Digimon: Order

Chapter 131

"I'm here, I won't let you hurt Takeru!"

At the critical moment, Takeru's divine plan released its light again, allowing the monster to endure the discomfort of being wrapped in divine power and evolve into an angel-like Digimon again!


It waved the crescent-shaped sacred staff in its hand and helped Takeru block the attack at the critical moment!

"Angewomon... No!"Wu originally thought that the demon beast had evolved into Angewomon again, but after a closer look, he found that the other party only had a pair of wings. And the color of the pants was also light pink, not the blue of Angewomon.

"I evolved into Angewomon, Takeru!"The demon beast... no, it should be Angewomon, there was a hint of loss in its voice.

As it expected, the power of darkness was always entrenched in its body, and it could no longer evolve into the purest Angewomon.

"It actually evolved? Damn it, I didn't expect the other party to use the sacred plan of the eighth child as bait!"Phantommon and Angewomon wrestled for only a few seconds, and immediately knew that they absolutely could not continue fighting now, and had to leave immediately to report the children's plan to Vampiremon!

"I will never forgive anyone who dares to hurt Takeru!" The wings behind FlameAngemon suddenly began to burn with raging flames, and countless feathers turned into fireballs floating behind it, like a falling meteorite.

"Spidermon, stop it at all costs!"Seeing that FlameAngemon seemed to be about to use its ultimate move, Phantommon fled without any backbone.

"Chase and assassinate!!" Spidermon, who was particularly careful about his hair, followed the call and wove a huge web with a group of small spidermons, rushing madly towards FlameAngemon and Takeru behind him!

""Flame Feathers!" Countless balls of fire floating behind EnmaSeramon poured down, sweeping away Spidermon and Spidermon in front of him!

However, when the flames in the sky dissipated, EnmaSeramon angrily discovered that there was only a sickle left on the ground, which was melted beyond recognition by the flames. The owner of the sickle, Phantommon, had long disappeared.

"Damn it, it escaped!" Phantommon was too elusive. If it didn't want to fight, neither FlameAngemon nor Gururumon would be able to find it, so they had no choice but to give up.

"Have you escaped back to report the news? It seems that Taichi's plan can only be carried out for one day. Then, I will accept the data here without hesitation!"Gurumon's eyes showed a smile, and he passed directly in front of FlameAngemon, absorbing all the data scattered by Spidermon into his body, and then launched a swift attack on Triceratopsmon, which was already dying under the siege of Garudamon and Zudomon!

"Killer Bite…"

"Smiling bomb!!"


The ground under Triceratops suddenly burst into flames, and then exploded!

The powerful energy blast generated by the explosion swept the three closest Digimon. Garudamon and Zutonmon relied on their strong physiques to barely withstand the wind pressure with a burning breath, while Gururumon, who rushed too fast to grab the data, fell into the energy circle of the explosion and was directly blown away by the powerful shock wave.

Naturally, Triceratops, the complete form of the data, was not picked up at all.

"How about it, you are shocked~" After the explosion, in the charred deep pit left at the original place, Akong and others saw a pair of squirming boxing gloves.

It swayed left and right in the ruins for a while, and a spherical body was pieced together again, with facial features and expressions, all lifelike

"You are... Beanmon!" Gururumon struggled to get up from the ground,"You are an enemy, so I might as well get rid of you as well!"

"Hey, don't be so irritable~" Beanmon hurriedly got up from the ground, trotted all the way and hid behind Akong's heels, using the other's body to block Gurulumon,"You and I are not enemies~"

"Humph, you've already mixed up with Vampiremon's people, and you still say you're not an enemy?" Ah He said angrily,"It was your attack just now that almost seriously injured Gululumon!"

"You have a bad temper, but it's a pity that you are not in charge here, and I don't want to answer your words."Doudoumon rolled his eyes at Ah He nonchalantly, and then began to concentrate on getting close to Akong,"Ms. Akong, although you haven't seen me, I have seen you before. By the way, when you were running around behind these people, it was hard for me for several days. It's only because I can fly. If someone else followed you, you might be left behind by accident."

"You, following me... Could it be that you are the one who has been protecting me in secret?"

Akong remembered that Taiyi did tell her that the people of the Fallen Alliance seemed to be protecting everyone in secret. When Guangshilang and Meimei were attacked by someone, it was the people of the Fallen Alliance who helped them.

So, when she was acting alone on the server continent, there was actually someone following her.

Beanmon, although this little guy looks very inconspicuous, its explosion can actually knock down Triceratopsmon in one blow, which shows that it is also a very powerful Digimon

"Why should we believe you?…"

"Believe it or not!" Ah He just said one sentence, and was mercilessly retorted by Doudoumon.

This Douzi had reinstalled the leg thrusters in a very short time, and now it has taken off directly from the ground.

"I'll tell you the truth, the reason why I took action at the last minute was to grab Triceratops' head. This is the data of the complete form, how could I let you get it for free? In addition, I found that you couldn't keep Phantommon at all, so I didn't take action. If that guy saw me helping you, not only would your plan to lure the snake out of its hole fail, but our boss would also be in a lot of trouble!"

At this time, Doudoumon, who was flying in the air, had an expression that asked for a beating.

"Damn it..." Ah He's face darkened. It was easy for a person like Doudoumon to poke Ah He's sore spot.

"If everything is fine, I will leave first. Miss Akong and other unimportant people, bye~" Doudoumon ignored Ah He and just waved his gloves at Akong, then started the jet and flew away, disappearing in front of the children.

"Let's go... Although the process is a bit strange, Beanmon should be the Digimon on our side." Akong thought for a while and said,"Let's go back and reunite with Taichi. In addition... we have to tell Taichi about Miragemon's escape."

""Okay!" X2

Akong's proposal was naturally agreed by Azhu and Awu. The battle here was over, and they had to leave immediately, otherwise they would be discovered in a while.

"Psychedelic beast, let's go too"

"Got it…" The degenerated Psychedelic Beast unconsciously glanced in the direction where Bean Beast flew away, and his expression couldn’t help but be a little gloomy.

It now urgently wanted to know why the powerful organization of the Fallen Alliance would show goodwill to the chosen children for no reason!

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