Digimon: Order

Chapter 149


The battle was indeed over, and Vampiremon had indeed turned into scattered data, but Taichi was very confused about the whereabouts of this data.

No matter how much the real world restricted Taichi's power, Taichi could always control some data with Xiaoguang's sacred plan in his hand. The data left after Vampiremon's death would definitely be a great supplement for Machinedramon and OrcGaruru, but Taichi found that this data could not be absorbed.

It could not be directly absorbed, nor could it be controlled by Taichi. Taichi even suspected that this data did not dissipate directly in the air like the previous dead Digimon such as DarkGiantmon and Ghostmon, but left. Qi disappeared.

He was taken away... Taiyi had this feeling inexplicably.

Those data fragments seemed to be controlled by an invisible force and taken to a place that Taiyi could not reach for the time being.

In addition to the dissipated data, there are two other parts of data left by the vampire beast.

One of them is its dark red bat eye mask, which did not disappear for some reason. However, whether Taiyi observed it carefully or shone it with the Divine Plan, there was nothing unusual, as if it was really just a metal eye mask.

And the last part, which is the only data that can be controlled by Taiyi, is now wrapped around Taiyi's palm like a chain.

"That’s great, that’s great!"

"We won!"

"Tailmon, that's great! Are you really... Tailmon?" He ran over excitedly to celebrate with his partner who had degenerated into a white cat, but when he saw the other's puzzled expression, Xiaoguang's smile gradually froze.

"Hikaru, Taichi... the fog in the sky hasn't dispersed yet." Tailmon pointed blankly at the still cloudy sky, his tone full of hesitation.

The other children had also noticed the abnormality in the sky, and their joy immediately turned into worry.

"Taiyi, why is this happening? Could it be that defeating the vampire beast alone is not enough to dispel this thick fog?"Such a strange scene inevitably makes people feel terrified. Akong, who was at a loss, subconsciously moved closer to his closest relative, hoping to get some support from him.

The other children were the same, all focusing their attention on Taiyi, hoping that this backbone who had always led everyone forward could make a decision at this time.

"This thick fog was created by the vampire beast. If we defeat it, we should be able to disperse the fog."Taiyi thought for a while and said slowly,"Then according to this result, there is one thing that is very doubtful. That is... did we really defeat the vampire beast?"


Taiyi's words stunned everyone. Could it be that the vampire beast has not been defeated yet?

"But brother, Tailmon just now... Why?" Xiaoguang was very puzzled. Vamdemon was indeed pierced by the arrow shot by Angewomon with the power of everyone. Wasn't such a powerful divine power enough to destroy the devil?

"I am very concerned about the direction of its data after death."Taiyi shook his head and sighed,"Most of the data has been lost, and there is no way to control it. And the eye mask can't explain what the problem is. All I can control is a bunch of inexplicable things.…"

"That's an ancient gene, and it has nothing to do with Vampiremon in essence."A rough voice came from not far behind Taichi. Taichi turned around and saw the tall Leaping Tyrannosaurus.

Beside it, there were the gloomy-looking Gulumon and Ah He, as well as a middle-aged man who looked like a TV station staff.

"Brother! Dad!"Awu's address clearly revealed the identity of the visitor. He was the father of the Ishida brothers.

"Ah Wu!"The man saw his youngest son and quickly walked over to him.

"Brother, we just defeated Vampiremon! It's a pity that you and Gulumon didn't make it~" Wu said to He in a coquettish tone.

"…"Ishida Yamato's brows unconsciously frowned, but he didn't know how to explain.

How should he explain that he had discovered that his partner was not right, and that he and his father had been detained by Leap Greymon and the members of the Fallen Alliance since a while ago?

"My subordinates and I don't know who the perfect form of Gulumon is, and it doesn't know that I am actually an ally of Taichi, so there may be some misunderstandings between us."Leap Greymon gave an explanation that was the same as telling a lie with open eyes.

"It's a misunderstanding, forget it~" Taichi nodded in understanding, and smiled knowingly with LeapGreymon.

Unparalleled tacit understanding...

Taichi found that there seemed to be an innate tacit understanding between him and LeapGreymon. He had been certain that it would be a companion in his camp since the first time he met it. The man and the beast had not said a few words, but they could know each other's thoughts at the first time. In many things, one party just casually started, and the other could continue without any obstacles. The cooperation was simply seamless.

"The ancient gene in your hand is the reward I gave to Vampiremon in advance for my trip to the human world."Leap Tyrannosaurus raised his hand, and the data in Taichi's hand turned into a red bandage and wrapped around his hand again,"You saw it when I was treating Pumpkinmon, it's the same thing. It can't be absorbed by Vampiremon, so when Vampiremon's body collapses, the ancient gene will naturally separate from its data."

""So that’s how it is…" Taiyi suddenly realized,"So, is the Vampire Beast dead or not?"

"Dead, but will be resurrected."Leap Greymon pointed at Vampiremon's dark red eye patch and said,"It will be resurrected with the help of that thing, which is the core of its immortality. Unfortunately, the data inside is very introverted, and we have no way to destroy it. We can only wait for it to be resurrected and kill it again! And this time, I will also join the battle!"

"When will it be resurrected?" Taiyi frowned and asked.

"Taichi, for something as mysterious as resurrection from the dead, there must be a prophecy to explain it all."Leap Greymon couldn't help laughing,"Just wait patiently, the prophecy is on its way."

"Prophecy?" Taichi woke up when he heard it, knowing that Leap Greymon was reminding him that the most important moment for it and for himself might come at any time.

Beep~beep~ Taichi didn't have to wait too long. After a few minutes, Koshiro's computer rang with a new email notification.

"Taichi, Grandpa Gennai sent an email saying that he found the secret to defeating Vampiremon~" After receiving the email from Gennai, Koushiro was immediately very excited,"In the email he sent us, there is a photo that looks like it was taken from a certain stone tablet, and the text on it seems to be some kind of... prophecy?"

As he was talking, Koushiro was suddenly stunned. Wasn't what Taichi and Ascend Greymon had been discussing just now a prophecy?

Therefore, Ascend Greymon knew that Grandpa Gennai would send him an email.

Therefore, Grandpa Gennai has actually been paying attention to things in the real world from the beginning.

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