Digimon: Order

Chapter 123

"Is this... a white cat?" Hikaru looked at Tailmon curiously, then looked at Taichi curiously,"Brother, the one you took away before was not the green one.…"

"Hey, don't lump me in with guys like Ogremon!" Tailmon yelled madly

"Oh, Xiaoguang, let me introduce you. This is Tailmon.…"

"There's no need for you to introduce me, you idiot!" Tailmon swung its tail and hit Taichi's knee with a sacred ring, then reached out to Xiaoguang,"I was found by this guy, your Digimon partner, Tailmon"

"Tailmon, is it my...Digimon?" Hikari, who didn't quite understand what this sentence meant, immediately looked at Taichi. Little did he know that this action made Tailmon roll his eyes helplessly again.

He finally understood what Kong said to him before he came back from the Digimon world.

Tailmon, even if you are Hikari's Digimon partner, it's actually no different from being Taichi's partner.

Tailmon now completely understood this sentence.

It seems that this little girl's eyes can't hold anything else except her brother.

Therefore, although they introduced themselves and shook hands with each other, which can be regarded as a preliminary recognition, Tailmon still felt that his first meeting with Hikari was not so perfect.

He always felt like he was the one who got in between the siblings... this feeling It's really too bad.

It's all because of insufficient information!

Yes, the reason why this meeting had flaws was because of the serious lack of information about the Yagami siblings!

I shouldn't have made any noise when they met!

At this moment, Tailmon deeply felt that he was crushed by Agumon in terms of IQ... The khaki little dinosaur has been guarding the refrigerator since it came back, and it has nothing to do with how touching the reunion of the Yagami siblings is.

While drinking Coke and eating fruit... Agumon said that you guys don't have to worry about me anymore, I can take care of myself~

After Taichi Yagami went home, Tailmon said that he spent the afternoon rolling his eyes.

This pair of siblings... Don't even mention interfering, there is no place to get in!


"Get out of the way!"

"Meow~" Miko from Yagami's house wanted to get close to this new beautiful white cat and ask it if it had any experience in"breaking eggs". However, she didn't expect the cat to be so fierce and could only run away with its tail between its legs.

"Tailmon, we…"

"You get out of the way too!"

"Uh... I'm here to tell you that Taichi's parents are coming back soon. In order not to scare them, we have to go to the balcony to take shelter. We can meet Taichi's parents before dinner." Agumon shrank his neck and finished notifying Tailmon, then carefully walked around the beast with a bad face, opened the balcony door by himself, and hid behind the curtains.

"Damn it! You want me to hide on the balcony? I won’t go to that kind of place!" Tailmon growled with his fur puffing up.

"Actually, it’s okay if you don’t come. You look like a cat anyway, and Taichi’s parents might like you more. It doesn’t matter if you pretend for a while. Agumon thought about it and felt that it was okay for Tailmon not to hide.

Taichi’s parents would be very happy if they found a beautiful white cat in their home.

"What did you say? They think I'm a house cat?" Tailmon turned his head mechanically and subconsciously glanced at the cat squatting at the food bowl and feasting on it. A series of fantasies emerged in his mind.

Being forced to kiss, hug, and lift him up high, and having to eat cat food that he wouldn't even eat, maybe there would be the problem of"egg removal"…

"I'm going to the balcony!" Thinking of this, Tailmon suddenly felt that it was not particularly unacceptable to blow the cold wind outside on the balcony.

Calculating the time, Taichi is probably the first one among all the chosen children to return home. After all, Xiaoguang's sacred plan directly targets home, and he can save the time of running around.

And according to the time flow rate ratio, Vampiremon's army may not even find a foothold at this moment, and is still wandering around the light hill.

As for whether they will cause a riot, Taichi is really not worried about this.

Now it seems that it is a battle between Vampiremon and the children, but in fact it is a three-way fight between the Fallen Alliance, Vampiremon and the children.

Among them, Vampiremon has the largest army and the widest range. They will be the main force to search for the location of the eighth child.

The number of the Fallen Alliance is smaller, but the actual The three factions are the strongest among the three, and they are likely to become the main force in the battle, but who they will fight is a question worthy of discussion.

Finally, there are the children. Judging from the current situation, the children are obviously the weakest party.

But children have two advantages. One is that as human beings, children can move more conveniently, and... can take advantage of the situation.

For example, in the news report just now, an"elephant" ran out of an unknown zoo and disappeared mysteriously.

This is why Taichi doesn't let the children pass by Guangqiu!

Will the mammoth beast recruited by Vampiremon cause chaos at Guangqiu?

It will definitely cause chaos~

Will it destroy the neighborhood, or even cause human casualties?

There is this possibility~

So, should Taichi let the children fight with the mammoth beast for this possibility, or... Or will it fight with other hostile Digimon hiding in Hikari Hill?

The answer is of course no.

If Mammothmon wants to make trouble, let it do it on its own. If this matter gets out of hand, it will not benefit Vampiremon at all. In fact, its last choice is to execute Mammothmon on the spot before the impact of the matter expands further!

Imagine if the situation develops to the point where it cannot be covered up, and the entire Hikari Hill or even the entire city is under martial law, how will Vampiremon find the eighth child? At that time, either it will be unable to move, or it will fight to the death with the human armed forces and talk about it after it wins.

In either case, it is probably not what it wants to see.

And if Mammothmon is seriously injured and captured by the human side, then things will be even more interesting.

Therefore, no matter what the situation is, as long as the opponent's Digimon dares to come out and make trouble Yes, before things get out of hand, the Vampire Beasts have to come out and clean up the mess themselves.

Even if the Vampire Beasts don't care, the Fallen Alliance will certainly intervene.

Indeed, this may cause a lot of damage, and even innocent casualties. But don't blame Taiyi for being cold-blooded, this is the best way to fight to ensure your own safety!

So you see, Taiyi just stayed at home with Xiaoguang comfortably, and the other children were also sitting on the bus and rushing back comfortably.

As a result, they relied on the potential fishing reels and armed forces of humans to force the Vampire Beasts to take action to solve a complete body.

How cost-effective? The second advantage of the children is that Xiaoguang's sacred plan has always been carried by Taiyi.

Taiyi can completely play a trick of luring the enemy out of the hole, actively luring the lone members of the other side to take the bait, and then kill them one by one!

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light?

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