Digimon: Order

Chapter 150

After figuring out some things, Koshiro felt a little lost.

Among the group of chosen children, Koshiro can be said to be the one who believes in Gennai the most, and the other party really gave him a lot of help.

Both the Digimon Encyclopedia sent to him and the previous data barrier were very useful to Koshiro. Even when Koshiro gave up the Divine Plan and was completely desperate, it was Gennai who saved him.

However, Koshiro now finds that the old man Gennai hiding behind the scenes does not really want to help him and his group, he seems to have his own other purposes

"That old man Xuan Nei likes to keep things to himself, and he has been hiding things from us for many times. Guang Zilang, you don't have to take it so seriously."Knowing that his junior was a little entangled, Taiyi patted his shoulder comfortingly,"The most important thing now is to do business, let's first interpret the digital text on the stele."

"OK... Combining the digital text I have at my disposal, the meaning of the inscription is roughly this."Kōshiro typed on the computer for a while and showed the translated text to everyone.

A large group of bats came from all directions and covered the sky, and then people shouted the name of the king of immortal Digimon.

When the numbers representing the evil devil appeared, the immortal Digimon would reveal the true face of the devil.

But when the angels fired arrows of light and hope at the loved ones of the people they protected, miracles would happen.

There should be another line of text at the bottom of the inscription, but unfortunately only half of it was cut off, so Koshiro could only decipher this much.

This is the information that Gennai gave to the children. Apart from that, there is probably only one sentence that seems to be comforting, but is actually extremely irresponsible... I wish you good luck

"Well, it seems that things are very clear now." After reading the inscription, Taiyi showed a mocking smile,"Xuan Nei, he really followed the usual practice and left this mess to us to clean up. But it doesn't matter. I believe that everyone has been familiar with the routine of these people who selected us since the File Island."

"That being said, what does this inscription mean? It's like some evil devil number or something like that. I can't understand it at all." Asuke scratched his head in pain. As a sixth grader, he thought he should be among the best in terms of academic ability and reading volume. However, he couldn't understand the meaning of these words that he knew individually when put together.

"It’s 6,6,6…" Unexpectedly, it was Ah He’s father who spoke,"If we are talking about an evil devil, then this number should be it. This is the number of the beast recorded in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. If we expand the reference, it is the devil in the usual sense." This is a very reasonable opinion. It seems that this uncle, a journalist with somewhat sloppy clothes, is indeed well-read and has even dabbled in obscure religious books.

"So, if my uncle's explanation is correct, these three numbers should refer to time when substituted into the prophecy. Taiyi thought about it and got the answer.

"Six o'clock, six minutes and six seconds in the afternoon?" Guang Zilang heard this and quickly understood what Taiyi meant,"There are probably only a few hours left."

"Therefore, we have to do something in the few hours we have. First,"Taiichi raised a finger,"throw the mask that will revive Vampiremon to an open area far away from the central city and the crowds, so as to avoid causing more damage during the battle."

"Second, clear out the remaining ghost beasts in Beak Bay and ensure the safety of the hypnotized people!"

"Finally, recharge your energy, have a good rest, and wait for the decisive battle!"

"Got it!"*

NSince Taiyi had made a decision, the children were no longer worried. After they started to move together, there were only a few people left.

"Hey, that kid has strong leadership skills." Ah He's father couldn't help but sigh when he saw this, and subconsciously patted his son on the shoulder,"Ah He, you should also learn from him."

"You don't need to say more about this matter!" Ah He roughly opened his father's palm and ran away with Gulumon.

"This kid…what’s wrong with him today?"

Ah He’s father didn’t know that in the past few months, many things had already happened to his child that were enough to change the trajectory of his life. He fell into the trap of the psychedelic beast because of jealousy, and got deeper and deeper into it.

The psychedelic beast was using him, and Ah He knew it very well now.

However, he couldn’t expose the psychedelic beast now.

Once he did that, everyone would also know that it was him who attacked Mimi and Guang Shilang before. By then, he would really become a rat that everyone wanted to beat…even Ah Wu might not forgive him as his brother! He had to find a way to solve all this, and Ah He’s mind was full of this matter now.

He had to find a way to expose the psychedelic beast’s ill intentions and keep himself out of it…Yes!

He could use the power of the psychedelic beast to suppress Taiyi, let the two strong fight until both were injured, and then he would kill his relatives for the sake of justice, and find a way to solve it before the psychedelic beast exposed him.

By then, he could become a powerful person. A hero who turns the tide.

Perhaps, there is still a chance to successfully suppress Taichi who has suffered heavy losses?

He still hasn't reflected on why he has come to this point, he just feels very unwilling.

He is unwilling to accept that his plan to cut off Taichi's arm will fail, unwilling to accept that Taichi suddenly confessed his love to him just when he had the idea of snatching Akong from him, unwilling to accept that his younger brother always revolves around Taichi and always looks at Taichi with admiration... unwilling to accept that Taichi is always better than him!

He knows that he will never be able to let go of these things, so he knows that he may not be able to turn back!

Eat, sleep, fight monsters... er, sorry, the order is wrong, it should be fighting Devilmon, eating, and then sleeping. After a few hours of rest, the children's Digimon are refreshed again.

And the members of the Fallen Alliance who protected the children's parents have also gathered at the selected decisive battle site... Of course, this does not include a certain poor Digimon who can't walk on the shore or fly.~

"Taiyi, do you have any thoughts on the prophecies that will come later?" It was almost six o'clock, and Guang Zilang, who was holding a computer, nervously found Taiyi,"The battle is about to begin. You said before that there is no rush to interpret those prophecies.…"

"Now is a good time to talk about it." Taichi smiled mysteriously, and said to the seven children who were gathered around him,"The meaning of the second half of the prophecy, the arrows of hope and light fired by the angels, obviously refer to Angewomon and Angewomon. Don't Takeru and Hikari's badges represent hope and light?"

"According to this statement, the people that the angels want to protect are Takeru and Hikaru, and the people they love most should be you, Taichi, and Ahe."Akong asked puzzledly,"Why would the angels shoot arrows at the loved ones of the people they protect?"

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