Time flies. It has been four years since the last Hikarigaoka explosion... Well, actually it should be three years for Taichi.

Taichi spent the year after the incident lying down. The Yagami family explained that he was hit on the head by a stone and fell into a deep coma, and could only be dizzy like a vegetable.

However, the real reason may not be known by anyone... After all, there is no such thing as Taichi's head being hit, which is really hard to explain.

The attending physician conducted many examinations on Taichi, but in the end he was at a loss for what to do.

There was nothing abnormal about Taichi's pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, and even brain waves. He was completely a healthy 7-year-old boy... No, he was even healthier than an ordinary 7-year-old child.

His attending physician once thought of treating Taichi as a special case and opening his skull for research. However, this idea was ultimately just an idea due to the quarrels between Yagami Yuko, who was eager to protect her son and brother, and Yagami Hikari, mother and daughter, who were eager to protect their son and brother.

After that, because of the unpleasantness with the hospital, the Yagami family of three and a cat unanimously decided to take Taichi home to recuperate.

Facts have proved that there is no difference at all. Except that Taichi cannot regain consciousness and move independently, everything else is the same as ordinary people.

He is not even like other vegetative patients who can only supplement nutrition with liquid food. His throat still retains a considerable degree of autonomous swallowing ability.

In a way, this is also a miracle.

It is naturally a good thing to be able to go home to recuperate, at least it can save a lot of hospitalization fees for the Yagami family.

However, the problem that follows is also very realistic, that is, how to take care of Taichi.

Because of his special situation, his mother Yagami Yuko has to keep an eye on his condition almost 24 hours a day, turning him over, scrubbing, assisting in eating and other matters, and even putting him in a wheelchair and pushing him out to bask in the sun...

However, as a mother, she can't put all her energy on Taichi.

No housework, no husband, no daughter?

So, when the mother couldn't take care of both, Xiaoguang became the second main force to take care of her brother.

Young Hikaru always felt guilty about Taichi. She often thought that if she hadn't gone out with Agumon that day, her brother might not have ended up like this.

He might be on the school football field now, bypassing several defensive players and shooting into the net, then turning back to show a handsome"Yeah" to herself and her parents...

Whenever she thought of this, Hikaru wanted to do more for Taichi so that she could take better care of him.

Taichi's father, Yagami Shin, naturally continued to bear the burden of making money to support the family... He quit smoking and drinking just to buy more nutritional supplements for Taichi.

This year, the Yagami family worked together with a very clear division of labor, all for Taichi to wake up.

They believed that Taichi's performance was better than any vegetative patient, and he would definitely wake up!

Then, a miracle really happened.

One day after being in a coma for a year, when Taichi's childhood sweetheart who had moved to Odaiba came back to visit, he miraculously opened his eyes!

However, after the family of three and the guests celebrated excitedly, they found that something seemed to be wrong with Taichi.

Taichi lost his memory... Well, it can't be said that he lost his memory, he just almost forgot his previous interpersonal relationships.

After waking up, Taichi blurted out the names of Xiaoguang and his childhood sweetheart, then thought for a while and reported his parents and his own name.

Then... the only cat whose name he still remembered was Miko.

It was just a name, and he didn't remember anything about what these names represented.

His former classmates, teachers, and even relatives and friends other than his parents were all forgotten.

At this time, the Yagami family didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

But for the revived Taichi, there was nothing wrong with forgetting those relationships.

This world was unfamiliar to him. The only things he remembered were his own name and the names of these four people, so... they were the most important people in his life!

Especially when he knew what Hikari had done for him during his coma, he immediately decided that in this life, the next life, and even the next life, as long as he was still with Hikari as a brother, he would do his best to spoil her!

After Taichi woke up, the Yagami family immediately moved to Odaiba... In fact, if it weren't for Taichi, they would have moved away from the accident site a year ago.

Most of the residents around the explosion site moved away, including Taichi's childhood sweetheart, so the house in Hikarigaoka was much emptier.

After that, he naturally transferred to the third grade of Odaiba Elementary School... Yes, the third grade. After just one spring break, Taichi easily taught himself all the courses of the first and second grades of elementary school in just two weeks of cramming, and successfully shocked the admissions director of Odaiba Elementary School.

Then, he became a celebrity for three years with the dual personality of the absolute core of the football team and a super genius.

In 1999, on the day of the summer camp during the summer vacation of the fifth grade, Taichi was struggling with whether he should go.

His parents went to visit his grandparents. If Taichi wanted to go to the summer camp, it meant that he would have to leave Xiaoguang at home.

Xiaoguang was having a high fever at the moment, which was why Taichi was conflicted.

He was conflicted because he was worried about Xiaoguang, but he had to go to the summer camp this time. In the three years since he woke up, Taichi often had such flashes of inspiration. For example, he suddenly thought of something that would happen, or found that he was quite proficient in something he had never done before... Taichi even vowed to predict a financial crisis in the first year after moving to Odaiba!

He strongly asked Yagami Susumu to sell all the stocks in the family, and use the income and all the family's current savings to buy hard currency. In other words, even he himself didn't know where he got the confidence to make trouble in front of his father.

As a result, Yagami Susumu, as the head of the family, really believed his son who had created a miracle, and did exactly what Taichi said.

As it turned out, Taichi's premonition was completely correct.

That year, the super-terrifying financial crisis almost swept the whole country. If the Yagami family continued to keep their money in the bank or the stock market, they would probably lose a lot.

But now, not only did they not lose money, but they even made money. The Yagami family, a small family, naturally could not make a fortune from the financial crisis, but it would be no problem to multiply the family assets several times after the crisis.

Since then, Taiyi has been very confident in his intuition... Really, his stuff is sometimes more accurate than a girl's sixth sense.

The same is true for this summer camp. His intuition tells him that he must go.

But Xiaoguang's sudden illness made him hesitate.

In the past three years, because of Taiyi's intentional compensation for Xiaoguang, he has taken care of his sister meticulously. He knows all the weather and temperature changes, such as sunny, rainy, snowy, etc., and will make a series of preparations in advance to prevent cold and heat. Xiaoguang has not had any serious illness in these three years!

Even if it was a cold, the fever would never be so high. At most, there would be two sneezes that would make Taiyi nervous.

But there had been a series of strange weather changes recently, and Taiyi had no way of predicting them in advance. Xiaoguang was finally infected.

Taiyi felt that it was a bit strange that he had such a high fever. After all, Xiaoguang's physical foundation had always been good, and there was really no reason for him to be so sick.

However, Taiyi could not find any other explanation except the weather.

""Brother, I've taken medicine, I'm fine on my own. Didn't brother say this summer camp is very important? Let's go as soon as possible. And Kou Shiro only agreed to participate at brother's invitation. If brother doesn't go, he'll be too pitiful." Seeing Taichi's hesitation, Kou Shiro, who knew what his brother was worried about, decisively brought out his trump card... Taichi's only new friend in the past three years.


This summer camp is a group activity for students of different grades...Koshiro, who is not good at socializing, only knows Taichi in the group.

"Besides, if my brother doesn't go, Sister Kong will be mad too." Xiaoguang continued to use his second trump card, and pointed to the large sports bag that had been prepared at the door. It was stuffed full, far more than enough for one person.

Ding Dong~

The doorbell rang at the right time.

"Look, they are here~" Xiao Guang, wrapped in the quilt, showed a sly smile, which in turn made Taiyi helpless.

"All right, I'll go. You need to stay home and take care of yourself, okay?"


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