Digimon: Order

Chapter 153

Hey… Yagami, you are not serious, are you?The sudden feeling of thorns in the back made Ah He sweat coldly, it was a premonition of death.

It has come to this, Ah He, don't keep thinking about backing out. Taiyi grinned, but he refused to relax the strength in his hands,Don't worry, even if you die, it will only hurt for a while.

Arrow of Light (Arrow of Hope), go ahead!!X2

No...don't do it!! At the last moment when the arrow hit him, Ah He screamed in fear and struggled desperately to shake off Taiyi's hand.

Sigh... Hellfire.


The pitch-black flames met the flying arrow head-on, completely burning the sharp arrow containinghope into ashes, and Ah He's feeling of being locked in death finally disappeared.


This sound came from Ah He's side, the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the body.

Behind Ah He, Astamon, who was wearing a windbreaker, slowly put down the raised machine gun and sighed helplessly.

After all, they have been partners for such a long time, and it can't bear to watch Ah He being stabbed to death by FlameAngemon's hopeless but lethal arrow.

Ah...Astamon, thank you... Ah He was really scared. He fell to the ground with cold sweat all over his head.

The flame…

That look?

When Astamon appeared and launched an attack, Mimi and Koshiro in the back row frowned at the same time.

Why was the flame it released almost exactly the same as the flame that hurt Barumon?

Why was its outline almost exactly the same as the figure they saw when they escaped on Super Bidomon!




The shrill cries of Akong and Xiaoguang immediately attracted everyone's attention. These people were just wondering why Ahe's Gulumon suddenly evolved and blocked the arrow of hope thrown by Angewomon at Ahe, but now they focused all their attention on Taichi.

Then, they saw Taichi who was shot.

He knelt on the ground helplessly, and Angewomon's arrow penetrated from his back, and a section of Taichi's chest came out... The blood-red lines climbed forward along the arrow body, gathered into a bead at the arrowhead, and then fell quietly to the ground...

The blood bead broke into several pieces on the ground, along with Akong, Xiaoguang, and Meimeibao. The hearts of Angewomon and others were all shattered.

In the open space in the distance, Blackdimon saw this scene and froze in place.

It was clearly an invisible arrow in the form of data, why...

Yagami Taichi, are you... going to die here?

At this moment, Blackdimon suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart...even more lost than when he saw Vamdemon become what it is now.

Hearing the cries behind them, Machinedramon and OrcGarurumon who were fighting in the front were struck by lightning, and suddenly degenerated back to the appearance of Agumon and Garurumon, and crawled towards Taichi.

Yagami Taichi, are you satisfied now? Astamon's tone was filled with anger,I just don't understand, you are risking your own death and insisting on making me show my complete form, what are you trying to achieve?

It's called... Astamon, right? Haha, you... are just a by-product... cough cough~ Taichi covered the arrow wound on his chest and coughed twice,I don't understand why I'm like this... but I believe it…

Believe? You said Leap Greymon? Yagami Taichi, you must be crazy, you would actually gamble your life just because of a word from the other party!

Although it and I are not partners, I feel it is very familiar, just like an old friend we have known for many years. Astamon, you know, if you don't have a single person you can trust in this world, how sad it would be.…

Is he a trustworthy person?…


Astamon was in a trance when he was completely pushed aside by the people who rushed to Taichi.

Akong couldn't stop crying, Xiaoguang was at a loss, Meimei wanted to touch the bow and arrow but didn't dare... and Angewomon quickly descended from the air and almost stumbled to Taichi, making the eight white wings behind him completely covered with dust.…

Taichi, why is this happening? Why is this happening? Didn't you tell me it was okay? You told me you would be okay! Angewomon hugged Taiichi in pain, and was completely in despair.

Why is this happening? Why is Taiichi bleeding?

Why, why was this arrow that almost took his life shot by himself?

Not far behind the crowd, all the children's Digimon had no desire to fight, and were knocked to the ground by the merciless attack of the Venomous Vampiremon. Currently, only the members of the Fallen Alliance were struggling to hold on.

None of the children cared about this, they all gathered around Taiichi, everyone had a gloomy face, and they had no way to deal with the sharp arrow that pierced Taiichi's body.

Leave it to me. At this time, Jump Greymon came back,Everyone, please move aside. Taichi will not die, I promise

Leaping Tyrannosaurus... Please, save Taichi, please save him! Akong grabbed Taichi's hand and cried. Taichi wanted to raise his hand to wipe the tears from her face, but he found that he couldn't even do such a simple action.

Will you blame me? Leaping Tyrannosaurus knelt on one knee in front of Taichi and asked softly.

No... Taichi was a little dazed at this time because of the serious injuries and excessive blood loss, but he still stubbornly expressed his attitude to Leap Greymon with a hoarse voice.

I won't blame you, and I have always believed in you, even in the current situation!

Taiyi, adjust your breathing slowly and calm yourself down first.Leap Tyrannosaurus said in a calm tone, as if Taiyi's injury would not cause any damage in its eyes. After hearing its voice, not only Taiyi who was experiencing a life-and-death crisis, but also the people around Taiyi calmed down their breathing, as if they were not so nervous.

Angewomon's arrow is made up entirely of the power of the Divine Plan, which is different from the Digimon that came to the real world through the gate and materialized. Although it was tampered with so that it can hurt your body, it is essentially a power composed of invisible data.Leap Greymon said softly,Tai, do you remember your ability? The power you once, always proud of! You said to me...

Hey, Rollingmon... I'm not bragging to you~ In this world... No, whether in the digital world or the real world...

As long as it's data, I control it all for you to see!!

As long as it is... data, you must obey my control! Taiyi gritted his teeth, raised his hands tremblingly, and struggled to hold the arrow that pierced his body!

That's right, Taiyi!

Forget about the pain in your body for now, it's just an illusion.

The reason why the arrow hurt you is that it digitized your soul the moment it entered your body.

Because the digitized soul bore the impact of the arrow of light, which is also composed of data, this damage was fed back to the body by your consciousness, so such realistic physical damage appeared.

However, the person who made the move didn't know that digitizing your soul was part of our plan!

And the sacred power contained in that arrow is what we need!

Taiyi, use your power that can control all data to decompose the sacred power on this arrow, and lead this power to your soul, and draw out the power that has been hidden deep in your soul!!

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