Digital calendar year 38XXX, weather: escape from death.

The laboratory was destroyed because of the rampage of Tyrannosaurus and Yundimon, which happened a thousand years ago. But for me, the scene seems to have happened yesterday, and it is still vivid in my mind... Especially when I face this diary, the feeling is particularly obvious.

This is what I found in the ruins. Because I was sent on a business trip by the constancy, I was lucky enough to escape the disaster when I was supposed to be buried in the laboratory with everyone else.

After I found this diary, I decided to continue recording it.

Digital calendar year 38XXX, weather: great shame.

The dark forces have expanded greatly in the past thousand years, and our research can only be restarted because of Tyrannosaurus. It took me a lot of effort to restore the previous state... This made each of our agents hate that untameable guy.

Privately, we gave this guy who is different from ordinary Tyrannosaurus another name... the Fallen.

Isn't it fallen?

This guy is obviously a vaccine species, but he attacked us companions?

Before leaving, he said something like"Thank you for your disgusting research"、"We and Constancy must pay the price."

Is that right?

If Constancy hadn't sent Parrotmon to bring it back from the real world, who knows what kind of trouble it would have caused!

And... disgusting research?

Isn't our research aimed at fighting darkness?

The Iron Empire can carry out inhumane transformations on Digimon, and even tinkered with a terrifying guy like Infinite Dragonmon. We just want to study possible leap evolutions on it. Is there anything wrong with that?

As a member of the vaccine species that is born to be bright, shouldn't it take the initiative to cooperate with our research so that we can find a way to completely eliminate darkness as soon as possible?

Selfish... How selfish and cruel it is to do such a thing and say such words!

Even the formless Constancy was furious because of his words, and no longer tolerated this completely corrupted guy.

It issued a death order, giving up the arrest of the Corrupted and instead killing him on the spot!

So, we spent a lot of time searching and finally blocked the Corrupted in the vast wilderness of the server continent.

This There is a door that has existed since ancient times and can connect to the real world... Only then did we know what the fallen one was planning!

It actually wanted to break into the real world. Isn't this ambition too big? What surprised us even more was that it actually calculated that the Constancy would summon the first batch of chosen children at this time to fight against the growing power of the Four Dark Lords!

The way for the five children to cross into this world was to pass through this door.

This guy carefully waited for the five chosen children to leave the place, and then sneaked to the vicinity of the door that had not yet closed, ready to sneak into the real world.

Fortunately, we finally blocked it and did not let it realize its evil plan.

However, just when we were about to destroy it, an uninvited guest appeared.

The White Knight equipped with a sword and heavy artillery, the heavily armored noble holding a lance and a round shield, and the dragon warrior in golden armor...

The white knight just swept his sword casually, and all my comrades were killed. Only Parrotmon and I survived because we did not act rashly.

"Omegamon, Crimson Knightmon, Golden Armored Dragonmon…" Parrotmon suddenly murmured to himself and read out their names.

At that moment, I found that its eyes were blank, with only a pure light that was so bright that it hurt my eyes.

"Earth Greymon?"The white knight named Omegamon seemed to recognize the identity of the fallen...Earth Greymon, this is another name I have never heard of.

Crimson Knightmon said that they are the Royal Knights, the powerful Paladin Ultimate Digimon who are at the highest level of network security and manage the world for the World Tree Yggdrasil.

They came this time to convey the order of the god of the high-dimensional network world, Yggdrasil.

In the future, our world will have a terrifying crisis that is enough to threaten all the high-dimensional and low-dimensional network worlds. In view of this, the god of the high-dimensional network world decided to find and eliminate this crisis before things get completely out of control.

However, only the controller who truly masters the network key of this world has the ability to foresee and track crises, but there is no controller in our world at present. The network key here was originally controlled by the abandoned World Tree Extension of this world, but when the World Tree Extension was sealed and abandoned, the network key was thrown into the Fire Wall between this world and the outer darkness, and even the constancy could not touch it. The

World Tree of the high-dimensional network obviously has the ability to collect the network key again in the Fire Wall, but it does not seem to intend to send the World Tree Extension here. I don't want to restart, but want to choose between constancy and darkness to become the new controller.

The selection criteria are to see who can win the war between us and the dark side. Only then did I know that constancy is not the controller of this world.

I also know that the world we live in is just a low-level network world. Outside the world, there is a wider space and more powerful Digimon... such as the Royal Knights, their power is jaw-dropping! The

Royal Knights used a special method to attract the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness at the same time and suppressed them instantly.

Three pairs Four... However, only two of the Royal Knights actually took action.

Armordramon nonchalantly resisted the joint attack of the Four Heavenly Kings, and Omegamon and Crimson Knightmon only used a few moves each, and they almost killed Puppetmon and MetalSeadramon. After that, even the powerful Jokermon and Infinite Dragonmon did not dare to continue to act rashly, but readily agreed to the words of the Royal Knights.

Their wish was to rule the world, and now they have the opportunity to become the legitimate rulers, there is no reason for them to refuse.

But for us, this is a shame that cannot be compromised!

Are you kidding me, how can darkness be compared with light ?…

"There is no difference between light and darkness for us, and everything must be carried out according to the will of the World Tree."Omegamon said so.

After that, it waved its hand and a ball of light shot out, enveloping the fallen one.

"The agreement is about to be signed, so it is best to refrain from killing and let this Earth Greymon go for now..."

From what Omegamon said, he actually wanted to let this Fallen go?

How could he agree to this?!

"" Cry!" At that time, I heard the shrill cry of Parrotmon.

It turned into an exploding thunder, emitting a dazzling white light, and slammed into the light ball where the Fallen One was.

The light ball shook violently, and then disappeared. The Parrotmon, whose power was greatly damaged, also turned into the purest light and disappeared in front of me, leaving only a digital egg.

"You don't know what's good for you!" A trace of obvious anger flashed across Omegamon's face, and the muzzle of his right arm spurted out powerful energy, smashing the egg that Parrotmon had turned into nothingness.

My comrade-in-arms just disappeared in front of me, but I couldn't do anything...

A few days later, the gambling agreement with the dark side was finally signed.

This kind of shame is really more painful than death.

Digital calendar year 40XXX, weather: plain.

The weather has been like this recently, very plain, and my life has remained unchanged.

I won't continue to write my diary. This antique way of recording things is no longer popular, and my energy is getting worse and worse... That's right, after all, I'm already an old man.

Agents will die but will never grow old, and I am the only exception.

Oh, by the way, the fallen one is still alive.

Parrotmon sacrificed himself but failed to destroy it. What a tough guy... But now I don't have the energy to care about it.

The five children of the first generation failed to destroy the Four Dark Lords because of insufficient numbers. Fortunately, their Digimon evolved into the Four Holy Beasts, barely stabilizing the situation.

There is still a chance to turn the tables, as long as new forces join this War.

After a long period of settling, another batch of digital eggs prepared for the chosen children were cultivated.

Unfortunately, our plan was discovered by the Joker King.

All the agents died, except me...

The badge and evolution key were taken away, and a set of digital eggs and sacred plans were also lost. I also paid a painful price, but I survived the Joker King.

However, after hiding the digital eggs on the frozen border island and completing some other tasks ordered by Constancy, my strength was completely exhausted.

Before the new generation of children arrives, I can only live in seclusion at the bottom of the lake temporarily.

Children, Joker King, Constancy, and that Fallen...


What will happen to all this?

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