Complaints aside, Taiyi also knew that everyone was definitely hungry and thirsty, and that they really needed to replenish their food, so he generously gave Meimei a bottle of water.

Girls have smaller appetites, so she and Kong just had a piece of compressed biscuit to fill their stomachs.

Anyway, there would be emergency rations to fill their stomachs later.


Sure enough, after getting what she needed, Meimei left with a sweet smile and left contentedly like a kitten.

"Koshiro, you should eat some too, and Agumon too."After giving Koshiro a portion of food, Taichi thought for a moment and gave the last piece of compressed biscuit to Agumon.

They had been walking along the forest and riverbanks, and Taichi couldn't tell what would happen on this beach. Instead of filling his own stomach first, it would be better to let Agumon eat first so that he could recover his strength.

At this point in time, the Digimon's strength must be prioritized.

"As for food, I brought it too!" Wu came over and opened his backpack, with a cute and proud look on his face and tone.

"Wow, it looks delicious!"Meimei hurried over and found that Wu's backpack was full of snacks. She immediately looked greedy again.

This girl... seems to love to eat unexpectedly.~

"But, you are not a member of our children's club, right?"

Awu was not on the list of the summer camp, and Meimei was a little curious as to why he was here.

"Because it's summer vacation now, I came to look for my brother!" Ah Wu pointed at Ah He behind him and said

"Yeah."Ahe's face looked a little uncomfortable, but he nodded gently.

Taichi had been listening to the conversations between the small groups with great interest. During this period, he had been evaluating.

He was evaluating everyone's future role in the team.

After experiencing a life-and-death battle with Gugamon, Taichi had to be more utilitarian, because only in this way could they ensure their survival on this dangerous file island.

Of course, the so-called evaluation does not mean that Taichi wants to kick anyone out of the team, which would be a bit too dark. Moreover, even if humans themselves are of no use, Digimon can at least serve as a certain combat force.

He is just considering who can be ignored when making decisions in the future.

Akong and Koshiro, this is obviously to support their companions at any time, they absolutely understand what they mean... step back, even if they don't understand, they will try their best to implement their intentions.

Ishida Yamato, a guy who likes to compete with him. It is speculated that it may be because he and he are in the same fifth grade, and also because of his father. His younger brother, who was separated from his parents due to divorce, is also around, so he always unconsciously wants to compare himself with himself to increase his sense of existence.

Taichi doesn't care about this situation at all. Most little brats would have such childish thoughts.

And as it stands now, Ishida Yamato, who has nothing but a harmonica on his body, may not be as useful to the team as his younger brother Takaishi Takeshi who brought snacks.

Tachikawa Mimi, Taichi currently only gives the highest evaluation to this girl except for Akong and Koshiro.

Her personality is more outgoing than Akong, and she is also beautiful. If she can keep this up, she will be the best running-in agent for the team. She can use her cheerful personality to balance everyone's emotions well, so that the small group will not become too stiff in extreme situations.

Of course, she may suffer from princess syndrome after this, but we can talk about it later.

Finally, it's Kidosuke... Taichi frowned slightly. He didn't know how long the other party would have to do useless work in the telephone booth.

Moreover, the emergency ration backpack that Taichi just mentioned is hanging behind the other party.

"Senior Kido!"

"Is there something wrong, Taiyi?"Azhu, who was still trying to make a call, suddenly heard Taiyi's voice and turned back subconsciously, but only saw Taiyi hooking his hand at him with a displeased expression.

"Please bring back the emergency food backpacks. We need to eat."

"Right now!!"

Taichi's aura is definitely strong when he has a stern face. Asuke even worries that he might get beaten up later.


"Here they come!"

Soon after Asuke left the phone booth, Gomamon, who had been swimming on his back in the sea, and Bikyumon beside Kong discovered something unusual at the same time.


A huge column of water gushed out from the bottom of the beach without any warning, and like a terrifying geyser, it threw all the phone booths on the route high into the air.

Then, a sand dune suddenly bulged on the beach, and a huge red conch monster emerged from the sand. Its messy hair like seaweed was wriggling disgustingly, and it let out a deafening roar!


"Shit…" The series of noises just now made Asuke stand there like a petrified man. He turned around mechanically and found that the terrifying conch monster was already very close to him.

Then, he saw a strong big foot raised high!


His neck was tightened, and Ah Zhu was dragged away by the collar of his clothes. The words he wanted to shout were stuck in his throat, and he was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the conch monster's foot, which could have flattened him, only hit the beach, leaving a huge footprint on the soft beach.

"In the situation just now, shouldn't you just run away? Why did you turn back?" Someone's helpless voice came to his ears, and the distracted Ah Zhu suddenly shuddered.


It was Taichi again. He had already rushed to Asuke when Biyomon showed signs of abnormality, and finally brought Asuke back before the Conch Monster launched an attack.

"After returning, immediately distribute food to the Digimon, and let them come to help after they are full!" Taiyi urged anxiously, and then pushed Azhu on the back, pushing him directly back to the group of children.

"Is it Shellmon? This area is its territory?" Beetlemon said with sudden realization.

"You knew there were shell beasts here, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Taiyi turned around and shouted with some dissatisfaction

"Uh... I just know that Shellmon lives here, but I've never been here." Beetlemon looked innocent.


"Everyone, attack together! Small flame!"

"Colorful Sparks…"

"Magic Fire…"

""Flying Wings..."

Taichi didn't have to wait too long at the front line. The reinforcements arrived quickly. Agumon and other Digimon launched their long-range attacks at Shellmon, but the effect was surprising.

Except for Agumon who released a complete fireball and hit Shellmon's face with a shallow burn mark, the special moves of other Digimon all failed.

"What's going on? Taiyi frowned.

"I can’t use my strength…" Bikyumon said aggrievedly

"Guangzilang, I'm so hungry~"

"Even if I am gorgeous, I can't show my full strength without food."

"Hungry? Didn't I just tell Senior Kido to... Damn it!"Looking back at Asuke's direction, Taichi cursed.

Asuke was actually sitting on the ground gasping for breath while holding a large bag of emergency rations, congratulating himself for escaping death?

Taichi's words just now were completely ignored.

""Scare!" Shellmon suddenly sprayed a powerful stream of water from the top of its head, knocking all seven growth-stage beasts away.

Except for Agumon who got up from the ground, the other six beasts couldn't even stand up.

Well, it's too late to eat now.

"Taichi, what should we do?"It has only been a few hours since they met, and Agumon has quickly learned to"ask Taichi when in doubt."

"There is no other way except to fight! Agumon, use a small flame to restrain it first! Akong, throw the beautiful knife over!"

""Small flame!" Upon hearing this, Agumon spit out another fireball and hit Shellmon, causing the other to groan in pain.

"Taiyi, catch it!" Akong immediately took out the folding knife from Meimei's backpack and threw it accurately into Taiyi's palm.

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