"Haha, see! The File Island has been completely covered by my black gears, followed by the server continent opposite, and the entire world! None of you can stop me!!"Devilmon clenched his claws, and the black gears that were buried in the entire File Island in advance began to rotate at the same time. The powerful dark force instantly tore the entire island apart!

In the face of Devilmon's powerful dark power, the small group encountered the biggest crisis since landing on the island. The seven children and their Digimon were thrown without any resistance to the wreckage of the island that had been divided into various fragments of different sizes, and panicked screams suddenly rang in the air.

""Devilmon, what do you mean by this?" Gururumon asked harshly, his ferocious and frantic expression gradually turned into a cold one, and his eyes turned from blood red to clear again. How could he look like he was going crazy and violent after being infected by the power of darkness?

"I naturally have my own plans..." Devilmon said indifferently,"Gurumon, I brought you to this island not to cause trouble for me."

"It asked you to bring me to this island, but it didn't ask me to let you take Patamon's power without doing anything!

" Gulumon's voice was full of warning,"Devilmon, I advise you to quickly complete the task it assigned to you and run away with your tail between your legs.

Don't think of any other ideas.

If you dare to stay here, you'd better pray that you can really kill Patamon, and then immediately go to the Joker King to claim the credit.


I guarantee that you will die an ugly death!


"Gulumon, you really don't care about our old friendship... and decide to be hostile to me for its plan?" Devimon's tone seemed a little lonely, and he couldn't believe that Gulumon in front of him would choose to stand against him.

"Huh, a demon is talking to me about old times?" Gurulumon shook his head in disdain,"Devilmon, it seems you've been too comfortable in the Nightmare Legion. Well, that's all I have to say, you can do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Gurulumon no longer paid attention to Devilmon behind him, but suddenly spread out his four legs and ran wildly, chasing after the sea where Ah He fell.

"Damn it... Damn it!! If you need a stronger fighting force, you can just follow my plan. Why are you stopping me? Why are you ignoring my existence! Gururumon... Well, I didn't expect that you would abandon me too! You want to continue protecting Patamon, right? Then let's see who can find it first!" Devimon flew away from the top of the mountain angrily and found Ogremon and Leomon who had accidentally fallen halfway up the mountain.

Ogremon was already on the verge of death due to the previous blow and the impact of the fall, while Leomon was only slightly injured thanks to the physical fitness improved by the black gear.

"Leomon, go find me the youngest child! After killing him, bring me his body and the Digimon! The sooner the better!!"Devilmon waved his hand violently, and a dense mass of black gears rushed into Leomon's body, transforming the already burly Leomon into an even more menacing one!

"Kill... the youngest child!" The black giant lion roared, leaped down from the mountainside, and rushed towards the direction where Gao Shiwu fell.

"As for you..." Devilmon glanced at Ogamon, who was breathing in more than out, and seemed to have made a decision.

"Devilmon...you?" Ogamon suddenly felt something was wrong and reluctantly reached for the bone stick beside him, but Devilmon suddenly grabbed his neck with his death claws!

With a little force, Ogamon was decomposed into several black gears by Devilmon, and then was mercilessly sucked into his body.

"You can become my strength first!"


"Tsk, this guy actually has this skill... Demons and the like, really can't be underestimated."Flying in the sky at an unknown height, Taichi barely hugged the degenerated Agumon beside him, thinking about how to survive the fall from a high altitude.

He just took the time to check on the children's situation. Although he was worried, he couldn't rescue them now.

The Digimon of Sora, Koshiro and Takeru can all fly. Although they are now controlled and thrown out, they should be able to regain control of their bodies after leaving the range of Devimon's dark power. They are the safest in the small group.

Taichi's only worry may be that Patamon will fail at the critical moment and fail to hold Takeru with all his strength, but now he can only leave it to fate.

As for Asuke and Sea Lionmon, as long as they are not so unlucky to fall on the wreckage of the island, there will basically be no big problem if they just fall into the sea. The key is Mimi and Ishida Yamato.

The place where the former fell is not far from Taichi, there is probably a forest there. If Barumon uses the poison vines well, it should be guaranteed. Its and Meimei's safety... In short, Taichi now just hopes that she can be safe. As for

Ishida Yamato, it was because Gulumon resisted the dark power of Devimon for a while, so he was not blown away immediately. It is unknown whether it can pick him up immediately after Ishida Yamato fell into the sea.

He fell in the ice and snow area of the island. If he stays in the sea for a long time, he will probably be in trouble.

But then again, the most dangerous thing now is himself.

Below Taichi is a huge factory with chimneys everywhere and a road surface made of steel and concrete... If he falls down, even if Agumon evolves into Tyrannosaurus again, the best result is probably half-crippled.

And even if he survives by chance, he may have to face the"extremely vicious" Andromon in the mouth of Beetlemon.

It is obviously the character of the final boss, but in the end, he did not fight with real swords and guns, but used such a dirty trick. Taichi said that the style of this Devimon is really problematic.

""Agumon, do you see that chimney over there?" Taichi said seriously when we were about to fall,"After you evolve, immediately find a way to hold onto that chimney and try to slow down our fall, understand? It might hurt a little, but you'll have to bear with it."

"Don't worry, Taichi!" Agumon nodded firmly,"We will be fine!"

"Okay... now! Data capture, Agumon... what?"


When the pair were about to fall near the chimney of the factory and Taichi was about to let Agumon evolve, he suddenly felt as if he had fallen on something soft and elastic. It was as if there was an extremely elastic trampoline under him, which relied on the incomparable tension to perfectly absorb the impact of Taichi's fall. In the astonished eyes of Agumon, who was slightly behind, Taichi was bounced into the air again!

"Taichi, this feeling is so weird!"

Agumon and Taichi had the same experience. They were like two dolls thrown on top of a trampoline. They could only bounce up and down in the air passively until the force of falling was completely removed... Taichi felt like he was going to vomit, and Agumon was already dizzy.

"Phew, it finally stopped."

""Taiyi, I can't do it anymore. Ugh..."

In the end, the man and the beast were lying in the empty air like a transparent glass ceiling.

Taiyi looked carefully and found that what caught him and Agumon was a hemispherical light shield. It was like an inverted bowl, completely covering the entire factory.

"Is this... a protective magnetic field composed of data? No wonder Beetlemon said Andromon couldn't get out, it turned out to be sealed in the factory."Taichi suddenly realized what was going on when he saw the scene below him.

No matter who set up this protective magnetic field, Taichi and Agumon were finally saved thanks to it.


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