Digimon: Order

Chapter 125

Fortunately, Taiyi finally got through the danger.

Xiaoguang might be a little annoyed about some of the things her brother confessed, but she would not really leave Taiyi on the balcony to let the cold wind blow... If Taiyi really got sick, she would feel guilty.

"This is my punishment for not telling my brother right away! And even if my brother is with Sister Kong, he can’t spend even a second less with me in the future!"

""Yes, I promise~" Taiyi raised his hands helplessly and mechanically swore a willing but hopeless oath.

Stared at by three pairs of eyes in the bedroom, Taiyi was completely defeated.

He knew long ago that Agumon and Tailmon, the two ungrateful ones, would definitely stand on Xiaoguang's side.

However, Taiyi didn't think much about Xiaoguang's reaction tonight. The little girl probably felt that Taiyi, who had always doted on her, was in danger of being snatched away by someone, so she did this so that Taiyi could clarify what kind of status his sister should have in his heart when he was calm (and the wind was biting).

Well, it must be like this~

Taiyi made a few phone calls to others after dinner, and after confirming that everyone had returned home safely, he decided to gather tomorrow morning and start the plan to lure the snake out of its hole. plan.

Later than this, Koushiro also called Taichi back, probably saying that he had detected a Digimon landing near Shibaura in the port area through the program installed in the laptop by Elder Gennai, and wanted to ask Taichi how to solve it. Taichi's answer was to keep quiet, but let Koushiro use the computer to locate the other party.

During the positioning process, Koushiro was always very nervous, fearing that this Digimon would cause too much damage.

Fortunately, it seemed to be just circling around the place where it appeared, and did not continue to expand its range of activities.

Koushiro kept monitoring for fifteen minutes, until the other party's signal completely disappeared, and then he was reluctant to let go.

Some other small episodes also happened during this period, and Koushiro's computer was tampered with.

The origin of the matter Because, Taichi received an email from another world at the same time as Koushiro's call.

Ogamon's actions were obviously quite quick, and he had already contacted Moleculemon. Of course, this was mainly because Taichi had been back to the real world for several hours, and it was estimated that almost a year had passed in the Digimon world. Even if it was a mushroom, the task assigned by Taichi should have been completed long ago.

This email was sent by Moleculemon, and it successfully contacted Taichi in the real world at Taichi's request.

After receiving the communication from Moleculemon, Taichi originally wanted this technician to help think of a way to make a map program or something like that that could locate the location of the enemy Digimon. As a result, Koushiro happened to mention this matter to Taichi on the phone, so Taichi just went with the flow.

He directly Let Molecular Beast hack into the other party's computer according to the address when he sent an email to Koshiro in the Digital World last time, and upgrade the positioning program installed by Elder Xuannei for Koshiro's computer in an all-round way... Taichi just blinked, and Molecular Beast had completed the Digimon Strategic Monitoring Map 2.0.

The reason why it was so fast was mainly because of the time flow rate ratio of the two worlds. Although only one second passed for Taichi, it was 24 minutes later for Molecular Beast. As the chief programmer of the Iron Empire, did Molecular Beast need 24 minutes from hacking into Koshiro's computer to successfully upgrading the program?

Obviously not~

Therefore, Koshiro didn't realize that when he was monitoring the enemy Digimon, the computer was out of his control for about less than one second.

That is, when Koshiro looked at the screen again, he found that all the interfaces had completely changed!

Not only could he clearly know the location of this Digimon, but he could also automatically connect to the cameras around the scene to obtain the image of this Digimon, and he could even link the encyclopedia program to directly display its specific information!

Mud beast, mature stage, virus species...

When Guangshilang told Taiyi about this bizarre discovery, Taiyi just smiled and comforted him by saying that an expert helped to upgrade the program. Guangshilang was so scared that he cried and shouted on the phone, asking Taiyi to help introduce that"expert" to teach him programming.

In response, Taiyi just said that they might meet again if there is a chance.

In addition, the molecular beast found a Trojan horse used for monitoring on Guangshilang's computer, which should be the backdoor installed by Xuannai.

It asked Taiyi whether he wanted to remove the backdoor. After thinking about it, Taiyi refused.

In a situation like this where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, if we already know the arrangements made by the other party in advance, it is better to counter them. If the molecular beast really removes the backdoor set by Xuannai, the old guy might get suspicious.

Anyway, this is the only medium through which Xuannai can monitor them. If Taiyi really has any actions that cannot be seen by the other party, he can just ask Guangshilang to shut down the computer and disconnect from the Internet.

The next morning, considering that Xiaoguang's cold had not yet fully recovered, Taiyi prepared to go out with two Digimon and two Digimon, and told Xiaoguang to have a good rest at home.

"These few days, I will wait for my brother to deal with all those low-ranking guys. When there is a big scene at the end, it will be time for my Xiaoguang to appear." With his forehead against Xiaoguang's, he made a promise in a gentle voice.

""Brother... you're the best~"

Taichi often shows this confident expression, and as long as he shows this expression, things will definitely succeed in the end!

This kind of confidence on his face is also one of Xiaoguang's favorite expressions of Taichi.

Of course, the expression when he comforted her in a gentle voice before was also her favorite.

Leaving home, meeting up with Akong and Koshiro who were already waiting outside the door, the three of them and the four beasts started to rush to the street park where the children agreed to meet yesterday.

"I... will go see if they have arrived." Kouzilang felt that he had been very embarrassed along the way. Taichi and Akong were actually quite restrained. They did not hug or walk together arm in arm in broad daylight. They did not even hold hands. But Kouzilang felt that he was standing in the wrong place.

If these two people were emitting the soft halo of a perfect match between lovers, then he was emitting a messy and dazzling light that would disturb them... No matter who saw it, Kouzilang at this moment was the light source emitting this weird light, commonly known as a light bulb.

"Hey, Koshiro, you… left~" Akong’s expression was a little awkward for a moment, and then she pouted her lips and looked at Taichi in displeasure.

The expression on her face was obviously blaming Taichi, wanting to know how long this awkward situation would last.

"It depends on how long it takes them to adapt to this kind of thing. You see, I am useless." Taiyi shrugged helplessly, but his hands were already quietly intertwined with Akong's fingers, and he continued to rush to the gathering place with the blushing girl.

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