Digimon: Order

Chapter 175

After walking for a while, the molecular beast brought everyone to the central area of the underground air-raid shelter. This was a huge underground space. There was also a main computer similar to the fortress control room, as well as a small machine repair operating table and a huge facility similar to an operating table.

"Moleculemon, what should we do after we retreat here?" Taiyi asked solemnly,"Rollermon is seriously injured, and it will be difficult for Agumon and Garurumon to evolve into Ultimate Forms. The enemies outside will break in soon. We will be powerless by then, right?"

"In fact, there is still a way to deal with the current dilemma."Molecular Beast thought for a while and said,"The Infinite Dragon Beast King asked me to lead everyone to retreat here, and it was based on this consideration."

"Do you have a solution to the current problem?" Taiyi was overjoyed when he heard this,"What is the solution? Tell us quickly!"

""Evolve!" said Moleculemon firmly,"The enemy's army is indeed huge, but most of them are just mature small fry. The only real threat is the two Ultimates, MetalSeadramon and Puppetmon. If a few Ultimates can emerge among us again, we can definitely defeat these two guys, and even annihilate the enemy in the future!"

"Evolution is indeed a good way to turn the tide of the battle, but how can our Digimon evolve?" Akong spoke up to help Taichi,"Agumon and Garurumon were able to evolve to Ultimate Form because of a prophecy, but we were not mentioned in the prophecy."

"The source of the prophecy is a stone tablet called Revelation, which does record the method of evolving Digimon to the Ultimate Form. Of course, there is also an Ultimate Evolution corresponding to you, but the agent named Gennai refused to tell you."

Moleculemon's tone was full of disdain, as if he didn't think much of Gennai. However, Taichi understood this point. After all, Molecularmon had once fooled a large group of agents with his own strength, so he certainly didn't think highly of Gennai's little tricks.

"Did Grandpa Xuan Nei hide important information again?"Guang Zilang's expression was somewhat helpless. He didn't know how to face Xuan Nei now.

"Prophecy is a very vague thing. Even if you know the prophecy, it is not something that can be achieved overnight. Therefore, compared with these imaginary things, I believe in science more!" Molecular Beast said calmly,"And the science I rely on is to use the evolution program I wrote with a large amount of data to directly catalyze your Digimon to the Ultimate Form! Master Taichi, please look at this!"

It pressed a button on the main computer, and the walls around the underground air-raid shelter suddenly opened, revealing the mezzanine space inside.

"This… this is?" Taichi’s face was filled with horror.

Hikaru was so scared that he hugged Taichi’s arm, Mimi and Sora hugged each other, Asuke was so scared that he sat on the ground, Koshiro frowned and looked around, and Takeru simply hid behind Taichi and didn’t dare to open his eyes.

Behind the wall, there were all kinds of modified Digimon.

Gearmon, Guardmon, Thunderballmon, and even batches of Perfect Beanmon and Sharp-Eyemon!

They were covered in dust, like corpses, lying there motionless, so densely packed that it was impossible to count them!

This scene was like being in a cemetery of machines.

"Molecular beasts, what's going on?" Taiyi frowned and asked,"Why are they here?"

"These are the discarded modified Digimon that we, the Iron Empire, have collected in recent years.

Master Taichi, do you still remember the mass production plan for high-combat-capable modified humanoid Digimon that I mentioned to you? Most of these are Digimon whose core programs were directly destroyed by me using a virus during that electronic war.

Their digital cores were completely occupied by the virus and completely lost all their functions, but they are not really dead after all, so the data can still exist in the form of complete Digimon.

"Molecular Beast explained seriously,"We spent a lot of time recovering them and storing them here, just in case one day, when the Iron Empire encounters a crisis, they can come in handy.

Now is a good time, I can decompose their data, and Master Taichi, your companions' Digimon can complete their evolution by absorbing this part of the data.

I have calculated in advance that by completely decomposing these modified Digimon, and combining them with my evolution program, your three companions should be able to reach the Ultimate level.


"But..." Meimei was a little reluctant,"We need to use their data to help us evolve.…"

"They are not really dead, but they can only stay in this state forever, which is actually worse than being dead." Molecular Beast said with a little disdain,"At least if they really die, they can be reincarnated as digital eggs, which is better than lying here forever!"

"Now that things have come to this, I think we should stop worrying about it and just leave it at that!" Taiyi made the decision right away,"If we don't carry out this plan, we'll all be in trouble when the enemy breaks in."

"Taiyi is right! The situation is critical now, it is not the time for us to be entangled. Since we need to transform, let me be the first one to start!"Akong knew that it was time for him to take the initiative to stand up and support Taiyi, so he was the first to express his opinion.

"Please let Bikyumon lie on the operating table over there. I will run the evolution program while the data is being charged."Molecularmon jumped to the keyboard of the main computer and entered a series of codes on the screen.

"I've seen that code in the black gear before!" Guang Zilang suddenly realized that���There are many codes in the beast's program that are the same as those I analyzed before.

"The essence of the evolution program is a piece of energy filling code. The one I wrote is an advanced version that can be used by the complete body."Moleculemon explained while monitoring the operation of the program, but his tone suddenly changed,"What's going on? Why after running the code, Bikyomon's data did not show any active response?"

"Could there be something wrong with the code?" Azhu asked weakly.

"Impossible! The code I wrote cannot be wrong! Unless…" A flash of red light flashed in the electronic eyes of the molecular beast,"By the way! Miss Akong, please let me see your sacred plan!"

"This..." Akong subconsciously looked at Taiyi, and when he found that the other party nodded slightly, he confidently handed over his sacred plan.

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