Digimon: Order

Chapter 152

Sometimes, Heidilumon felt that he was really strange. Yagami Taichi clearly believed that he was helping him, so why not just follow his words?

Yes, that's right, I am helping you. Then you wouldn't mind if I return the favor for a while, right? If you have any good things, such as door cards, dried fish, etc., I will accept them all...

So why do you have to clarify again and again that you and he are enemies?

And Yagami Taichi, why do you have to save me, your enemy?

Just because of those stupid reasons?

"No matter what your purpose is, my companions were able to reunite because of you, and it was also your contribution that Xiaoguang was able to obtain the badge, and... it was also thanks to you that Wizardmon was able to survive." Taichi smiled sincerely,"Little Devil... uh, sorry, Black Dilumon, thank you~"

"I told you to get it straight, I told you I didn't do those things just to help you!" Black Dilu Beast complained helplessly, but just as it had expected, Taiyi didn't listen to its complaints at all.

""Brother... who is it?" After landing with Black Dilumon, Xiaoguang frowned when he saw the black cat with a different color scheme,"The dark power of this guy is very strong, is he also in the same group as Vampiremon?"

"Taichi, you really need to explain this matter carefully~" Tailmon's eyes also became very dangerous. Judging from the posture, if Taichi dared to admit that he had a cat outside, it would rather give up Angewomon's archery mission today and swear to the other party what the cat master's ownership of the poop shoveler means!

""Oh, I noticed you're quite popular? Hmm, if you don't mind, I might as well find you to be my pet." It seemed that Tailmon's fur was very funny, and Taichi's arms suddenly wrapped their tail around Taichi's neck, and with a little effort, they hoisted their bodies onto Taichi's shoulders, and as if to show off, they swept Taichi's cheek with their pink cat tongue, and whimpered with satisfaction.


"Damn it!" Tailmon was furious when he saw this, and raised his claws to teach this intrusive black cat and Taichi, the"stealing" bastard a lesson.

""Okay, stop making trouble." Taiyi helplessly grabbed the back of the neck of Black Dilumon, pulled it off his body and put it on the ground,"I saved you just to thank you, whether you want to leave or want to watch the battle from the side, I don't care... but you can't cause trouble for me, understand?"

"Watching you guys fight against Venomous Vampiremon, it seems quite interesting." Heidimon tilted his head and thought for a while, and actually found a random place to sit down and didn't move.

While looking at Taichi's team after all the members evolved, he glanced at Gurulumon casually, perhaps to avoid unnecessary trouble, he didn't say hello to the other party.

"Oh, it's you." After Heidimon returned to his current form, Orc Garuru seemed to recognize his identity."Before in Vampiremon's castle, I always felt that I could smell a familiar smell, but I didn't think about it at the time. I didn't expect that you could control your evolution and degeneration on your own."

"Huh? I've been recognized~" Black Dilu Beast rubbed his claws with his palms indifferently,"Why, do you want to seek revenge on me for stealing your badge?"

"I just want to know why you showed mercy to me at that time." The orc Garuru shook his head and sighed,"I had just entered my mature stage at that time. If you had tried your best, I would definitely not be your opponent."

"Hey, you better understand, I didn't hold back.

" Black Dilumon waved his hands hastily and said,"Why do all of you Digimon have the same problem as Yagami Taichi? Is it true that stupidity is contagious after being together for a long time? The reason why I only snatched part of the badge is because it only needs the power of that part of the defective heart pattern to assist in its evolution.

Since you already know this is the case, why bother to grab the other half of the badge? What's more, don't you know how difficult it is to activate the complete badges together? Although the incomplete version is not very stable to use, these disadvantages can be completely ignored with its foundation.

As for the impact of extremely damaged heart patterns on human personality, I don't care about that.

After all, it's not me who uses it.


"Anyway, thanks to your saving a trick, I can fight beside Taichi in my current state!"Garuru nodded gratefully to Heidimon, then turned and rushed towards Venomous Vampiremon, starting to buy time for Taichi and Ishida Yamato.

"Yagami Taichi... He and the people around him are all idiots~" Heidi Lumon pouted in disdain, then lay on his back on the ground, staring at the misty sky.

Although he is an idiot, he is also a very lucky idiot.

At least, they can decide their own destiny and the path they will take in the future... It's better than me.

"The venomous vampire beast, the Ultimate Form, the virus species... Taichi was right, the Ultimate Form really appeared!"Kōshiro nervously checked the information on the computer,"So, the prophecy of Grandpa Gennai, the so-called miracle…"

"Who knows what that miracle is?" Taiyi looked at Leaping Tyrannosaurus from afar, who was struggling with Venomous Vampiremon. After seeing the other party nod to him slightly, he no longer hesitated!

"Hikaru, Tailmon, just do as we said before!" As he said this, Taichi held Ishida Yamato to his side with a fake smile,"Takeru, for your brother's sake, you have to work harder too~ The fate of this world, the fate of your brother and I...…"

"Yagami Taichi, you…"

"I'll leave it all to you guys!!" Taichi's eyes revealed a hint of madness, and his voice suddenly rose by more than an octave, completely drowning out Ishida Yamato's complaints. He even tightly grasped his wrist, not allowing him to escape at all! With

Taichi's current physical condition, this guy couldn't escape even if he used all his strength.

"Yagami Taichi... You bastard, even if you want to die, don't drag me down with you!" Ah He struggled several times but failed to break free, and couldn't help but curse in a low voice in frustration.

"I am working hard according to the prophecy... Ah He, I am taking the initiative to repair our relationship, don't you want to appreciate it?" Taiyi always had a calm smile on his face, but he pressed Ah He's wrist with his thumb, and the severe pain almost made Ah He's eyes go black.

"Xiaoguang, Awu, please. Taiyi nodded gently to the two children, and then turned around with Ishida Yamato to prevent Awu from seeing his brother's grinning expression.

"Is that the only way to defeat the enemy?" Wu took a few deep breaths, and his expression finally became firm,"FlameAngemon, please!"

A ray of dazzling golden light was released from his sacred plan. After FlameAngemon's staff received this ray of light, it turned into a golden feather arrow.

"Brother..." Xiaoguang has always been quite resistant to this decision. But when she saw all her companions being defeated by the attack of the Venomous Vampiremon, she couldn't help but think that the prophecy might be the only way to solve the problem?

This thought only appeared for a moment, and Xiaoguang's sacred plan automatically released a violent light, and Angewomon immediately had a set of bows and arrows in his hands.…

"Angewomon, it looks like this is the only way we can do this." FlameAngemon raised his arm, ready to throw the arrow of hope in his hand.

"Taichi... I beg you, don't let this arrow hit you..."At this point, Angewomon didn't know what to do.

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