Digimon: Order

Chapter 174

On the Iron Empire side, Infinite Dragon Beast led Taiyi and the other two into the underground and began to dig frantically in a certain direction.

As it continued to go deeper, gates kept falling behind it to seal the passage, as if it wanted to block the enemy's invasion in this way.

This was indeed the case.

As Infinite Dragon Beast ran wildly underground, violent explosions were heard from time to time in the distance behind it.

Those were the invaders attacking the gates, preparing to kill Taiyi and the others!


Finally, after piercing through a thick metal wall, Infinite Dragon Beast's feet were empty, and his whole body fell directly on the top of a descending elevator.


"The elevator will fall!"

"Don't panic! This escape ladder is definitely strong enough to bear the weight of the elevator, so don't worry!"The children and the molecular beasts were in the elevator. When the molecular beasts heard the children start to scream, they had to warn them.

"Taiyi?"Through the gap in the metal guardrail on top of the elevator, Akong accurately found Taiyi's face.

""Sora, Hikaru, and everyone, I finally brought Rollermon back safely." Taichi smiled weakly, then leaned in Infinite Dragonmon's arms and didn't get up.

Fighting or acting is an exhausting thing.

And if Taichi wants to act realistically, he must treat Infinite Dragonmon as a real Light Ball Rollermon. But once he thought about it like that, he would inevitably find it difficult to get out of the role.

The elevator went all the way down, and the gates above were still locked one by one. The children were very confused about this, because Moleculemon had just said that the main control room and power room of the fortress had been destroyed by the other party. It should be that there is no energy to maintain the operation of the mechanism here.

"We have a mechanism similar to human power generation."When the elevator reached the air-raid shelter at the bottom, the Molecular Beast pointed to the iron cage in front and explained to everyone,"By using the running snot beasts to drive the gears, we can supply energy to the defense mechanism."

"But in this case, won't these snot beasts be very pitiful?"Looking at the snot beasts being whipped by the overseer bully bear beasts and running forward, Meimei frowned, obviously thinking that this way of supplying energy is inhumane.

"However, if we don't do this, the defense mechanism won't work and we will be caught up by the enemy."

"Damn it! You bunch of lazy bastards, run away! If the enemy invades here because of your passive resistance, I will tear you all into pieces!"

Molecular Beast's voice rose a little octave, just enough for the overseer bully Bearmon to hear, so he swung his whip even harder.

Every time he raised his hand, a Snot Beast would be beaten to pieces, and data would fly out from its back. The children even saw a few Snot Beasts disappear while running! They ran to death just to save themselves.…

"Stop it!" Seeing this scene, Xiaoguang quickly stepped forward and sternly stopped the bully Bear Beast's behavior,"You can't treat them like this!"

"Miss Xiaoguang?"The molecular beast was delighted to see Xiaoguang coming, but when it looked at the palm computer in its hand, it found that the pulse waveform on the screen did not change at all.

""Won't come down?" A trace of frustration flashed in the eyes of the Molecular Beast. He had already done so much, but that guy still refused to come down, and was even unwilling to allocate a little power. He was really cautious.

Thinking of this, the Molecular Beast used the infrared rays of the electronic eye to secretly give a command to the Bully Bear Cub. After the latter received the message, he immediately used his bear claws to tear several Snot Beasts into pieces... right in front of Xiaoguang.!

"You... why are you like this?" Xiao Guang suddenly became even more angry.

"Miss, these guys are lazy and cunning.

If you don't treat them strictly, they won't work hard at all!

" The Bully Bear Beast said with a smug look on his face,"What's more, I am doing this to protect the safety of you and the Infinite Dragon Beast King.

In order for them to better supply the necessary energy for the defense mechanism and this underground air-raid shelter, I, the Bully Bear Beast, will keep a close eye on them.

Under my control, there will definitely not be any lazy guys here!

Did you hear me? Run, all of you, quickly!!


The raised whip fell again, and in just a short while, several more snot beasts died. However, the Bully Bear Beast didn't care at all, and even grabbed more"young and strong" snot beasts from the sewer nearby and threw them into the iron cage, continuing to let them work as laborers.

"Too much... I say, you are simply too much!!" Xiaoguang was so angry that she yelled. But even though her emotions fluctuated so violently, the computer in the hands of the molecular beast was still dead silent.

"The first phase of the plan seems to have failed..." The molecular beast lowered its eyelids and quietly hid the computer in its hand.

The guy seemed to be very vigilant. Even if all the snot beasts here died today, it would not come out easily.

"Brother..." Realizing that he had little influence, Xiao Guang turned back decisively and used his strongest move... Summoning

"Rollermon, this is really inhumane. Snotmon is also a Digimon, a member of the Iron Empire. They did not sacrifice themselves in the war outside, but were tortured to death by their own people here. Don’t you think this is too cruel?"

"There is no built-in cruelty in my processor, but if Taichi and Xiaoguang don't like it, then stop it." Infinite Dragonmon turned to look at Bully Bearmon,"Did you hear me? Stop it immediately!"

""Hmm?" A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of Molecular Beast. It didn't know what was going on with Infinite Dragon Beast. It actually cared about such trivial matters.

Moreover, its injuries were much more serious than expected. This might affect the actions later.

"But King Infinite Dragonmon, this air-raid shelter..." Bully Bearmon twisted his body obscenely, with a somewhat flattering expression,"I still have to ensure your safety.…"

"Then you go run by yourself!" Infinite Dragonmon's electronic voice was murderous,"Let Snotmon rest on the side, and you go to push the gears. You'd better pray that the energy supply here doesn't stop, otherwise... I will be watching you from behind like you just now!"

"Yes...Yes! I understand!"

"Once you know, go there!"


Seeing that his boss seemed to be really angry, the Bully Bearmon suddenly felt that he was shrouded in the shadow of death. He hurriedly squeezed through a large group of Snotmons, held the putter with both hands and ran forward desperately, not daring to stop at all.

"Taiyi, Xiaoguang, is it okay for me to handle it this way?"Infinite Dragon Beast turned around and asked Taiyi, and there was even a hint of expectation in the electronic voice.

"Just don't be too harsh on the Snotmons." Taichi smiled and patted its body,"Rollermon, you are seriously injured now. Don't get angry over your incompetent subordinates. It's not worth it."

""Okay~" Infinite Dragonmon responded very smoothly. It found that the time it took from hearing the name"Rollermon" to converting it into"Infinite Dragonmon" was getting shorter and shorter.

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