"Taiyi, you should know my decision."Since Taiyi asked, Akong would definitely be the first to speak at this time,"No matter what your decision is, I will be the first to support you."

"I am the same, I trust Taichi's judgment!" Guang Zilang said second.

"Although Devimon is very scary, it seems that it is not okay not to fight, right?" Meimei was helpless for a moment and put her hands behind her head, pretending to be lazy and said,"Anyway, if Taichi-senpai thinks it's okay, then we can go together."

"I... Taiyi, I'll listen to you." After thinking for a while, Asuke said,"You know, I have never had my own opinion."

"Ah Wu, what do you think?" Seeing that the four of them agreed to make the decision by themselves, Taiyi finally looked at the youngest one, Gao Shiwu.

"Ah Wu, be obedient and don't go!" Ah He urged his brother not to take the risk.

"Taichi-san, I also hope that Takeru and Patamon won't participate in this battle."Unexpectedly, this time, Mysticmon rejected Taichi's proposal.

"Oh, even if we are fighting, and Devimon who is unwilling to fight comes alone to deal with Takeru and Patamon, is it okay?"

"You..." Mysticmon's face froze, Taichi had caught its weakness again!

It was like this every time, even though it could fool its nominal partner Ishida Yamato, it would be defeated every time it met Taichi.

Yagami Taichi once again saw through the person he really wanted to protect, and he also saw through Devimon's plan to target Takeru and Patamon through Leomon's behavior, and once again took the initiative.

To be honest, Mysticmon is different from Takeru, it is not the type to dote on Patamon in order to ensure his safety. If it was any other enemy other than Devimon today, Mysticmon would agree to take Patamon out for exercise... but not Devimon! However

, Taichi saw through this consideration.

"So, I'll give you one more chance... Psychedelic Beast, tell me your decision!" Taiyi looked at Psychedelic Beast leisurely, and the look in his eyes let Psychedelic Beast know that he was sure to win!

"Ah He, don't worry... I will protect Takeru and Patamon in the battle against Devimon."Phantommon finally made this promise

"Very good, now all the interference has been eliminated. Takeru, do you want to go with us to fight Devimon?" Taichi squatted in front of Takeru and asked with a smile,"I just want to tell you that if you decide to act with the team, we will protect you when you are in danger... and we can also take care of your brother. So you don't have to worry about whether Patamon can help or not, just tell me whether to go or not."

"I want to go with everyone!" Wu shouted firmly,"Brother Taichi, I am also a member of this team. If everyone doesn't mind me being a drag and doesn't think that my strength is weak, of course I will follow you to fight against Devimon!"

"Got it." Taiyi nodded with satisfaction,"Then, let's wait for this island to drift back to Infinite Mountain."

"Drifting back... Is the speed of this island returning faster? This is..."


The sudden vibration scared Guang Zilang so much that he almost couldn't hold the computer. He was shocked to find that the land around the founding village suddenly opened up several cracks, and countless black gears rotated and flew into the sky, and then flew towards the dark mountaintop of Infinite Mountain.

"Devimon has also begun to recall all the black gears on the island, ready to go all out."So, we can just conserve our energy and wait for the founding village to drift back. And this can also delay the decisive battle until daytime... I don't want to have to fight a powerful demon that appears out of nowhere in the middle of the night after running around all day."

Taichi's words were completely impeccable, so the children, who had survived on this file island for a few days and whose hearts were already extremely strong, immediately made preparations for rest and quickly fell asleep.

This kind of uniform action by everyone except Ishida Yamato stunned Leomon, and it also strengthened their confidence that they would be able to defeat Devimon.


Leomon looked at Taichi, who was breathing evenly and quickly, and felt more and more that this eleven-year-old boy was really incredible.


The next morning, the children were awakened by a burst of shrill laughter.

"Heh, you disturbed my sleep, has it already absorbed all the power?" Carefully pulling his arm back from the neck of Kong, who was frowning and preparing to wake up, Taiyi rubbed his face to wake himself up a little, and raised his eyes to see Leomon, who had dark circles under his eyes because he was on guard... and the huge demon who was laughing wildly on the mountaintop not far away

"The power of Demon Beast has become even stronger…"

"I remember saying yesterday that we should rest and have a good sleep. Taichi sighed,"Leomon, you didn't sleep all night, did you? Staying up late before a war is not a good habit."

""Yes..." Leomon's mouth twitched slightly, and he had no idea how to continue.

During the time when he drifted back to File Island from the Founding Village last night, all kinds of ghosts and wolves howled one after another. He really wanted to know, how did these children fall asleep?

They are too careless, right?

Please, he is the fearless hero Leomon, but when he really faced Devilmon, he found that he was not as calm as some of the children.

"Are you clear about the tasks just assigned to you?" Taiyi washed and ate slowly, and also sorted out his clothes.���Putting on the goggles on his head, he pointed at the huge demon not far away and said,"If everything is fine, let's go up the mountain!"

"Good!" *13

Seven people and eight beasts, after removing Taiyi, there should be 14 responses, but someone's response was actively filtered by Taiyi

""Let me repeat our purpose," Taichi took the first step towards the battlefield,"We are not going up the mountain to fight the darkness! We will survive and defeat Devimon!"

It is definitely, not must... At this moment, even the awkward Ah He and the outsider Leomon can feel Taichi's determination.

Defeating the darkness is important, but more importantly... as many people go, as many people will come back together!

"You are here, you are finally here! Chosen children, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"Just after reaching the top of the mountain, the children heard Devilmon's thunderous laughter.

Huge... This was everyone's first reaction.

At this time, Devilmon's body size had increased by dozens of times, and a pair of bat wings covered the sky, almost covering the entire sky at the top of the Infinite Mountain by itself!

In the eyes of the children, it was simply another Infinite Mountain.

"I scattered them all over the island, yet they managed to survive and reunite. I admit that I underestimated you before...especially you, Yagami Taichi!"Devilmon pointed his huge finger in the direction of Taichi,"I never thought that you would come up with a plan like this.���variables!"

"So, I should thank you for your compliment, right?" Taiyi raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"Seeing that I have completely absorbed the power of darkness into my body, but I can still remain calm, I have to admire your courage and calmness. But... do you really think that with just these few Digimon and a Leomon, you can match the power of darkness!"Devilmon roared, and the power in his body was surging wildly, obviously ready to take action

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