"The protective magnetic field actually collapsed at this time, really...

But thanks to you, Tyrannosaurus~" After landing safely, Taichi hurriedly thanked the big guy beside him.

The protective magnetic field suddenly collapsed, causing the man and the beast to continue falling.

Fortunately, Taichi captured the data in time and let Agumon evolve into Tyrannosaurus.

After the other party landed steadily, he immediately caught himself steadily, avoiding close contact between his face and the ground.

"Hehe~" Tyrannosaurus smiled innocently, then asked with some confusion,"But Taichi, why did that strange thing of ours suddenly disappear?"

"The protective magnetic field here should be the security system that Beetlemon mentioned before. Maybe it just happened to fail for some reason. Anyway, we were lucky to be caught before it failed."Taiyi thought for a while and said,"Since we are here, let's explore this factory. But there may be danger later, you should keep your Tyrannosaurus and be careful.~"

"Know���, Taiyi!"

The pair began to carefully explore the factory that the Beetlemon said was"full of dangers", but Taiyi didn't see a single person along the way.

As the exploration deepened, Taiyi discovered that there was really something wrong with this factory, and many places were weird.

For example, the automatic production line of this factory is actually very advanced, and it can fully automatically assemble from small parts to the final production line to make finished products, without any manpower. But after that, the machine will suddenly enter the disassembly mode, disassemble the original parts again, and return everything to the starting point.

"Is the production system constrained?"Taiyi could see the data, so he knew that this was not a simple process of combining products and then splitting them.

After each component was assembled, the data on this strange-looking"product" would become more active, but when the data became fully active, it would enter the splitting program to re-decompose the data. The production control system here should have set up an endless loop, and the data was always flowing, without increasing or decreasing, and in the end no finished products were produced.

As for the power room that supplies energy to the entire factory, Taiyi also discovered something.

It was a large motor driven by a huge battery. The factory's series of operations were all achieved through power transmission through the gears on the motor. As for the specific source of energy, it was written on the inner wall of this power room that looked like a battery, which was actually a densely packed computer program.

After seeing these tadpole-like headache-inducing words, Taiyi began to miss Guangzilang.

If he were here, he would definitely be able to analyze this thing thoroughly, but Taiyi was confused.

But the only thing Taiyi could be sure of was that the program here should be similar to the program Guangzilang obtained when he analyzed the black gear before, both of which were programs that could replenish energy.

"Taiyi, I find that if I stay here, I seem to have endless energy!" Tyrannosaurus said suddenly in surprise

""Shh~" Taichi suddenly made a gesture for silence,"Listen carefully, there seems to be footsteps coming from nearby since a while ago.""

Crack! Crack! Crack!

That was the sound of metal rubbing against each other, coming from far away and making Taichi and Tyrannosaurus hold their breath.

There were no living creatures in the place where they had passed before, and now the owner of the footsteps could only be one...


Taichi and Tyrannosaurus carefully hid inside the huge battery, watching nervously through the crack in the door as a nearly fully armed robot walked past them.

Its arms drooped, its body leaned forward slightly, and it walked unsteadily... just like a zombie.

Its right leg, which was not covered with iron sheets, occasionally flashed an arc like a short circuit, as if there was something wrong.

"Let's go, be careful not to make any noise."After Andromon turned around the corridor not far away, Taichi took Tyrannosaurus out of the battery and began to move carefully in the opposite direction.

Tyrannosaurus had told Taichi before that Andromon was a perfect form, and it was absolutely different from the fake perfect forms like Kumamon... This guy's fighting power was strong enough to sink the entire File Island!

Even Devimon, without using dirty tricks, would never be able to defeat Andromon!

"Intruder locked... Rotating Energy Sword!"

However, Taiyi's idea of leaving here secretly is good, but it depends on whether the other party agrees.

Hearing the synthesized electronic sound coming from behind, Taiyi glanced back and found that a blue energy sword was spinning and hitting him!

"Super Flame!" Seeing this, Tyrannosaurus quickly spit out a fireball in an attempt to block the blade energy, but the blade energy destroyed the fireball with ease, and then continued to bombard Tyrannosaurus's arms for protection.

"No! Leave immediately, and don't fight to the end!"

With just this one move, Taichi knew that Tyrannosaurus was definitely no match for Andromon... Because of the attack of the rotating energy sword, its arms could hardly be lifted!

The pursuit in the intricate terrain of the factory began. As Beetlemon said, Andromon did, after locking onto the two"enemies" Taichi and Tyrannosaurus, and changed its previous slow"strolling" mode, it pursued Taichi and Tyrannosaurus fiercely.

While chasing, Andromon also frantically attacked Taichi and Tyrannosaurus with his special move, the rotating energy sword and super missiles, making the two of them miserable.

The explosion rumbled and almost spread throughout the factory.

Finally, after Taichi and Tyrannosaurus fled to a room similar to the main control room, they found that they had no way out.

""Super Flame!"

A fireball that had no effect, Andromon just casually kicked Tyrannosaurus and completely dispersed the flames. When Tyrannosaurus used its sharp horns to stab forward, Andromon caught it with both hands and threw it back to Taichi.

"Taichi, I'm sorry... It's too strong, I can't beat it..." Tyrannosaurus lied on the ground, with pain and frustration in his voice.

"It shouldn't be like this..." Taichi stared at Andromon nervously. He always felt that things shouldn't develop like this.

From the moment he first heard the name Andromon, Taichi found it difficult to feel hostility towards it. However, both Beetlemon and Tyrannosaurus said that Andromon was a very evil Digimon. This was really strange!

"Hmm... what is that?"After careful observation, Taichi thought he might have found the reason why Andromon attacked him and Greymon.

On Andromon's right foot that was not covered with metal, the short-circuit spark was caused by a black gear!

So, let's take a gamble!

"Tyrannosaurus, aim for the ceiling!"When Andromon pressed to a certain point in front of Taichi, he suddenly gave an order to Tyrannosaurus behind him.

""Super flame!"


The fiercely burning fireball accurately burned the steel wire rope hanging from the ceiling, and the steel bars hanging under the rope suddenly fell down in a mess, just knocking Andromon to the ground!

""Well done!" Taichi praised Tyrannosaurus, then quickly ran towards Andromon and raised his hand to grab the opponent's right leg!

He wanted to use his ability to split virus data to solve the impact of the black gear on Andromon.

As for Andromon, if it is really an evil Digimon as Beetlemon said... Taichi can't care so much anymore!


Andromon's strength is very strong. Even if more than a dozen steel bars are pressed on it, it will return to normal in just a moment. It violently shook off the weight on its body, stood up, and waved its sharp fingers directly at Taichi!

""Caught up!" However, when Andromon's hand just touched Taichi's goggles and poked a crack, Taichi also pressed Andromon's leg tightly with his hand.

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