Digimon: Order

Chapter 117

As the saying goes, if a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. The members of the Fallen Alliance certainly have their own pursuits for becoming stronger. The reason why they are attracted to join the Fallen Alliance is not only because Ascendant Greymon is indeed powerful, but also because of the ancient genes.

Now they hear Ascendant Greymon say that this legend is just a rumor, so they naturally feel a sense of loss that their expectations have not been met.

However, everyone quickly adjusted their emotions. After all, although the Fallen Alliance is the most powerful complete organization, the total number of people is really small. Every member is carefully selected and is accepted only after they are confirmed to be partners who can share life and death.

There is no doubt about Ascendant Greymon's vision of people. In short, except for a guy from the original volcanic mine, the other members are very trustworthy.

"The reason why ancient Digimon have larger bodies is not just because of genetic issues.

It has a lot to do with the ability of the digital core itself to absorb data, and the way the data is arranged in the body.

Ancient genes are just a set of fixed data that records the genetic genes of ancient Digimon, and they can't actually play a role in strengthening the body's data.

"Leaping Greymon explained patiently,"The person who spread this rumor at the beginning should have wanted to mislead the modern species that are already popular in the digital world, and let them search for the existence of ancient Digimon, so that more ancient genes can be brought to the world.

Of course, this may also be directed at me.

After all, when the rumor was spreading, the only well-known Digimon with two extra copies of ancient genes was me.


"But boss, if you can't use this thing at all, then why did you go and steal it?"Vespmon asked in confusion.

It was no secret in the Fallen Alliance that the boss treated these two ancient genes as treasures, so Vespmon was very surprised.

Digimon that already have ancient genes cannot have a second ancient gene, which means that Leap Greymon can't use these two ancient genes at all, and can only give them to others. But according to what it said now, this thing is useless even if it is given to modern Digimon like itself, so why keep it?

"This thing can't really be used to strengthen physical data, but it is very beneficial for evolution, especially when evolving from a perfect form to an ultimate form!

"Leaping Tyrannosaurus said seriously,"Let's put it this way, when a modern Digimon evolves from a perfect form to an ultimate form, through the release of the digital core, it can have a chance to split the ancient genes and reorganize them, and merge them with its own gene data.

Once the fusion is successful, the newly evolved ultimate form will be able to have more powerful power.

And for some very special ultimate forms, they are even more likely to evolve directly to powerful and rare ancient species ultimate forms based on the absorption of ancient genes!


"Can the perfect form be used? In this case, don't Seadramon and I have a chance?"No wonder Beanmon is so excited. In the entire Fallen Alliance, besides Leaping Tyrannomon, it and Mega Seadramon are the only two perfect forms... As for the newly joined Volcanomon and Death Flamemon, Beanmon believes that its boss will not be confused about the close and distant ones.

"I am indeed considering you, wanting to know who is more suitable to receive the ancient gene...

This thing is too dangerous.

The power contained in the ancient gene is very strong.

When evolution occurs, this gene will break and reorganize in your Digicore.

Once you can't withstand the power generated by the ancient gene explosion, it is very likely that your Digicore will be directly blown up!

"Jumping Tyrannosaurus warned seriously,"Because of the power bursting out due to the gene break, even the Digimon of the ancient species can only withstand it.

Otherwise, why do you think there are fewer and fewer ancient species in the world? The reason why I said that this thing must be used in its perfect form is because with the physical data strength of modern Digimon, it is impossible to withstand the power of the ancient gene break before the perfect form!

And those Digimon of the ancient species have been bearing the risks of evolution brought by ancient genes since their infancy...

It is no exaggeration to say that every evolution is a life-and-death struggle for the ancient Digimon!


"This... I think I should think about it carefully~ I am strong enough now, Boss, why don't you give it to Hailong?"

"I think I need to think about it too."

Sure enough, when they heard that the ancient Digimon became extinct because the ancient genes were too dangerous, Beanmon and Ultramarinemon said that their lives might not be that hard, and they probably couldn't afford this thing.

"But boss, you gave a copy of the ancient gene to Vampiremon. If it successfully evolves to the Ultimate Form and absorbs the gene, wouldn't we lose money?"At this time, the horned beast, who had been silent all the time, spoke up.

Perhaps it was related to his previous experience as a mercenary, this rough-looking Digimon seemed to like to calculate gains and losses in the way of buying and selling.

"Vampiremon's evolution method is somewhat different, and it is absolutely impossible for it to absorb the ancient gene."Leap Tyrannosaurus said with a smile,"In short, that thing is just going to Vampiremon to exchange for a pass that allows us to go to the real world. When Vampiremon dies in the real world, the ancient gene will naturally return to us. At that time, we will work together to find a way to safely absorb it!"

Vampiremon wants to get ancient genes?

Leap Greymon said that this is pure wishful thinking, it has no chance at all!

Indeed, it is possible to successfully absorb ancient genes when evolving from a Perfect Form to an Ultimate Form. A Perfect Form as powerful as Vampiremon naturally has a greater chance.

However, Leap Greymon is very clear about the conditions for Vampiremon to evolve to the Ultimate Form! If this guy wants to go one step further, he needs to die once under the attack of the holy power.

That's right, die!

Vampiremon must be resurrected before he can successfully evolve into the Ultimate Form. However, the ancient genes in its body are not originally its own, but are only temporarily stored in its digital core.

Once Vampiremon dies, this thing will return to Leap Greymon's hands like the items dropped after defeating the Boss in the game.

Thinking about it this way, Leap Greymon actually has no loss at all.~

"Okay, let's leave it at that. Garurumon, stay a moment. I want to discuss something with you."

"Yes!"*NThe boss said so, so the people of the Fallen Alliance were naturally full of confidence.

After so many years of getting along, Leap Greymon never spared any good things from his subordinates. There was no need to hide the ancient genes, which he could not use anyway.

Moreover, the boss of the Fallen Alliance was himself an ancient Digimon, and he himself was in a state of great danger once he evolved. If he could find a way to safely liberate the ancient genes and evolve to the Ultimate Form, wouldn't it mean that if everyone got more ancient genes in the future, everyone would have the opportunity to become stronger?

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