Time passed quickly. Even if Taiyi and the others hurried, by the time they arrived at the other two islands where the sacred plans were located, the sun had already set.

"Senior Taiyi, this place looks so gloomy~" After landing, Meimei couldn't help hugging her arms and subconsciously hid behind Taiyi.

The surrounding area was a barren mountain with strange dead trees growing everywhere, and there were tombstones buried on the hillside in the distance. It didn't look like a good place at all.

"Taichi, the other two signals should be inside the church, but the computer is no longer usable, probably due to the influence of the dark forces."Konjiro determined the coordinates of his two companions at the last moment before the computer screen went black, and then he could not turn it on again for the time being.

"Go check it out!"


Just as the three of them were walking along the mountain road towards the dilapidated church on the top of the mountain, a shrill cry suddenly came from the church!

"It's Badoramon's voice.…"

"Agumon, let's go!!"

Meimei just recognized that the voice belonged to Kong's partner, and Taichi beside him had already rushed out with Agumon!

"Let's catch up quickly!" Seeing this, Guang Zilang hurried to catch up. Although the computer geek's motor nerves were not very good, he was very good at running, so he was not far behind Taiyi.

"Senior Taichi…" Meimei sighed slightly, shrugged helplessly, and forced a smile,"It looks like it should be Akong and Barumon, let’s go there too."

Inside the church at this time, Badoramon and Sea Lionmon were in a very dangerous situation.

Akong had crashed on the edge of the island earlier. With Badoramon's advantage of being able to fly, she was basically safe.

However, after that, Biyomon could not evolve again due to lack of food. Akong searched the island for a long time but could not find any food to fill her stomach. In the end, she could only make a fishing rod by herself to see if there were any dumber fish in the sea that would take the bait... and there really were some.

Akong caught a Gomamon and an Asuke.

At first, Asuke's group, which Taichi thought would be safe as long as they didn't crash on the island, was in a very bad situation. Taichi considered various situations, but ignored the fact that Asuke couldn't swim...

Fortunately, Akong was able to catch him.

They didn't find anything to eat until the evening, and after some exploration, Akong and Asuke found... humans on the island.

This is basically impossible, but Asuke believed it. Then Because Gomamon suggested that Asuke should be the captain so that he could be more confident, Sora had no choice but to go along and deal with this group of extremely abnormal humans.

Then... they became like this.

It turns out that there is no human here at all, only a large group of Ghostmon living in the cemetery.

The two were captured by this group of ghosts covered in white sheets and used as sacrifices. After being sprinkled with various salt and pepper, the Ghostmon King, which was formed by countless Ghostmon, made a brilliant appearance.

This Ghostmon polymer with strength between mature and perfect is quite powerful. Although Gomamon and Bikyumon used their intelligence to fool a stupid Ghostmon to eat their fill and successfully evolved into Seamon and Badoramon, the two of them were still beaten by the Ghostmon King when they faced him together.


There was a violent vibration in the small church. The Ghostmon King used its retractable claws to knock Seamon and Badoramon to the ground at the same time, and then floated towards Sora and Asuke with a grin.

"Now...it's time to enjoy the offering!"

"Oh no~" Akong showed an extremely frantic expression. He never thought that he would be eaten by a"ghost" here.

"Please, don't eat me!@#¥%…"Asuke panicked and spoke a lot of words that Kong couldn't understand at all.

"Uh…" Hearing Asuke’s mumbling, the Demonic Beast King seemed to hesitate for a moment, and the sharp claws that were grabbing the two of them suddenly stopped for some reason.

"You dare to eat them, you have good teeth, right?"A cold voice came from behind, and the action of the Fierce Ghost Beast King was interrupted again.

"Another sacrifice?"It turned around and saw that it was Taiyi who had broken through the door with Tyrannosaurus.

At this moment, Taiyi was flashing with an extremely dangerous aura.

"A sacrifice? I'm afraid you won't have the chance to enjoy it. Tyrannosaurus, do it!" Taichi said grimly,"Use all your strength."

"Got it!"Feeling Taichi's anger, Tyrannosaurus also felt the fire burning in its body. It lowered its head, showing its sharp horns, and charged straight at the King of the Ghostmon!

"Taiyi, this guy is hard to deal with!"

"We are here to help!"

"No need..." Taichi waved his hand to reject SeaLionmon and Badoramon's intention to help fight,"I can handle it myself!"

""Taiyi-senpai..." At this time, Meimei and Koshiro had also rushed to the door. Seeing Taiyi so angry, Meimei was stunned.

This is another different expression. This look of being angry to the point of wanting to kill someone has never appeared on Taiyi's face even when Taiyi and Ah He had the most intense conflict.

So, this is also one of the exclusive emotions for Ah Kong.

"Tyrannosaurus, take care of it!"At this time, Tyrannosaurus fully demonstrated its combat power that crushed the mature stage. After several rounds of probing, it suddenly used its claws to greet the Hell Hand of King Devilmon without any care. After exerting force suddenly, it actually dragged King Devilmon directly in front of itself!

""Super flame!" The huge fireball hit the Ghostmon King mercilessly, smashing its body into pieces. The cloth strips flying in the sky were ignited by the flames and turned into dust around Tyrannosaurus.

Tyrannosaurus cleanly solved the Ghostmon King, which was formed by a large group of Ghostmon, and also seized all their data.

"Roar!" After that, Tyrannosaurus roared to the sky.

"Tyrannosaurus, calm down, compress your power back into your Digicore, and then degenerate."

""Okay... Taichi!" Tyrannosaurus also knew that he had absorbed too much data this time. He had not suppressed it just now, and he had evolved from Agumon to Tyrannosaurus on his own. He hurriedly and carefully began to compress the data so that he could degenerate again.

If he continued to stay in the form of Tyrannosaurus, it would be inconvenient to travel with Taichi, so it was better to degenerate.

After a while, a ray of orange light came out of Tyrannosaurus' body, and he degenerated into Agumon again.

However, Taichi knew that this was just an appearance. Agumon was now fully mature.

Its digital core had been modified, and it could pack and compress data to the maximum extent like decompression software, and then instantly decompress it when needed for evolution and combat.

In other words, Taichi no longer needed to consume his own mental strength and physical strength to let Agumon evolve again.

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