Digimon: Order

Chapter 115

"If you want to take the vampire beast away, you have to ask our consent first!"

"That's right! We have more people on our side now!"

Seeing that the other side took away the dying Vampiremon as soon as it appeared, Chaobimon and Garudamon, two super-sized perfect forms, obviously did not intend to let the duck fly away.

"How about letting your leader make the decision on this matter?" Leap Greymon's tone was still unhurried,"Human boy over there, are you sure you want to fight me here?"

"You can take the vampire beast away..." Taiyi answered straightforwardly,"We are not your opponent, and there is no benefit in conflicting with you now. However... next time we meet, it won't be so easy!"

"I'm eagerly looking forward to the reunion! Goodbye, Yagami... Taichi."After Leaping Greymon finished speaking, he spewed out extremely hot flames from the mechanical wings behind him, pushing his huge body into the air rapidly, and disappeared into the sky with Vampiremon.

"The leader of the Fallen Alliance, Ascendant Greymon, what a powerful guy."After the other party left, Taiyi sighed slightly.

Ascendant Greymon gave him a strange feeling. It was very powerful, but not dangerous. Although it claimed to be an ally of Vampiremon, Taiyi felt that they were not the same kind of people at all.

Moreover, after Taiyi had already preconceived that Meimei and Koshiro were protected by people from the Fallen Alliance, it was even more difficult for him to have hostility towards the leader of the Fallen Alliance.

"Anyway... uh, forget it, let's all go to bed early." I wanted to discuss it with the children, but when Taichi turned around, he found that everyone was so tired that they collapsed on the ground. Three of the five perfect forms that had just participated in the battle had already degenerated to the juvenile stage, and only Agumon and Ogamon still maintained their original evolutionary stage.

But even they were already out of breath, and Agumon was a little absent-minded, obviously not yet recovered from the shock brought by the leap of Tyrannosaurus.

In this situation, nothing useful can be discussed, so let's go to bed early. As for the Fallen Alliance, Vampiremon, and the news that Xuannai entrusted Koshiro to bring to everyone, let's leave it all until tomorrow.

At night, when all the children fell asleep, Taichi, who should have rested, still opened his eyes and stared at the starry sky above his head in a daze.

"Taiyi, are you still awake?"

Holding the sleeping Picomon in his arms, Kong quietly came over and sat next to Taiyi under the tree, resting his head gently on his shoulder.

"Ah, I'm thinking about a lot of things. Vampiremon, Leaping Tyrannosaurus..."Tai paused, raised his hand through Akong's back, and gently held her waist,"And you"

""Eh?" Feeling Taiyi's movements, Akong couldn't help but blush, leaning against Taiyi and not daring to breathe.

"Vampiremon is very strong, but the Jumping Greymon we met today seems to be even stronger. Moreover, behind them are the Four Ultimate Holy Beasts and the Four Dark Lords. Akong, the future battles seem to be getting more and more dangerous. I don't know if I can still protect you and everyone else.…"

"If it's Taiyi, there will be no problem! You will protect us, and... you will also take everyone home! Taiyi has never failed to fulfill his promises, and I believe this time will be the same!"Akong's voice was very anxious, constantly trying to give Taiyi confidence

"Thank you..." Taiyi sighed gratefully,"Every time I want to make trouble, Akong is the first one to support me behind me."

"I... don't want to just be behind…"

"What?"Akong's voice was so soft that Taiyi couldn't hear it clearly.

"I said, I don't want to always stand behind. I can't always accept Taichi's protection with peace of mind, I also want to... be the one standing beside Taichi!"

The girl's expression was very focused and determined, she held Taichi's hand very tightly, and she didn't even notice that Picomon had spun around like a ball in his sleep and moved to Agumon's side. Instead, she stared bravely into Taichi's eyes, suppressing her uneasiness and shyness in the hope of getting a positive answer.

"Silly girl..." Taiyi took the opportunity to pull her into his arms and gently stroked her hair on the back of her head,"Aren't you already standing next to me?"


They confirmed their feelings for each other, and everything seemed to be a natural outcome.

He felt so lucky that he was a man without a past, but he was favored by such a gentle and kind girl. She always appeared beside him, silently working hard to help him integrate into this world.

She also felt very lucky. She watched the boy who was so close to her wake up from confusion, from a blank piece of paper to a well-known figure in the school, and now she is almost single-handedly carrying the children to survive in this crisis-ridden world. On the summer night of the eleventh year, Taiyi and Akong opened their hearts to each other.

They talked about many things, because there was more love to fill the void in their hearts, and Akong, who was always good at putting himself in others' shoes, was very happy. Kong found that he suddenly understood his mother a little bit... It was because there were times when she herself did not want Taiyi to take risks, and such times happened often.

The emotion of love would make people unconsciously prevent the people they cherish from getting close to danger. Kong's mother was like this, and Kong was the same.

Taiyi, on the other hand, told Kong everything about himself. He told Kong about the mental power upgrade surgery, the ability to control data, including his own sacred plan, the fact that his badge was faked, and that he was trapped in the real world, and that he would not have been able to come to this world again if it were not for Xiaoguang's sacred plan.

During this process, Kong had been holding Taiyi's hand nervously, as if he was afraid that the boy in front of him would suddenly disappear.

"I can't just let this matter go!" Taichi's voice deepened a little,"Moleculemon is right, whether it's the Four Dark Lords or the Four Holy Beasts, in the final analysis, they all want to control the order of this Digimon world. However, the order they set may not be suitable for us!" Whether it's a mysterious guy like Gennai or Digimon on the side of constancy like Centaurmon and Fairymon, the information they tell the children is actually one-sided.

The real world is indeed in chaos because of the chaos in the Digimon world, but the cause of the chaos is not only because of the dark forces, but because of the war.

Because of the war, a large amount of disordered and destroyed data has been caused. The distortions they caused have caused the Digimon to lose themselves in the layer between reality and illusion, and thus, when they lost themselves, they began to affect the real world.

Wasn't that the case with Ogremon at that time? It was rowing well on the Internet sea from the File Island to the Server Continent, but who knew that it would encounter The last distortion got lost.

Taichi himself had experienced this kind of distortion. Gorillamon and Machinedramon would not cause this kind of distortion if they existed alone, but the two of them had to fight to the death at that time, so the distortion was caused by the runaway energy.

In the final analysis, as Gennai described, after the Four Dark Lords ruled the world, the human world was also implicated and even invaded. This is no different from the behavior of Constancy discovering that the egg of Rollermon fell into the human world, and directly sending a Parrotmon to recover it, and causing the Light Hill Explosion.

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