"Fire!"Being held back by Tyrannosaurus, Flamemon became even more violent because of his anger. He roared fiercely, and the flames all over his body suddenly shot up high!

Taiyi clearly saw that the black shadow on Flamemon's chest suddenly became heavier, and then this guy actually cut off his legs with his arms, jumped over Tyrannosaurus, and pounced directly on Bikyumon behind him!

""Oh no, Bikyumon!!" Seeing this, Akong rushed out without thinking, wanting to rescue Bikyumon.

You are a spoiled brat who can't do anything at all. Why do you have to command the evacuation from such a front position?

"Flame Punch!"

"No!" Seeing this, Akong, who had no time to retreat, could only hug the Bhikkhu beast tightly in his arms, and then closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate.

"If you dare to touch her, just try it!"The young man's clear but angry voice came from in front of Akong. Akong looked up in surprise and found that Taiyi had blocked him without knowing when.

"Fire..." In the eyes of Flamemon at this moment, countless data were spinning wildly around the boy. The strong wind brought by the rush of data was even about to blow away the raging fire that made up Flamemon's body.



The first voice came from Tyrannosaurus. It rushed back and locked Flamemon's arms from behind with its strong arms, so that the flaming punch just now could not be delivered. The second voice came from Akong. It was her worried shout. Because of this voice, the mysterious device on her waist suddenly released a flaming red light.

The third different voice came from Bikyumon. It had a premonition that Akong might be in danger. It suddenly felt a different kind of power, and then its body shape suddenly changed!


In the firelight, a giant bird like a flame soared in the sky and made a long and clear cry.

At the critical moment, Bikyomon evolved into Badoramon!

"Akong, have Badoramon use his ultimate move to attack the center of Flamemon's chest!"Flamemon is being held by Tyrannosaurus and cannot move. Now is the right time to attack!

"Badoramon!"Hearing Taichi's order, Akong hurriedly signaled Badoramon to attack

"Meteorite Wings!" The cluster strikes like a meteor shower accurately hit Flamemon's chest, causing Flamemon to bend over in pain.

Unlike the explosive effect of Super Flame and the simple cold burning of Chaos Flame, Badoramon's flames are essentially its flaming feathers, so they are extremely penetrating. Although Flamemon can absorb the flames wrapped around the feathers, it is still pierced through the chest by the sharp feather tips and is directly attacked by the black data block in its body.


A black gear flew out of Flamemon's body and shattered in the air.

Taiyi did see it this time. The black gear also brought out some data that originally belonged to Flamemon, which was absorbed by the nearby Tyrannosaurus, but the size was very small and almost negligible.

So, according to what someone said last night, this is the so-called absorption of data to become stronger.…

""Hmm!" Taichi, who was thinking, suddenly felt dizzy, as if he was extremely tired after staying up all night, and he was almost falling. He was angry because of the attack on Akong, and he wanted to control too much data in an instant, which caused mental fatigue... It seems that this ability also has a certain degree of danger.

"Leave the final blow to me!" At this time, Gururumon, who had just been repelled, suddenly rushed towards Flamemon again, trying to take advantage of the opponent's exhaustion to kill him!

""Greymon!" Taichi shouted, and Greymon took two steps forward to help Flamemon block Gururumon who was about to attack.

"The battle is over, why are you still rushing up here?" Taichi waved his hand nonchalantly,"Gururumon, you can stop attacking now!""

"Yagami Taichi, what do you mean? In order to prevent others from absorbing data and becoming stronger, you have already started to protect the enemy, right?" Ah He asked coldly

"Please look back yourself. If Flamemon is really a vicious Digimon, why would so many concerned Picomon surround it?" Taichi barely regained some spirit and pointed at the Picomon behind him and said,"It was just controlled by the black gears. Now the control has been lifted and it has regained consciousness. Naturally, it is no longer an enemy. It is a bit ugly to kill them all in this situation."

"Taichi, I'm also thinking about everyone's safety.

" Having already experienced how badly his partner would lose in a verbal battle, Gururumon took the initiative to speak this time,"Besides, this is the Digimon world, and as the victors, we have the right to deal with everything about Flamemon...

including his life, of course.

Moreover, he won't actually die, he will just lose his mature data and turn back into a Digi-egg.

You saw what happened yesterday, we are now in danger, if we can use it to improve our strength, it will be good for all of us, right?"

"That's right..." Flamemon said hoarsely,"Since I've been defeated by you, I will of course let you do whatever you want."

"Oh, if you want the data so badly, why not just slaughter all the villages of the Bigomon?"

Taiyi's sudden words caused an uproar in the audience.

""Taiyi, what are you talking about?" Akong shouted anxiously,"How can you do such a thing!"

"That's right, Taichi-kun." Gulumon shook his head and sighed,"No matter how much you need strength, you shouldn't attack the innocent and weak."

"If you kill Flamemon, it will be no different from attacking them." Taichi sneered,"If there were no Flamemon guarding here, do you think Picomon could have built this village and gathered such a large number of people? Yes, even if you kill it, it will turn into an egg and will not really die, but how long will it take for it to evolve from an egg to Flamemon again? During this time, a mature beast like Gougamon can kill all the Picomon!"

"This…" Gururumon was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly degenerated into Psychedelicmon, bowing respectfully to all the Picomon and Flamemon,"I'm sorry, I'm too obsessed with strength. We also want to become stronger and do more for the team. Don't you agree, Ah He?"

"…"Yes." Ah He replied sullenly.

""Brother Tai, can you and brother stop arguing?" Wu advised timidly,"Brother is not in a good mood today. Actually... he also wants to help everyone."

"Yes, Taichi... classmate, although what Ah He and the Psychedelic Beast did this time was a bit extreme, it was also for the sake of all of us." Asuke also spoke carefully,"After all, we are all classmates, and these small conflicts can be exposed if possible."

"Taiyi..." Guangshilang was about to say something, but was stopped by Akong.

At this time, it would be wrong for Guangshilang to say anything to him, so it would be better to let Taiyi handle it.

"So, now I am the one who is being persistent?" Taichi asked with a funny tone.

What a good move of advancing to retreat and then retreating to advance. Ishida Yamato, this psychedelic beast, is really not simple enough.

"Flamemon, and the Picomons, I want to confirm some information about this island with you."

If Taichi really agreed to the reconciliation, he would not be Taichi anymore.

Therefore, Taichi, who was too lazy to argue with the other party, chose to ignore it and discussed the subsequent route with the Picomons.

"Damn it! Yagami Taichi, you…"

"Senior Ishida, it seems that you guys have stopped talking just now. Don’t you agree, Takeshi, and Senior Kido?" Meimei smiled sweetly, which made a guy who wanted to get angry hit a soft nail.

""Ha~" Taichi suddenly smiled as he turned his back to Mimi.

This incident made Taichi confirm several things.

First, the power that allowed the children's Digimon to evolve really came from that mysterious device, but his own was a waste.

Secondly, the reason why Flamemon went crazy was because of that black gear, which should be the source of the sound everyone heard on the way here.

This gear was obviously man-made, and it also contained that kind of black, suspected virus data. In other words, on this island, there is a guy who is preparing to use the black gear to create chaos!

Finally, his previous estimate of Tachikawa Mimi was completely correct... She seemed to know how to ease the team atmosphere by nature.

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