Digimon: Order

Chapter 130

"Protect me? So... you were the one who launched the attack at the Cosmic Brain Demon before?" After hearing what Waspmon said, Koushiro suddenly realized,"You helped us escape from the attack of that mysterious Digimon?"

"I guess so. Buzz~" Waspmon said helplessly,"That’s really a stain on my record. Buzz~ I originally wanted to blast the Cosmic Brain Demon, but when I saw that guy coming out, I had to change my target. Buzz, otherwise…"

Waspmon didn’t say anything else. It knew very well that even if it aimed at the Digimon that suddenly appeared from the beginning, it would be difficult to cause too much damage to the opponent.

This is also the reason why Waspmon ran away immediately after blasting the opponent... Its killer instinct told it that if it continued to stay there, it would definitely die miserably.

""Thank you... But why did your leader order you to protect me?" Koushiro asked puzzledly.

He had reason to be puzzled. After all, when the other party showed up before, he rescued Vampiremon from the children. Now that the real world is in chaos, it can even be attributed to the fact that LeapGreymon protected Vampiremon!

"I can't tell you the details, you will know it later. Now, I have to eliminate this enemy!"Whispermon revealed the sharp needle launcher under its belly and aimed it at the dying Death Flamemon.

"No!" Volcanomon hurriedly stood in front of Death Flamemon,"You can't do this!"

"It can't, but I can, Agumon!"

"Fighting Eagle!!"

"No…don’t do it!!" Volcanomon turned his head suddenly and saw Taichi holding the Holy Plan tapping Agumon’s arm a few times. Then the arm instantly turned into a sharp axe blade and chopped down heavily on the defenseless neck of Death Flamemon!

In front of Volcanomon, Agumon beheaded Death Flamemon with one blow and absorbed all of the opponent’s data at the same time!

"Yagami Taichi!!"

"Volcanomon, we are friends, so I need to advise you on some things.

"Taiyi looked at the angry Volcanomon silently, his tone was very calm, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

"No matter how good your relationship with Death Flamemon is, since it has clearly shown hostility, please don't be too soft-hearted!

Can you deny that it just wanted to use the opportunity of a sneak attack on Photon Boy to make you open, and then prepare to knock you down with one blow, so as to absorb your data and continue to deal with us!

You saw this and wanted to let it go, which is your own business.

But I will not tolerate such a small character who is obviously unimportant but hostile and threatening to us to continue to jump around!

Especially when we may have a decisive battle with Vampiremon at any time, we must not let it have the opportunity to come out and mess up the situation!


"This... Alas~" Volcanomon's breath stagnated when he heard this, and in the end he could only sigh deeply.

It couldn't refute Taichi's words. The fate of Death Flamemon was also its own fault.

"Is the Perfect Form just a small role in this kid's eyes? This is true... uh, it doesn't seem to be wrong. Waspmon suddenly remembered that the Perfect Form was just killed by the opponent's growth-stage Digimon with an axe.

No wonder the boss said that his mission to protect the little Koshiro can actually be stopped after the return of Taichi Yagami.

This kid is really not an ordinary person.

What about the other kid...

Waspmon glanced at the person he had been secretly protecting, and suddenly he had more confidence in his boss.

Some of the things the boss described for it seemed not just empty promises.

"Waspmon, since you don't want to tell me why AscendantGreymon asked you to protect Koshiro, I won't ask too much.

But you and Volcanomon have helped me secretly many times, and I must thank you!

" Taiyi thanked Waspmon earnestly,"Although not many people come here, the matter will definitely be discovered soon, and we have to leave immediately.

Fortunately, no one is left alive, and you should not be exposed in Vamdemon.


I have another question, who is the person who attacked Koshiro and Mimi, did you see it?"

"Sorry, I didn't see Buzz." Wasp Beast spread his hands helplessly,"I shot Sha Po Xiong once and ran away. I didn't dare to look at its appearance. That guy was too scary."

"I only know that the humanoid Digimon is wearing a black cloak, and I don't know the other party's specific identity.

"Volcanomon was also helpless,"I and...

In short, our attacks are basically ineffective against it.

And it just randomly shot and kicked a few times, and it was able to severely injure us.

Taichi, you must be careful of that guy...

I think its frontal combat ability is even stronger than Vampiremon!

Among the Digimon I have seen, only Jumping Tyrannosaurus may be able to match it.


"Humanoid, shooting, kicking... OK, I finally got some information about the moves, thank you guys for this time!" Taichi secretly wrote down the information he got, said goodbye to the two Digimon, and left the ruined garage with his companions.

Four mature Digimon and one complete Digimon, Taichi's group won a great victory!

At the same time, inside a park in the port area, another group of children were fighting fiercely.

Thanks to Wizardmon, Sora and the others found the area where the other group of Vampiremon was hiding, and with Hikaru's sacred plan, they easily lured out the hidden Triceratopsmon, Miragemon, and the Spidermon and Small Spidermon that were weaving webs in the forest, and then there was no need to say anything, it was a direct head-on battle!

"Shadow Wing Slash!"

"Hammer Sparks!"


Since the beginning of the battle, the children have been suppressing the enemy. Various tricks have been released one after another, almost filling up the artificial lake at the innermost part of the park. The perfect forms are fighting against each other, while Gurulumon and Demimon are trying to clear out the spiders that are in the way. The division of labor on Kong's side is also quite clear.

However, the perfect forms of Vampiremon are not weak either. Triceratopsmon has thick skin and flesh, and the three sharp horns on its head are as hard as the shell of Eggmon. Even Zutonmon can't break it with one blow; and Phantommon is as its name suggests. Its elusive figure and sharp scythe of death also cause a lot of trouble for Garudamon.

The two perfect forms failed to attack for a long time, and there was a group of annoying spiders around to interfere. The battle situation was deadlocked for a while.

"We must fight quickly and decisively!" Akong looked around anxiously, worried that if he delayed any longer, the battle here might be discovered!

"You are the ones who should be dealt with! Soul Harvest!!"Phantommon, who was fighting against Garudamon, suddenly changed his position in an instant, and flashed in front of Takeru when no one was prepared, and chopped down Takeru's head with his sharp sickle!

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