every seven years, which means that new officials will take office every seven years at most."

“Therefore, what I am most worried about is that once a new governor takes office and puts forward different governance concepts, our investment and operations may be affected or even collapse.”

Chen Jiahao nodded. Investing such a large amount of money into a small county with a population of only 300,000 would indeed attract attention from all parties, and many people would even regard him and Lu Fei as fat.

However, Chen Jiahao was still very satisfied that Lu Fei could think of this.

At least, Lu Fei wouldn't do it without aim.

Lu Feidao: "Therefore, I feel that to realize my idea, it must be consistent with the goals of the Bazhou County Government, and future investment and development will be led by us."

Chen Jiahao nodded, deeply convinced.

Lu Fei continued: "My idea is to form the Bazhou City Investment and Operation Group. I, Brother Hao and the Bazhou County Government are all shareholders."

"First, we will not add any more shareholders in the future!"

"Second, all the funds will be provided by me and Brother Hao."

"Third, the Bazhou County Government will invest in the project with land."

“Depending on how much land we need, we increase the capital investment corresponding to the proportion of shares.”

"And the Bazhou County government must formulate relevant policies for implementation."

After hearing Lu Fei's thoughts, Chen Jiahao took a breath. He didn't expect Lu Fei's plan to be so huge.

I couldn’t help but ask: “What should we do as the first step?”

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