Digimon: Order

Chapter 118

""Garurumon, who have you recruited recently, Vamdemon?" After everyone left, Ascendant Greymon asked his deputy,"Are there any powerful guys we need to pay special attention to?"

"There's nothing much to note.

The only fully-formed ones are Mammothmon and a Seadramon that doesn't get along well with our Sea Dragon.

The only other one that's slightly worthy of attention is Triceratopsmon, and the only one left is a Pumpkin that's not even worth mentioning.

The others are mostly mature, and there are even some that are just making up the numbers.

" Garurumon recalled and said,"But it has a lot of Ghostmon under its command, and it will definitely assign most of them to monitor us, and it should also disperse our people and let the troops it recruits hold us back.

By then, except for the two of us, the actions of others may be restricted.


"Don't worry, this kind of restriction is not so easy to maintain."Jumping Greymon thought of Taichi's previous battle performance, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

Even if he lost some of his memories, he is still very strong.

He and the children around him will be the key to the balance of victory or defeat!

"Oh, there's one more thing... The guy under Volcanomon seems to be a bit active recently." Garurumon seemed to remember something,"That guy seems to have contacted Wizardmon privately, and it seems that he spread the news that Volcanomon rescued the child. Wizardmon and Tailmon may not spread this matter, I'm just worried that Death Flamemon will see that they don't take any action and go directly to Vampiremon."

"It doesn't matter..." Leap Greymon shook his head,"The children are chasing us closely. Once Vamdemon recovers, he will probably go to the real world immediately. As long as we can go with him, it will be useless even if he turns against us!"

"That's right~ Alas, Volcanomon is a little too pedantic to treat his subordinates well. I clearly warned it that Death Flamemon might have second thoughts, but it didn't take it to heart at all"

"If that guy really dares to lean towards Vampiremon in the real world, he will be sorry for Volcanomon!"A hint of coldness flashed in Leap Greymon's eyes, and a sharp murderous intent flashed by.

While the vampire beast was busy rejoicing that it had obtained the ancient gene, and the people of the Fallen Alliance were busy rejoicing that they had plotted against the vampire beast, in another part of the castle, the white cat, who had been in a bad mood recently, was sitting alone in a stone room in a daze.

Its brows were furrowed, as if it was upset about something.

"Tailmon, are you still thinking about what happened before?"Wizardmon appeared at the door, his tone full of concern.

""Wizardmon, didn't I tell you not to see through other people's hearts?" Tailmon glared at him in dissatisfaction, but considering that Wizardmon was his only friend in this castle, he didn't say much.

"I didn't mean to see through you, but your mood is all written on your face." Wizardmon advised helplessly,"Tailmon, you can't do this. If you worry here alone, not only will you not be able to solve the problem, but you will also be seen by Vampiremon."

"Wizardmon, I don't have anything to resolve!"

"You do!" Wizardmon's tone was still unhurried,"Don't you want to recall the memories before you met me? Tailmon, you told me that you were waiting for someone. Who was that person? Why were you waiting for him? Don't you want to know these things? That day, after you came into contact with Master Taichi's sacred plan, the light emitted from it... Haven't you been troubled by that thing!"

"Do you have a solution?"After thinking for a long time, Tailmon finally couldn't suppress his doubts and asked Wizardmon about the solution.

"Yes!" Wizardmon nodded and said firmly,"As long as you volunteer to stay behind to cover Vampiremon's return to the real world!"

"What did you say?" Tailmon couldn't help but frowned upon hearing this,"Wizardmon, do you want me to be caught by that abominable guy again?"

"Tailmon, I think this is the only way to solve the problem at the moment. You should know that I will never harm you. Anyway, just try it as I say. I guarantee that you will not lose anything, and you will most likely get the answer you want!"

"This... I know!" Tailmon gritted his teeth and finally agreed with Wizardmon and decided to give it a try.

The next morning, in the forest near the Vampire Beast Castle, Guang Shilang was assigning the children the latest tasks he had received from Xuan Nei.

"Grandpa Xuan Nei told me that he found a companion of ours!" With just the first sentence, Guang Zilang successfully woke up the children who were still sleepy because they had just got up.

"Um, Taichi?" Akong looked at the guy who had just confirmed his relationship with him yesterday. After hearing what Guang Zilang said, his hand seemed to suddenly clench himself.

"I'm fine, Guang Zilang, you continue. Taiyi shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"The problem now is that Grandpa Gennai doesn't seem to know the identity of the eighth child, he just knows that he should be in the country."Koshiro continued to explain,"Vampiremon has also known about this matter, and it has gathered a large army to open the gate in the castle and invade the real world from the digital world! And their invasion site is at Light Hill!"

"What?!" *N

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"No, we have to stop it! If Digimon appears in the human world, it will definitely cause chaos!" Akong shouted worriedly

"��Grandpa Nei was also worried about this problem, so he thought we should leave immediately."Guang Zilang nodded and said,"If you think about this from another angle, it actually means that we have a chance to go home."

Going home is definitely an extremely attractive word for children nowadays.

"Set off immediately?" Taichi shook his head slightly, with a trace of barely detectable disdain on his face."Everyone should now know the ratio of the time flow rate between the Digimon world and the real world. Senior Kido, please calculate for everyone. Assuming that the army of Vampiremon has passed through that gate and arrived in the real world last night, and we chase them now, how much time has passed over there?"

"Let me think, six hours have passed since the battle ended last night..." Ah Zhu pushed up his glasses and said in horror,"The enemy has only been in the real world for fifteen seconds! If we chase them now, we will definitely collide with them!"

"This..." Asuke's words were like a bucket of cold water, completely dampening the children's desire to go home!

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