Digimon: Order

Chapter 124

Lure the snake out of its hole and gradually wear down the power of the vampire beast, which is the best plan Taiyi can think of at the moment.

However, in order to really implement this plan, Taiyi needs to convince two people in advance.

Ding Dong~

"Xiaoguang, we are back!"

"Is your cold feeling better?"

Yagami Susumu, Yagami Yuko... The people Taichi had to convince were his parents.

As the situation developed, the dispute between the three forces would obviously gradually escalate from a secret fight to an open fight. Rather than letting his parents worry at that time, it would be better to be honest from the beginning.

Taichi had thought about letting his parents take Xiaoguang to hide in the countryside, or simply go abroad or something like that. In this way, the vampire beast would never be able to recognize Xiaoguang's identity. However,

Taichi also knew that Xiaoguang would definitely not agree.

She would not hide by herself and let Taichi clear the danger for her... although Taichi was happy to do such a thing.

Bait tactics like this should be the limit of what his parents and Xiaoguang could agree to, and it would probably take a lot of effort to convince him.

"Um, Taiyi, you are at home too?"

"Ah, I came back early..."

Facing his mother's question, Taiyi didn't say anything more for the time being, but just covered it up silently.

He was waiting, waiting for a phone call.

Sure enough, not long after, the phone rang.

"Hello, this is Yagami's house... What, you mean Taichi? He's at home now.…"

""Mom, please ask Mr. Fujiyama first, whether Sora... er, I mean, whether all the other kids in my group have boarded the bus." Taichi pleaded quietly.

"Akong and the others have already boarded the bus, right? That's good... Well, Taiyi is back early. This child always keeps to himself. I'm sorry to bother you, teacher~" Taiyi's mother glanced at her frowning son, and finally got the information Taiyi wanted, and helped calm the teacher on the other end of the phone who was angry because Taiyi had left the team for no reason.

"Thank you mom~"

""What happened? Why did you suddenly leave the campsite and run back home?" After hanging up the phone, Yuko Yagami asked seriously.

As a mother, especially a mother who almost suffered the pain of losing her son, Yuko Yagami is very sensitive to her son's emotional changes.

From the age of seven to eleven, her child has never been nervous at home.

Taichi is a man without a past, so for him, this home is his last safe haven. If one day, Yuko Yagami finds that Taichi is still frowning at home, then something must have happened... and it must be a big deal!

"I'll tell you and dad at dinner time. Also, make two more servings for dinner today... er, four, since we have guests at home." Taichi scratched his head awkwardly, thinking that with the strength of Agumon and Tailmon, it was definitely one against two.

Agumon was definitely the main fighting force, and Tailmon... Based on what Taichi saw at the riverside restaurant last time, the appearance of this white cat was obviously very confusing in determining its appetite.

"Okay, I'll go cook first. I look forward to what kind of surprise you can give me and my dad then." Yuko Yagami didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she shrugged and went to prepare dinner. Anyway, she probably guessed that since Taichi had this expression, what he was going to say was definitely not a surprise.

Before dinner, the Yagami family held another very serious family meeting... Just like the last time Taichi forced his father to buy hard currency with all his liquid assets, every corner of the dining table revealed an atmosphere of impending storm.

"The story all started with the Hikari Hill explosion four years ago…" In order not to delay the dinner of everyone at the table and the two people outside on the balcony, Taichi explained to his parents in the simplest words what had happened in the past few hours, his journey through the digital world that had lasted for several months.

"So, you're going to fight those vicious Digimon...?"

"Not only you, but also Xiaoguang and the other children are involved?"

""Brother, I want you to be a bait or something, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!"

Sure enough, the three people at the table had different expressions, but their first reaction was to refuse, and the progress of this meeting gradually came to a deadlock.

The Yagami couple did not doubt Taichi's words. After all, their own children should not make up such a lie that would be easily broken to deceive themselves... He said that there were already two Digimon outside the balcony who followed them back home, maybe they really exist.

Moreover, he had his reasons for doing so.

In order to protect Xiaoguang, this was a reason that the Yagami couple had to agree with!

"Since we have guests, we should not leave them on the balcony. It is a good opportunity for us to meet your and Hikaru's friends."In the end, as a mother, Yuko Yagami was more reasonable and decided to meet these Digimon first.

"Hello, Taichi's father and mother, I am Agumon…"

"I’m Tailmon, Hikaru’s partner…"

Two adults, two Digimon, the four of them looked at each other, each revealing a hint of embarrassment.


"Not that scary?"

The Yagami couple looked at Agumon and Tailmon carefully, then looked at each other, and felt that these Digimon did not seem to be as ferocious and scary as they imagined.

White cats and little dinosaurs... For adults, it was surprisingly acceptable.

Although they knew that the vicious enemy that Taichi had to deal with would definitely not look like these two cute creatures, it did dispel their worries a little bit, at least they could have a proper dinner.

"I'm eating!" *4The matter was finally resolved smoothly. The Yagami couple reluctantly accepted the fact that there were two new members in the family who were good at eating. All Taichi had to do was apologize to Xiaoguang for the bait tactic.

"Xiaoguang, when the time is right, I will let you and Tailmon act with me."After dinner, the brother and sister stood side by side on the balcony, Taiyi advised softly,"It's just that the other party's power is too huge now, we have to weaken it more."

"This reason is barely acceptable." Xiaoguang smiled playfully,"But brother, did something else happen to you in that world this time?"

"Uh, what do you mean by other things?" Taiyi felt that the air around him was a little cold, and... his sister's smile was a little dangerous.

"For example, why did you unconsciously mention Sister Kong? Also, when you called her by her name, you seemed to subconsciously use the nickname suffix.~"

"This..." Taiyi couldn't help but twitch his lips, Xiaoguang, you have such talent, why don't you study criminal investigation?

"elder brother?"

"Hikaru, actually...when I was in the Digital World, I confessed my feelings to Sora..."

"Confession?" Xiaoguang raised his eyebrows,"In other words, brother and Sister Akong are together?"

"Uh... yes~" Tai nodded subconsciously

"I understand."


Before Taiyi could react, Xiaoguang turned away and closed the balcony door from inside the house, then locked it with an expressionless face.

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