The data of the black gear contained an extremely evil thought. As soon as Taichi came into contact with the data in the gear, he was almost eroded by the conscious darkness. Fortunately, he responded in time and barely used his special ability to combine and disassemble data to block and eliminate the data with evil consciousness, so there was no danger.

However, after that, Taichi was already dizzy and shaky.

Using the ability of data combination and disassembly would consume Taichi's energy. So far, he can only ensure that Agumon can evolve smoothly to Tyrannosaurus. If Taichi creates something out of thin air without any template prompts, the burden he has to bear will be even greater. In order to reduce consumption, he only created a transparent"data line" that can only be composed of data, rather than a line that can see the entity.

But even so, he was exploited by the dark data and almost fainted on the spot.

But then again, those dark data with consciousness are actually the reason why the originally normal Digimon went crazy.

By the way, Ogamon said before that he is a virus species?

So these evil data are really viruses, then what is it that can restrain viruses like Tyrannosaurus, anti-virus software?

Trojan virus, ordinary data, and anti-virus software... Taichi feels like he has found the restraint chain that he was concerned about before.

"This program... is incredible!" Guang Zilang typed on the computer intently, watching the lines of code constantly flashing on his screen, Taiyi admired from the bottom of his heart.

Even though Taiyi claimed to know a lot of things, he really didn't have the patience to sit down and learn computer programming.

It was a miracle that Guang Zilang didn't have myopia when he read so many books and was always in front of the computer.

""Hmm... hot! Koshiro, I feel so hot!" Just as Taichi and Kong were boredly waiting for Koshiro to decipher the program code, the Beetlemon beside him suddenly screamed.

""Beetlemon, what's wrong with you?" Kouzilang was startled by Beetlemon's shout and hurriedly tried to stop the program, but suddenly found that the code on the computer had undergone extremely strange changes. The program codes that were originally neatly arranged on the computer suddenly began to freely combine as if alive, and finally formed a dense patch of light spots on the screen!

There was a light spot in the center of the screen that remained motionless, while other light spots flew around the screen, and many light spots gathered into larger light clusters, flashing in different corners.

The entire screen was now full of large and small light spots, dazzling.

"What is this?"The program inside the black gear was interpreted, and finally this strange pattern was interpreted, which made Guang Zilang quite confused.

"This is…" Taiyi pondered for a moment, then suddenly realized,"Could it be that this is the black gear distribution map of the File Island?"

""The distribution map of black gears?" Guang Zilang was stunned when he heard this,"Has this thing spread to all areas of the island?"

"Very likely!" Taiyi nodded solemnly,"Look, the smallest light spot in the center of the screen is where we are now. The other large light clusters may be numerous black gears, and the one with the largest number of them is not far from us."

Guang Zilang looked at the place where Taiyi pointed, and the largest and brightest light cluster on the screen was indeed not far away

"What is it?"At this time, Guang Zilang suddenly found that a smaller light ball suddenly appeared near the largest light ball, and then split into three different light spots, one large and two small, moving quickly in his direction!

"It's coming for us!" Taichi glared,"Akong, go get Meimei and the others to gather, we're going to run away!"

The small light spot should represent a single black gear, that is, it should correspond to a Digimon controlled by the black gear.

As for the slightly larger ball of light... Taichi just hoped it wasn't some powerful guy.

In short, there are at least three mature Digimon ready to surround the toy city! There are only four of them who can evolve to maturity now, but Taichi is exhausted from removing the virus data from the black gears, and may not be able to successfully combine the data needed for Agumon's evolution.

And Barumon just had a battle, and he ran off to play without recovering his strength, so it is estimated that it will hardly become a combat force.

The situation of Shichang Kumamon here is probably similar, and its combat effectiveness is just average. If a battle really happens here, it may even implicate it.

"Taiyi, we are back!"After a while, just as the light spot on Guangzilang's computer screen was getting closer and closer to Taiyi and others, Akong finally came back with Meimei.

""Where are the others?" Taichi asked anxiously.

If the group wanted to escape immediately, they could only rely on the mobility of Badoramon and Gulumon. As a result, Kong only brought back one Mimi?

"Because Wu was having fun, he walked a little further away from He. Zhu went back to call them and said he would come soon…" As Kong spoke, his voice became lower and lower, and he obviously knew that this news would definitely make Taichi angry.

"Taiyi..." Guang Zilang called out nervously, the light spot on the computer was getting closer and closer to them!

"Akong, let Biyomon evolve first! If the situation changes, take Meimei and Koshiro and leave immediately!"

"Taiyi, what about you?"Akong was surprised when he heard this.

"There are three of us still staying in the city, I can't leave. Please, Akong, now only you can lead everyone to evacuate safely!" Taiyi said solemnly,"We can't all be trapped here, as long as we can escape, there must be hope!"

"This... I know! Biyomon, please!"

Although it has only evolved once, after Taichi's guidance, Akong also knows that the mysterious device in his hand is the key to the evolution of Digimon, so Biyomon can now skillfully evolve into Badoramon.

"Taichi, the enemy is here!"At this time, Agumon suddenly became extremely nervous.


Several houses around him collapsed, and several shadows appeared in the smoke.

"Akong, take everyone away immediately! Agumon, prepare to attack…"

"Taiyi, wait for us!"

"Brother Taiyi, my brother and I are back!"

""Gurumon, take Asuke and Gomamon and leave immediately. Don't come here! Sora, leave now. Don't pay attention to the situation here!"

Taichi was speechless now. If the Ishida brothers had come earlier or later, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

As a result, they had to rush back at this critical moment.

""Damn it! Yagami Taichi, are you planning to leave me, Takeru, and Asuke behind and run away?" There was anger in Asaku's voice. Sensing his emotions, Gururumon suddenly accelerated and flew close to Badoramon, not only interfering with the giant bird's takeoff route, but also leaving Asuke far behind.

""Hehe~" Taichi shook his head helplessly, thinking that this teammate was really awesome.

How should he explain to him that the best option for his team now is to escape separately?

Besides, wasn't it you who took the initiative to abandon Kidosuke?

In Taichi's imagination, Badoramon took the three children away in the air, while Gulumon took the three children by land. In this way, the six people would definitely be able to escape.

And once there is no worry, Taichi and Agumon can use the urban terrain of the toy city and the intricate underground drainage system to play hide-and-seek with the other party.

As long as he can survive the initial pursuit, Taichi can even use the help of Kumamon, who has also recovered his energy, to kill these invaders one by one in the street fighting. And because they are going separately, the enemy may also divide their forces, and Taichi will face less pressure at that time!

But now it seems that this plan is stillborn.

Next, the team can only passively deal with the opponent's siege in the case of serious lack of combat power...

It must be said that the two brothers came back at the right time.

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