Digimon: Order

Chapter 173

Bang! Bang!

The door of the repair shop opened. Taichi had just walked out of the shop with a team of mechanical armored beasts when the wounded War Greymon and Metal Garurumon were blasted back by the powerful energy one after another and crashed directly into the outer wall of the repair shop.

"Chosen children, you have no way to escape! The same goes for Infinite Dragon Beast, today is the day you die!"Metal Sea Dragon Beast curled up its huge body in the air and showed off its might, with a proud tone.

Even if it was acting, it still felt very happy to see Infinite Dragon Beast in such a miserable state.

"Tsk tsk, your smug face looks really stupid."

"What did you say? Taichi's light words froze the pride on his face, and then came boundless anger!

How dare he look down on him?

He was an Ultimate Form, one of the Four Dark Lords, and he was just a human, and a loser who was at the end of his rope. How dare he look down on him?

"Haha! MetalSeadramon, you've been scolded~ But what he said seems to make some sense, you big guy looks a little stupid."Seeing that his companion was so angry at Taichi's words, Puppetmon immediately covered his stomach and laughed until he fell down.

Seeing MetalSeadramon being humiliated was a particularly interesting thing for it.

However, it soon stopped laughing.

"You are just a puppet made of rotten wood, without any friends. The reason why you can laugh so heartlessly is because you simply have no heart!"

""You damn bastard!" After hearing Taichi's words, the angry Puppetmon raised his hammer directly at Taichi,"Don't waste time talking to him, MetalSeadramon, let's kill him together!"

"I've wanted this for a long time! Ultimate Wave Cannon!"

"Explosive hammer!"

"Danger! Shield of Courage!"

""Frozen bomb!"


The ultimate moves of the four Ultimates burst out in a cluster. The mechanical armored beast that Taichi was riding was hit by the raging energy and disintegrated directly. Taichi himself was also thrown back high. Fortunately, he propped up a data barrier below in time, so he was not directly injured.

However, even so, the situation was already quite critical for Taichi.

The degraded Agumon and Garurumon fell back to Taichi one after another, and were hit by two ultimate moves from the opponent at the same time. In addition, they had been fighting on the battlefield for a long time, and their energy had been exhausted.

The team of mechanical armored beasts jumped over the man and two beasts lying on the ground, trying to stop the advance of MetalSeadramon and Puppetmon, but they were easily torn into pieces by the energy blasted by the opponent. The continuous explosions ignited the scattered wreckage, and the door of the repair workshop was in flames for a while!

Behind the burning flames, countless terrifying black shadows were constantly approaching.

"Kid, you don't have any chance! Everyone, attack together and completely demolish the Iron Empire!!"With the angry roar of IronSeadramon, it, Puppetmon, and all the remaining military forces behind it launched a general attack on Taichi and the repair workshop behind him!

The wind pressure of the Ultimate Wave Cannon extinguished the burning flames, and the wooden cross darts with the shadow of death gradually approached Taichi's body. After that, there were water columns, harpoons, wooden swords and even dark energy, bombarding from the sky.

"With me here... no one can hurt Taichi!!"


The huge body pushed open the outer wall of the repair shop, and the still broken body nonchalantly resisted the bombardment of MetalSeadramon and the darts of Puppetmon, and then shot left and right, poking MetalSeadramon and Puppetmon with the mechanical arms of both hands at the same time, causing a long scratch on the body of MetalSeadramon, and Puppetmon was almost poked a hole in the body by the opponent!

The full force attack from Infinite Dragonmon injured the two Dark Kings at the same time!

""Taichi, I will protect you and get you out! Infinite Cannon!"

In the last series of bombardments, Infinite Dragonmon resisted countless attacks and repelled both MetalSeadramon and Puppetmon, and almost wiped out the army they brought.

Then, it picked up Taichi, Agumon, and Garurumon with its arms, stomped the ground with its feet, and dived into the ground with its entire body. It disappeared in front of the enemy in an instant, leaving only a huge black hole in its place.

""Tsk, did you let it escape?" MetalSeadramon spat disdainfully, then subconsciously glanced at Puppetmon, only to be shocked by its miserable state!

A set of gears on this guy's chest was completely shattered, his head was abnormally twisted, one arm was missing, and even one leg was missing... This is because Puppetmon is made of wood. If it was a biological Digimon, it would definitely have turned into scattered data by now.

"Puppetmon, are you okay?" Out of politeness, MetalSeadramon showed some concern for the other party.

"I can't die..." Puppetmon used the puppet thread to grab the hammer that fell to the side with his arm. The weapon that was once in his hand could only be used as a heavy crutch, making him look very embarrassed.

"Infinitedramon was really serious with us just now!"After resting for a while, the gears in Puppetmon's chest resumed normal operation, and it was finally able to speak a little more fluently,"I say, did you act too much and make it mad?"

"How is that possible?" SteelSeadramon retorted unhappily,"Didn't we act out everything as agreed in advance? It was it that said it didn't matter if it destroyed the Steel Empire, but now it blames us?"

"This... never mind~ Anyway, I'm already like this, and you're also injured, so just advance slowly. Anyway, our remaining task is just to pretend, there's no need to really fight." Puppetmon shrugged his remaining shoulder and said,"But why did it suddenly kill me? Is the logic of the processor confused?"

At this time, Puppetmon didn't know that his"companion" Infinite Dragonmon was troubled by an identity called"friend"

"Infinite Dragonmon will suddenly kill, but it is not in the previous script. Yagami Taichi... you are really a magical child~" At the same time, the Joker King on the top of the Dark Spiral Mountain was also watching the war through his astronomical telescope. He seemed to be a little concerned about the sudden change of the script by Infinite Dragonmon.

"Go tell Ladymon to pack up, the Nightmare Corps has no need to get involved in the war over there." The Joker King casually sent a small Hellmon to fly down the Dark Spiral Mountain and ordered it to bring the retreat order to the frontline corps.

In the eyes of the Joker King, there was a high probability that Infinitedramon's plan would fail, so there was no need for it to let its newly found excellent subordinates continue to lose there...

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