Digimon: Order

Chapter 126

"Taichi! Sora!"

"Brother Taichi! Sister Akong!"

"Senior Taiyi..."

After the seven people gathered together, they began to discuss countermeasures. However, everyone was a little confused about Taiyi's failure to bring the eighth child.

"Hikaru has caught a cold these past two days and is not feeling well. He will not be joining our plan for the time being." Taichi did not hide the fact that Hikaru was the eighth child from everyone. Even though he knew that the origin of Mysticmon might be questionable, he did not hide it.

Because it was impossible to hide it.

Everyone witnessed Taichi's interaction with Tailmon in Vamdemon's castle, and after passing through the gate, only Taichi, Agumon, and Tailmon disappeared mysteriously. Combined with the clue that Taichi was the first to arrive home, anyone who knew a little about Taichi's family situation could guess that Hikaru was the eighth child.

""Taiyi, although I've said that you will pretend to be the eighth child to lure the snake out of its hole, how are you going to execute this plan?" Psychedelicmon asked curiously,"The only one with the badge is Vampiremon, are you going to lure it out directly?"

"Regarding this, I think we can ask our insider. You said...Wizardmon?"

"It's an honor to see you again, Master Taichi."As soon as Taichi finished speaking, a strange piece of bark suddenly fell off the trunk of the tree next to the children. After a closer look, everyone found that it was a piece of cloth that imitated the real thing.

The disguised Wizardmon first knelt on one knee and saluted Taichi respectfully, then stood up and looked at Tailmon excitedly.

"Tailmon, it's great to see you again"

""Wizardmon, are you okay these days? Did Vampiremon give you any trouble?" Seeing Wizardmon again, Tailmon couldn't help but be concerned about what happened to Wizardmon these days, fearing that Vampiremon would punish Wizardmon because of him.

"Vampiremon doesn't know yet that you have returned to the real world with the children. In its opinion, Tailmon should still be in the castle, or even dead..." Wizardmon shook his head with emotion,"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, business is more important. Master Taichi, please look at this!"

"Is this a badge? Taiyi frowned slightly. What Wizardmon handed him was a set of badges and evolution keys.

These things were made so lifelike that if Taiyi hadn't seen that there was no trace of divine power in them, he would have thought they were real!

"This is a replica made by Vampiremon using Miss Xiaoguang's badge. This fake badge can emit light as long as it is close to a certain range of the Holy Plan. Vampiremon equipped each of his subordinates and the people of the Fallen Alliance with this replica, and sent them out to search the surroundings on a large scale, while the real badge was hidden on Vampiremon himself."

Wizardmon explained to Taiyi in detail how to use this badge replica, and even quietly told Taiyi Vampiremon's unspeakable secret.

This guy underestimated the sunlight in the human world. He would become weaker during the day and would generally only come out to move at night.

Very good, our advantage has increased again.

If the plan of luring the snake out of the hole is carried out during the day, a direct conflict with Vampiremon can be avoided, and the safety factor of the children's actions will be significantly higher.

In this way, we can try to cut off its claws before the decisive battle with the opponent!

"Koshiro, expand the port map with Shibaura as the center, and let's see which Digimon are active nearby."Yesterday, Mudmon was causing trouble near Shibaura, so some of Vampiremon's subordinates may have gathered here in the port area, so we can just attack them.

Besides, the port area where Odaiba is located is the base camp of the children, so we must first eliminate the enemies who have invaded here.

"If it's the Minato area...

Death Flamemon is active near the radio tower in Shiba Park, and there are several Evildramon hiding in the underground garage of the radio tower.

In addition...

uh, the one pretending to be a street performer in the outer square is Volcanomon.

"The screen of Koshiro's computer was divided into different areas.

This was an upgrade made by Molecularmon to the monitoring program.

As long as it was connected to the network, Koshiro could freely call the cameras in various buildings to find the location of Digimon.

Unless the hiding place of the other party was too remote, they would have nowhere to hide!

"Master Taichi... Waspmon of the Fallen Alliance is actually also roaming around there, and it is my partner in action." Wizardmon also reported the situation he had to Taichi,"The strategy formulated by Vampiremon is to let us, the subordinates, act together with the people of the Fallen Alliance, and keep an eye on the people of the Fallen Alliance during the action. When necessary, we can even..."

Wizardmon didn't say it very clearly, but Taichi also understood what he meant.

When necessary, Vampiremon's subordinates will stab the Digimon of the Fallen Alliance in the back!

"Waspmon..." When Mistymon and Ah He, who were a little further away, heard this name, a hint of sternness flashed across their faces

"In addition, Triceratops and Miragemon are hiding in another park not far from here, and the Fallen Alliance's Beanmon should also be nearby."Wizardmon continued to speak, and told Taichi the location of the other wave of Perfects in detail.

"Among the five perfect forms, is there a mature form as powerful as Evildramon?"Taiichi pondered for a moment, and suddenly looked at Wizardmon very seriously,"Wizardmon, I need your help now. Wait a minute, I will take the Holy Plan to the top of the radio tower to attract the attention of Death Flamemon. During this time, you have to help me lead Volcanomon and Waspmon to the underground garage under the radio tower where the Evildramon are, understand?���

"Lead them all to the underground garage? Master Taiichi, isn't this a bit too dangerous?"Wizardmon was stunned when he heard this,"The underground garage is very dark, which is a very suitable place for Evildramon to perform, and the other party has two complete forms.…"

"Have you forgotten? Volcanomon and Deathflamemon helped Meimei before, and it's still unclear what they will choose when the time comes." Taichi interrupted Wizardmon softly,"What I need now is for you to lead all the Digimon I just mentioned in the surrounding area there as much as possible. If possible, I also need you to help us find another group of enemies hiding in the park, understand?"

"I understand." Seeing that Taiyi had made up his mind, Wizardmon no longer insisted, nodded silently, and floated away.

""Taiyi, is this your plan to lure the enemy out of their hole?" The psychedelic beast showed a hint of admiration in his eyes,"If we can lure the enemy to one place and destroy them, it will save us a lot of trouble and minimize the chaos! You tell me, should we go to the underground garage to meet them in advance, or…"

"You guys go to the park.

" Taichi shook his head lightly,"With Volcanomon and Death Flamemon here, it shouldn't be difficult for us to deal with four Evil Dragonmons.

We don't need so many people.

We'll go up the tower and attract Death Flamemon, then go back to the first floor.

When we get to the door of the underground garage, I'll take Agumon and Tailmon, plus Koshiro and Mimi's team, and go down to deal with those Evil Dragonmons.

Akong, you take the others and follow Wizardmon to the park to deal with the enemies there.

When we split up, I'll give you Hikaru's sacred plan, so they won't take the bait!


"I see!"

"The mission is clear, so let's get on the bus." Taiyi stood up slowly,"Today, we have to eliminate all enemies in the port area!"

""Hmm!"*NThe children who had experienced countless battles were already familiar with this kind of battle scene. Even the youngest Awu and Meimei, who had been extremely tired of war a while ago, would not retreat at all.

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