Digimon: Order

Chapter 116

""I don't know if what Taiyi wants to do is right or wrong..." Akong's words were very straightforward. She did not directly affirm that Taiyi's idea must be right, and Taiyi understood this very well.

After all, it does sound a bit scary for an eleven-year-old child to say that he wants to control the world order or something.

And this also involves Taiyi's attitude towards light and darkness being completely unified... You know, since the children came to the Digimon world, except for Taiyi himself, the dangers the children have endured almost all come from the dark side.

Even Taiyi himself was just guessing that Fairymon wanted to kill him, and Akong and the others were even less likely to know. Therefore, in the eyes of Akong and other children, there is still a big difference between light and darkness in this world.

In fact, if Taiyi had not been annoyed by the calculations of the immortals on both the light and dark sides, he would not have set such a goal with the heart of a king.

"But…" Akong smiled sweetly, and then said to Taiyi in the most calm tone, as if he was deciding what to eat tomorrow,"If that day really comes, Taiyi, please don’t send me back to the real world. As I said just now, I want to be someone who stands by Taiyi. If what Taiyi wants to do is really wrong, and I really can’t dissuade him… then I am willing to go along with Taiyi in making mistakes."


At this moment, Taiyi no longer needed to say anything. He could only hug the girl who had given him all her love and call her name softly over and over again.

At the same time, in Vampiremon's castle, Jumping Tyrannosaurus brought Vampiremon, who was beaten by the children, straight to the secret room in the castle and threw Vampiremon into an empty coffin.

"Damn it! Leap Greymon, you…"

"I'll give you the reward first, whether you want it or not!"

Seeing the red bandage lying quietly on him, the vampire beast swallowed subconsciously and swallowed all the complaints.

As expected of the leader of the Fallen Alliance, who was rich and powerful, that was an ancient gene, and he just threw it away like that, without any regret?

"I have stripped away the remaining data of the original owner of this thing.

It is now a gene chain that has been solidified into the shape of a bandage.

Any Digimon that does not contain ancient genes can absorb it by bringing it close to the Digi-Core.

"Leap Greymon kindly explained the use of this thing, then turned and left,"By the way...

since the reward has been paid, I think you should prepare for the expedition immediately.

Vampiremon, I warn you not to play tricks on me.

With your strength, even if you get the power of ancient genes, you will never be my opponent before the Cloud Servant Barrier is opened!


"Damn it... Leap Greymon, you can be so arrogant! Once I evolve to the Ultimate Form in the human world with the power of prophecy... I will be the first to attack you!" After Leap Greymon left, Vampiremon cursed in a low voice, and then immediately focused his eyes, which were about to spit fire, on the ancient gene in his hand.

What a good thing... Vampiremon has been looking for so long and collecting a lot of information, and finally got this good thing!

It will not doubt that this thing is fake. Vampiremon is a rare type with high combat power and extensive reading. Naturally, it is impossible for him to be a complete novice when it comes to ancient genes.

Although it is not quite sure about the specific purpose of this thing, it can confirm that the one given to it by Leap Greymon is definitely true!

People like Vampiremon obviously will not let good things stay overnight. Just now, after hearing the usage from Leap Greymon, it tried to bring this gene close to its chest, which is the closest place to the digital core.


The red bandage turned into an invisible The data stream was quickly absorbed by the Digimon's digital core, and arranged into a very special genetic double helix structure in its digital core.


Feeling the existence of the ancient gene in its body, Vampiremon was overjoyed!

It didn't feel any specific changes in its body for the time being, but in its opinion, it was only because it had absorbed this gene for a short time and its advantages had not yet fully emerged. Wait for a while, or even wait until it successfully evolves to the Ultimate Form... then it will be its time to reap the rewards!

How powerful will it be then?

Will it be possible for it to directly evolve to the level of Belia Vampiremon, or even the Great Draculamon who is the king of the dark area?

If there comes a day, the human world and the Digimon world will tremble under the cover of its dark power!

"Boss, Boss~" Let's put aside the fact that Vampiremon was dreaming in the coffin after absorbing the ancient genes. When Jumping Tyrannomon came back to the Fallen Alliance's camp in the castle, the always outspoken Beanmon stopped it directly.

This guy spurted out a strong flame from his modified short legs, flew directly onto Jumping Tyrannomon's shoulder, knocking the opponent's wings loudly.

"Boss, I'm angry! You can just use the nine cards to open the door. You know the order, so why do you have to cooperate with Vamdemon? And you have to give that guy an ancient gene. It's such a waste!" Doudoumon kept complaining, and even because of his indignation, the smile on his face turned into a pout."Boss, you finally got two copies of that thing. I don't understand why you didn't even give it to Garuru, but had to give it to that stinky bat for free.~"

""Beanmon, get down! Don't always be so disrespectful to the leader!" Seeing Beanmon jumping on the shoulder of Jumping Greymon again, Garurumon hurriedly scolded the other party.

"I know, I know, really~Garuru, I'm speaking up for you, you really don't know how to be kind~" Beanmon pouted in dissatisfaction, but still obediently jumped off the shoulder of Jumping Tyrannosaurus and didn't continue to make trouble.

However, it still looked indignant.

"Ancient genes, that thing can't be used carelessly."After Beanmon stopped making noise, Jumping Greymon slowly spoke.

Being in Vampiremon's castle, Jumping Greymon seemed very alert. It first asked Garurumon and Waspmon to carefully check the palace inside and out, and only continued to talk after the two beasts confirmed that there was no one watching here.

At this time, all the Digimon gathered in the room also pricked up their ears, ready to listen to their boss explain the use of ancient genes.

"The rumor that people in the digital world are getting ancient genes will be able to have the size and power of ancient Digimon like me... This rumor is actually a deliberately spread fake news."

The room suddenly became quiet.

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