Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 84 Return To Bazhou To Invest

Lu Fei is actually not sure what to do next.

But one thing is for sure, that is to return to Bazhou first.

The matters in Jiangcheng were basically settled, and all the things he needed, except for Tang Miao's batch of Tang knives that still needed time, were stored in the space-time ring.

Return to Bazhou to contact the county government, and then enter the spiritual world.

A large amount of funds will be needed in the future, and Lu Fei must expand his financial resources in the spiritual world.

Population and land are the first resources he wants to compete for in the spiritual world.

Lu Fei sighed in his heart, maybe, there will soon be a bloody battle in the spiritual world.

Of course, if it can be avoided, that's best.

Lu Fei exhaled a breath and said, "Go back to Bazhou tomorrow!"

Chen Jiahao nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you!"

Although Chen Jiahao's investment in Bazhou has nothing to do with Jiahao Group, he is still the chairman of Jiahao Group and arranges a lot of people when traveling.

Four vehicles, including a driver, drove Lu Fei's car back.

Chen Jiahao smiled and said: "You are also a person who does big things, and you just drive this shabby car?"

"It's not like I don't have enough money. I just need to buy a few more cars and hire a few more drivers. It's convenient."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "There's no need for it yet."

Chen Jiahao shook his head and ignored him. The two discussed some details after arriving in Bazhou County.

Since the last time Tang Zhiguo and Lu Fei met, Tang Zhiguo organized members of the county government team to hold multiple meetings to discuss Jiahao Group's investment of 100 billion in Bazhou.

But no one believes that Jiahao Group will invest 100 billion in Bazhou.

Therefore, there has been no progress in the Longshoushan development project.

This incident even alarmed the province.

Qin Shiming, the governor of Jiangnan Province, personally called Tang Zhiguo to ask what was going on.

After all, an investment of 100 billion is not a small amount even in Jiangcheng City, let alone Bazhou with a mere population of 300,000.

Tang Zhiguo was riding a tiger that was hard to get off.

If Bazhou County does not have this investment in the end, then he will be a big melon in the officialdom.

Later, Tang Zhiguo unexpectedly received a call from Governor Qin Shiming again. Qin Shiming told Tang Zhiguo that Chen Jiahao transferred 20% of the shares of Jiahao Group and cashed out 120 billion yuan.

Few outsiders knew about this news, but as the governor of Jiangnan Province, Qin Shiming had channels to learn about it.

After Tang Zhiguo heard the news, he quickly understood what Governor Qin meant.

That is because the governor wants to pay close attention to Chen Jiahao's movements.

For three days in a row, Chen Jiahao made no other moves, and Tang Zhiguo couldn't help but feel worried.

But just last night, Tang Zhiguo received a call from Chen Jiahao's former secret master Gao Weiwei, saying that Mr. Chen Jiahao and Mr. Lu Fei would go to Bazhou tomorrow to inspect Longshou Mountain.

After the phone call, Tang Zhiguo was in a state of confusion. Is the 100 billion investment Lu Fei said true?

Chen Jiahao just cashed out 1.2 billion in cash!

Tang Zhiguo had no choice but to pay great attention to it and held another meeting of team members that night to once again discuss the investment and development of Longshou Mountain.

When he announced that Chen Jiahao came to Bazhou for inspection with 120 billion in cash, the entire team members exploded.

I didn’t believe it before, thinking that investing 100 billion in Bazhou was against economic principles and was nonsense.

But now, they are really here.

Not only did he come, he actually came with 100 billion to 20 billion in cash.

"No matter what the conditions are, I think we can negotiate!"

"Yes, as long as it is conducive to Bazhou's economic development, the conditions can be relaxed appropriately!"

"Environmental protection must not be compromised. This is a matter related to future generations, and we must keep a close eye on it. As for interests, we can step back appropriately."

"The key is, what is there in Longshou Mountain that is worth investing 100 billion? We must find out!"

"No matter what the final outcome of the negotiations is, our first priority is to do a good job in reception and strive to leave a good impression on investors."

The special meeting lasted for more than four hours and finally reached a preliminary unified opinion.

Tang Zhiguo breathed a sigh of relief and reported the results of the meeting to Governor Qin Shiming. After Qin Shiming heard this, he said: "Let's talk about it first. I will also come to Bazhou tomorrow."

Tang Zhiguo's breath tightened again and he notified the team members to hold a meeting again.

For the governor to come to Bazhou in person is no small matter.

As for Lu Fei and Chen Jiahao, they didn't know that Governor Qin Shiming would also come to Bazhou on the same day as them.

When the two people's motorcade arrived in Bazhou, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Tang Zhiguo personally led his team members to welcome him at the county government compound. Lu Fei even saw Su Yan among the reception crowd.

Su Yan couldn't help but feel like she was in a dream when she saw Lu Fei coping with ease among a group of leaders.

It has only been a short time, less than a month, but a little-known businessman has undergone such a huge change, which is unbelievable.

Rather than saying that the two parties reached the cooperation intention very smoothly, it would be better to say that they hit it off immediately.

The key is that the Bazhou County Government saw Chen Jiahao's sincerity.

Because Chen Jiahao said that as long as the cooperation intention is formally reached, he will first transfer 100 billion funds to a bank in Bazhou County.

After this news was released, the four major state-owned banks in Bazhou County could not sit still. No one would want to have a large bank with a capital of 100 billion to settle in their own home.

The presidents of the four major branches in Bazhou County, Tangguo People's Bank of China, Tangguo Jianlong Bank, Tangguo Commercial Development Bank and Tangguo Industrial and Agricultural Bank of China, all requested the county to transfer Chen Jiahao's newly opened account to their own banks.

Tang Zhiguo expressed helplessness about this.

Because it is very simple to reach an intention to cooperate verbally, as long as both parties are willing to cooperate.

However, the formal intention to cooperate involves many problems. For example, Chen Jiahao's proposal to form the "Bazhou County Urban Investment and Operation Group" is a major obstacle.

Because there is no such type of company in Tang State.

It's a completely whimsical idea.

For such an important decision, Tang Zhiguo did not dare to nod easily. He had to report it to the province and even alert the central government.

Lu Fei emphasized that no matter what type of company it is, society will always encounter new things in the process of development. However, as long as it is based on the basic principle of benefiting the country and the people and it can be inferred that Bazhou's economy will continue to develop healthily, the Bazhou County Government may not be unable to try.

What's more, in the "Bazhou County Urban Investment and Operation Group", the county government itself is a shareholder and one of the beneficiaries.

While the two sides were having in-depth discussions on this issue, the motorcade of Jiangnan Province Governor Qin Shiming also entered Bazhou.

Tang Zhiguo received the notice and said to Lu Fei and Chen Jiahao: "You two, this matter is of great importance. Governor Qin Shiming happened to be visiting Bazhou for inspection. We might as well listen to the governor's opinion."

Lu Fei and Chen Jiahao were both shocked. How could Governor Qin Shiming just come to Bazhou for inspection?

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